列印|班機取消或延誤?小心不要被坑了!這些班機延誤應得的賠償你一定要知道! (FLIGHT CANCELLED or DELAYED? Don’t get screwed! | Flight delay compensation rights you NEED to know) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語

班機取消或延誤?小心不要被坑了!這些班機延誤應得的賠償你一定要知道! (FLIGHT CANCELLED or DELAYED? Don’t get screwed! | Flight delay compensation rights you NEED to know)


Flights are getting canceled like crazy. It could happen to you, and if it does, it's super important to know how to handle it so you can get what you deserve. 航班取消的情況非常普遍。這種情況可能會發生在你身上,如果確實發生了,知道該如何處理是非常重要的,這樣你才能獲得應得的賠償。


Today, we're gonna cover what you're owed, how to get what you're owed, what to do when you're not owed anything, and what to do the second that you realize that your flight is delayed or canceled. 在今天的影片中,我將告訴你有哪些應得的賠償、如何獲得、當你無法得到任何賠償該怎麼做,以及當你發現你的航班延誤或取消時應該怎麼做。


Make sure to stick to the end because there are a lot of exceptions and loopholes that you need to know so that you don't get screwed. Let's go. 請務必看到影片最後,因為有很多你需要知道的例外和漏洞,這樣你才不會被航空公司給坑了。


Alight, step number one is to know what you're owed. 第一步是要知道你應該可以得到什麼賠償。


You have to know what you're eligible for so that you don't accidentally accept less. 你必須知道自己有資格獲得什麼,這樣才不會意外接受較少的賠償。


There's a ton of different factors here like your location, your destination, the distance of your flight, the length of your delay or how much in advance is canceled. 很多不同的因素會影響情況,例如你所在的地點、目的地、航班的距離、延誤的時間長短以及取消的時間提前多少,


And so you have to take all of these into account to understand what you're eligible for. 因此你必須考慮這些因素來了解你有資格獲得什麼樣的賠償。


For example, we'll start in the US, where you're really not protected as much as other places in the world. 例如,在美國,你受到保障的程度其實不如世界上其他地方那麼高。


Airlines usually aren't required to compensate you if your flight is canceled or delayed, but they are required to compensate you if you're bumped from an overbooked flight. 航空公司通常不需要對取消或延誤的航班進行賠償,但如果你被迫因超售的航班下機,航空公司就必須對你進行賠償。


If you are bumped, you're entitled to up to 200% to 400% of the cost of a one way ticket and that maxes out at $1350 for international flights. 如果你被迫下機,你有資格獲得單程機票費用的 200% 至 400% 的賠償,國際航班的賠償上限則是 1350 美元。


That said, even though you may not be protected for canceled and delayed flights in the US, you may be protected in other countries that you're traveling to. 儘管在美國,你可能沒有受到取消和延誤航班的保障,但你前往的其他國家可能會提供保障。


For example, if you're traveling to the EU, which we'll get to in a second. 例如歐盟國家,我們等等會談再到這點。


This lack of protection in the US is one reason why travel insurance is so important. 美國缺乏這種保障是旅遊保險非常重要的原因之一。


In addition to covering medical expenses for accidents and injuries you may have on the road, many also cover any extra expenses that you may have for flight delays or flight cancellations. 除了支付你在旅途中發生的意外和傷害的醫療費用外,許多旅遊保險還會支付你因航班延誤或取消而產生的任何額外費用。


That may include food, transportation, accommodation, any nonrefundable reservations that you made for your trip that you had to miss. 這包括飲食、交通、住宿、以及你因未能按計劃完成旅行而已經支付但無法退款的預訂費用。


It all depends on the exact policy that you buy. 這要取決於你購買的保險其具體的保單內容。


And I'm actually making a video comparing the top three insurances for travelers, depending on what type of travel you are and what type of trip you're taking, 我正在製作一支比較影片,關於旅客最常使用的三種旅遊保險,具體取決於旅行類型和旅行方式,


so make sure to subscribe if you're interested in that one. 如果有興趣的話記得訂閱我的頻道。


And if you're headed out now and don't have time to wait, I'll link to my favorite travel insurance in the description below. 如果你現在就要出發旅行,沒有時間等待,我會在下面的說明欄中放上我最喜歡的旅遊保險的連結。


It's also possible to protect yourself from some of these delays and cancellations if you purchase your flight with certain different credit cards, and I'll put a list of some of my favorite ones down below as well. 如果你使用某些特定的信用卡購買機票,也有可能保護自己免受某些延誤和取消的影響。我也會在下面列出一些我最喜歡的信用卡名單。


The cool thing about these is not only do they protect you from delays and cancellations, but if you do get delayed, some of these also include free lounge access. 這些信用卡的好處不僅在於能保護你免受延誤和取消的影響,如果你的航班確實延誤,有些信用卡還能讓你免費使用貴賓室。


So you have a comfortable place to stay while you're waiting. 在等待期間,你就有一個舒適的地方可以休息。


Alright, now back to those European Union regulations that may come in to save the day. 現在回到那些可能會拯救你的歐洲聯盟法。


The regulation in question here is called EU261 and it applies to all flights leaving the European Union and all flights arriving to the European Union on an EU airline. 這裡要提到的法規叫做 EU261 條款,適用於所有離開歐盟的航班和所有乘坐歐盟航空公司到達歐盟的航班。


There are a bunch of different compensation rules based on your unique circumstances and these can get kind of confusing to remember, 根據不同的情況,有許多不同的補償規則,這些規則可能會讓你感到混亂,很難記住,


so if your flight is covered under EU261 and you get bumped or delayed or canceled or any other sort of timing issue happens, just pop online real quick and search to see what you're eligible for. 如果你的航班受到 EU261 條款的保障,且你遇到被拒絕登機、延誤、取消或其他時程問題,就可以快速上網查詢你有哪些資格獲得補償。


Two sites with a bunch of good information on these topics are AirHelp and ClaimCompass. More on those later. 有兩個提供許多與這類問題相關且有用資訊的網站是 AirHelp 和 ClaimCompass。稍後會再提到更多相關內容。


Note that in most of these circumstances, if it's not the airline's fault for a bad thing happening, you're probably not eligible for compensation by them. 需要注意的是,在大多數情況下,如果不是航空公司造成的問題,你可能無法從他們那裡獲得補償。


So now that we know what we're owed, the next step is knowing how to actually get what we're owed. 既然我們已經知道自己有哪些權益,下一步就是知道如何實際獲得應得的補償。


But before we get into that, make sure to tap that like button if you're finding this video helpful. 在進入下一個主題前,如果你覺得這個影片很有幫助,請務必按個讚!


Ok, so before worrying about getting what you're owed, your first priority should be figuring out how to get to your destination as fast as possible. 在擔心如何獲得應得的補償前,你首先應該考慮如何盡快到達目的地。


The first thing you want to do is to get in touch with customer service ASAP. 你要做的第一件事是盡快聯繫客服。


Don't just wait in line like everyone else. While you're waiting in line, call up the customer service number. If there's a long wait time, try calling their international customer service number. 不要像其他人一樣排隊等待。在等待時,請打給客服。如果等待時間很長,請嘗試撥打他們的國際客服電話。


Start a chat with the customer service chat at the same time if you can. 同時,如果可以的話,請與線上的客服聯繫對話。


And while you're waiting for people to answer you, start looking up different alternative flights to get you to your destination. 當你等待客服人員回應的同時,請開始搜尋其他的航班,以便讓你盡快到達目的地。


That way, when someone does answer you or you do get to the front of the line, you'll have everything ready and won't have to spend time having the agent help you find the next available flight. 這樣的話,當有人回答你或你終於排到隊伍的前面時,你已經準備好所有的資訊,不需要花時間請旅行社幫你找下一班航班了。


Time is really of the essence here because when everyone is trying to reroute their flights at the same time, these alternative flights fill up quick, 時間真的很重要,因為當所有人都在同一時間嘗試重新安排航班時,這些替代航班很快就會客滿。


and so if you're not quick on your feet, you might end up having to wait even longer. 所以如果你動作不夠快的話,可能最終要等更久。


Even if your flight gets canceled in advance and you're not at the airport yet, it's still a good idea to get things figured out and arrange to your destination as fast as possible. 即使你的航班提前被取消,而你還沒有到達機場,儘早解決問題並盡快安排抵達目的地的替代方法會比較好。


Note that if the flight that the airline tries to rebook you on is a crappy flight with a long layover, a bunch of connections or something, 注意,如果航空公司試著幫你重新安排很糟糕的航班,例如轉機時間很長或轉機太多次,


you can always try to find a flight with one of their partner airlines and ask if they can put you on one of those flights instead. 你可以試著找到與該航空公司合作的其他航空公司的航班,並詢問他們是否可以安排你搭乘這些航班。


Now, whichever flight issue you have, whether that be a delay or a cancellation, you just have to remember these five rules. 無論你遇到哪種航班問題,無論是延誤還是取消,請記住以下這五條原則。


The first is to figure out what caused the delay or the cancellation because this is important to determine what compensations you're eligible for. 第一點是要弄清楚延誤或取消的原因,因為這對於確定你有哪些資格獲得補償非常重要。


Second is to keep all your travel documents and receipts and emails and texts from the airline and anything related to this flight experience so that later you can have them when you need to claim for reimbursement. 第二點是要保留所有的旅行文件、收據、電子郵件、簡訊,以及與這次航班有關的所有資料,這樣以後當你需要提出賠償申請時就可以輕鬆應對。


This includes meals, transportation, accommodation, everything that was related to your change flight plans. 保留的資料包括餐飲、交通、住宿,以及所有與你更改飛行計劃有關的事物。


Three is to request food transportation and accommodation if you need them. 第三點是如果有需要,請要求航空公司提供食物、交通和住宿。


You don't have to memorize all the different airline rules to see if you qualify or don't qualify. 你不需要記住所有航空公司的規則來判斷自己是否有資格得到上述的補償。


Just ask, and if you qualify, they'll give them to you. And even if you don't qualify, sometimes they'll still give them to you. 直接問就對了,如果符合的話,他們就會提供給你。就算不符合,他們有時候還是會提供。


Four, if your flight is canceled, you need to ask for a new flight or a refund, whichever makes more sense for you. 第四點,如果你的航班被取消了,請要求航空公司安排新的航班或退款,看哪個對你比較方便。


If your flight was nonrefundable, you should still be able to request a refund, it was canceled. 即使你的航班不能退款,如果被取消了,你仍然可以要求退款。


And five, make sure that you read carefully anything you're asked to sign to make sure you're not signing away your rights to compensation. 第五點,確保你仔細閱讀任何要求你簽名的文件,確保你沒有簽署放棄賠償權利的文件。


This is super important. If you are delayed because of an overbooking and you accept their offer for a voucher or whatever, you are essentially waiving your rights to your other compensation. 這點非常重要。如果你因超賣而延誤行程,並且你接受了航空公司提供的現金券或其他禮品,視同放棄了其他賠償權利。


So before you agree to anything, make sure to quickly look up what you're actually eligible for. 所以在同意任何事情之前,請快速確認你可以獲得哪些賠償。


Remember what we said earlier about compensation for getting bumped in the US? 還記得剛剛提到有關美國因超售而被拒絕登機的賠償嗎?


It would be a shame if you were actually eligible for that maximum of $1350 cash and you accepted a flight voucher credit for a couple $100 instead. 如果你本來有資格獲得高達 1350 美元的現金賠償,而你只接受了價值幾百美元的航班現金券,那就真的太可惜了。


It's also important to note that you can make these reimbursement claims after the fact. 同時也要注意,你可以事後提出這些賠償申請。


And so if you're all stressed out in the airport, trying to figure things out in the moment, just remember that you can relax. You don't have to do everything right now. 如果你在機場感到非常緊張,試圖在當下弄清楚所有事情,請記得你可以放鬆,不必當下就做所有的事情。


As long as you keep receipts and everything, you can make a claim later. 只要留好收據和所有相關文件,就可以在之後提出賠償申請。


And if you can't be bothered to make a claim later by yourself, there's actually companies like I mentioned earlier, like AirHelp and ClaimCompass, who will make claims for you. 如果你懶得之後自己提出賠償申請,有一些像之前我提到的 AirHelp 和 ClaimCompass 這樣的公司可以代替你向航空公司申請賠償。


They're better at getting reimbursements and you just have to pay them a cut of what your reimbursement is. 這些公司比你更擅長爭取賠償,你只需要支付他們獲得的賠償金額的一部分作為報酬即可。


The last question is what should you do if you're not owed anything for a delay or cancellation? 最後一個問題是,如果你因航班延誤或取消卻沒有賠償該怎麼辦?


Most airlines will rebook for you, but you can choose if you want them to rebook your flight or if you want a refund, even if you purchased a non-refundable ticket. 繁體:大多數航空公司會為你重新安排航班,但你可以選擇讓他們為你重新安排航班或者退款,即使你買的是不可退款的機票。


If they end up offering you some kind of flight voucher, make sure to ask about flight restrictions like advance notice or blackout dates or expiration dates. 如果他們最後向你提供的是航班的優惠券,請確認該票券的航班限制,例如提前通知使用票券、限制搭乘時間或過期時間。


You can also ask them to put you on a flight from a different airline if it means arriving to your destination faster. 你也可以要求他們為你安排一個不同航空公司的班機,如果這樣可以更快到達目的地的話。


Technically, they're not required to help you out in the situation, but a lot of times they'll help you just to keep you happy. 嚴格來說,航空公司並不一定有義務在這種情況下幫助你,但很多時候他們會提供幫助是為了讓你能滿意。


On a similar note, if you have a long delay, you could also ask for meal reimbursement while you're in the airport. 同樣地,如果你的航班長時間延誤,你也可以要求待在機場的期間獲得餐費的補償。


Again, if you're in the US and they're not required to help you at all, they don't have to do this, but it doesn't hurt to ask a lot of times they're happy to help. 再次申明,如果你在美國,航空公司並不一定有義務提供這類補償,但你可以詢問一下,很多時候他們都會樂意提供幫助。


Just don't get grouchy if they say no, though, because they're not required to help. 但如果他們拒絕提供幫助,也不要生氣,因為他們並沒有義務。


Also, remember, even if you're not eligible for compensation from the airline, you may be eligible if you bought your tickets with certain credit cards or if you have travel insurance. 此外,請記住,即使航空公司沒有提供補償,如果你是用特定信用卡購買機票或旅遊保險的話,仍然可能有資格獲得賠償。


So make sure to save all your documents anyway, so you can make those claims. 所以無論如何要保留好所有文件,以便你能提出申請。


I have a ton more little known travel hacks that I want to teach you, and so if you want to save big money on your next flight, dive into this playlist next, which is full of cheap travel hacks. 我還有許多不為人知的旅行技巧想要教給你們,如果你想在下一次搭機時省下很多錢,請查看這個播放清單,裡面有很多廉價旅遊的小撇步。


See you guys. Bye-bye 下次見。掰掰。