University of Amsterdam
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  • EU citizens feel increasingly European

    ‘The euro and open borders have made the EU tangible.’
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  • Unique reconstructions: view the history of UvA buildings in 3D

    What did the building of the new University Library look like in the past when it was still a hospital? How did the Oudemanhuispoort come into existence?
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  • Protests at the UvA

    Current information on the protests at the UvA
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  • Fast radio bursts

    No one knows what causes them, but they may help us map the universe down to its furthest reaches.
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The UvA is one of Europe's foremost research universities. We do research that matters, connecting scientific research to societal challenges.
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About the UvA

The UvA belongs to Europe’s top universities. With over 40,000 students, 6,000 staff members and 3,000 PhDs we are a hub of academic research and education.