Bloody Mary_Lady Gaga_单曲在线试听_酷我音乐




Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

Lady Gaga

专辑: Born This Way (International Standard Version) 发行时间: 上传时间 2011-05-23

Bloody Mary (血腥玛丽) - Lady Gaga


Love is just a history that they may prove

And when you're gone' I'll tell them my religion's you

When punctures come to kill the king upon his throne

I am ready for their stones

I'll dance' dance' dance'

With my hands' hands' hands'

Above my head' head' head'

Like Jesus said

I'm gonna dance' dance' dance'

With my hands' hands' hands

Above my head' dance together'

Forgive him before he's dead Because'

I won't cry for you'

I won't crucify the things you do'

I won't cry for you See'

When you're gone' I'll still be Bloody Mary

We are not just art for Michelangelo to carve'

He can't rewrite the agro of my furried heart'

I'll wait on mountain tops in the Paris cold'

Je be veux mourire tout seule

I'll dance' dance' dance'

With my hands' hands' hands'

Above my head' head' head'

Like Jesus said'

I'm gonna dance' dance' dance'

With my hands' hands' hands'

Above my head' Dance together'

Forgive him before he's dead

Because I won't cry for you'

I won't crucify the things you do'

I won't cry for you see'

When you're gone' I'll still be Bloody Mary


Dengdeng dadada

I won't cry for you'

I won't crucify the things you do'

I won't cry for you See'

When you're gone' I'll still be Bloody Mary




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