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Reason: Peter's fused form which included other assimilated family members is very unsettling. Also in Twinkle, Stewie has very disturbing transformations, it may seem unsettling to some people. In Airborne, Quagmire’s corrupted form may look unsettling due to his melting body.


Upcoming Content

We're not done here. - Health Inspeactor

This mod has upcoming content that is confirmed to be in development, either confirmed on a livestream, a tweet, or any other verified source of information.

Upcoming: Another build is confirmed to might come out soon.


Unfinished Page

It really don't matter, your chances of making it are shorter than your height. - Kia

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Reason: We need the animated and static poses for everyone.

Darkness Takeover (Also known as DT) is a high effort Pibby Family Guy mod made by a huge team of people including Weednose, Crotheon, MiniSymba, and more. The mod is currently in a streamer build, which means even more content will happen soon. The mod's demo was released in August 2022, with A Family Guy, Rotten Family, and Airborne previously being the 3 songs of this mod as a demo, but now includes 4 more songs.

Some of the gameplay was uploaded by Dul who charts and animates for this mod along with Crotheon animating the first three songs: A Family Guy, Rotten Family, and Fashioned Values. Some more shows that are confirmed to be in Darkness Takeover are The Simpsons, American Dad, Rick & Morty, South Park, Adventure Time and The Amazing World of Gumball. Garten of Banban has also been confirmed to be in the mod.

Darkness Takeover is set to collab with a few mods, those include Quahog's Last Stand, Cartoon Corruption, and Drowning in Darkness.


The Outbreak

One day, Quahog remained peaceful. It was doing business as usual all the way until Boyfriend went into the show, which lured the darkness to attack the city. When people realized what it was, they did not even care until one person got corrupted. Boyfriend was looking for the Griffin's house to warn them, but due to Boyfriend's approach, Quahog suffered a deluge of madness, where citizens get sucked in one by one. Meanwhile Channel 5 reports that The Darkness is so bad, that not even the mayor's action could contain it. So much later, it found the Griffin's riding in their car[1] resulting in Peter & his family getting corrupted, then after Brian and Stewie found out they were next, Boyfriend came in to save them, and this is where the mod begins.

A Family Guy

Everyone in the Griffin family except Stewie and Brian are corrupted. Boyfriend steps in to save them, but gets thrown out a window by Lois. The family is successful at corrupting Brian, but Stewie escapes to his room.

Rotten Family

After Brian was corrupted, Stewie runs to his room while holding Rupert in his hand. Brian enters Stewie’s room and tries to corrupt him. Peter then joins in then shortly after Lois appears, which in turn, surround Stewie. During the battle, Peter suddenly broke free from The Darkness after regaining his consciousness, helping Stewie during the fight, angering Brian. During this family quarrel, Lois slashes Stewie, causing him to become corrupted. Mere seconds before Stewie becomes fully corrupted, he teleports away to protect Peter. Peter, now being alone, jumps out the window so he doesn't become like the rest of his family. Boyfriend saves him as they both dash out of the city, starting Death Lives.

Fashioned Values

Quagmire and Joe are shown facing off against Corrupted Cleveland. Cleveland fuses with Peters evil twin, Retep, to throw them both off track. Quagmire shoots them both several times, saving Cleveland. What happened to Retep is unknown. The guys separate after facing Retep, with Quagmire being teleported to the heart of Quahog, starting Twinkle.

Death Lives

Peter and BF are on an attempt to escape The Darkness as it chases after them, which causes many civilians to become corrupted and attack other survivors. Eventually, Peter's family, except Stewie and Brian, reveal themselves, causing Peter to regret his decisions, until corrupted Death comes in and tries to stop them. Eventually, Peter and BF successfully escape, but part ways.

Stand Off

Joe goes to the police station after Fashioned Values, and finds Pico. The only reason Pico was in the Family Guy universe was because The Darkness can send different characters to different worlds. Joe decides to fight Pico, and Darnell eventually joins the battle. Joe and Pico then get into a shooting match, which causes Joe to get one of his eyes shot out, but escapes Pico and Darnell shortly after.

Old version

Similar to current lore except Darnell doesn't appear, and Joe escapes unscathed.


After the events of Fashioned Values, the gang splits up. Cleveland, while walking through the city, by chance came across a shotgun and he encounters 2 familiar faces who turned out to be Bruce and Jeffrey (Bruce's boyfriend).

Cleveland shoots Bruce, causing him to enter his true form. Cleveland finally manages to "defeat Bruce and Jeffrey" and escapes from the place .


While Stewie was successful at escaping the Griffin household, he was unsuccessful at making it out uncorrupted. He was slashed by Lois mere seconds before he got teleported away, causing him to become corrupted. Shortly after Fashioned Values, Quagmire, Joe, and Cleveland are forced out of the clam, and they are forced to split up. Quagmire as he's walking hears Stewie crying out for help, before becoming fully corrupted. Quagmire finds Stewie as he is fully corrupted. Stewie injures Quagmire badly, by impaling him through his chest, semi-corrupting him and then corrupting his entire right hand altogether. However, Quagmire frees himself due to him having every STD in the world, giving him slight immunity to The Darkness. He battles one last time and eventually frees Stewie but they are left severely injured. Stewie then teleports to a safe universe to reside in.

Final Fight

After escaping The Darkness in Death Lives, Peter heads to the airport to escape Quahog. However, corrupt Ernie appears to stop him. He semi-corrupts Peter in this song, but then Quagmire, Joe and Cleveland intervene and arrive in a police car, running over Ernie and managing to defeat him as he disappears into the shadows. Peter rids the corruption of his body as he and his friends board the plane.

Old version

Similar to current lore except Quagmire and Joe intervene to help Peter. Cleveland's not present in this version.

Older version

Similar to current lore except Joe and Cleveland don't appear and only Quagmire intervenes to help Peter.


The Guys have successfully escaped Quahog's chaos. However, their plan didn't go as expected. Cleveland's step-son, Rallo, was able to sneak on the plane, but unfortunately, he was corrupted. Rallo is shown to be extremely powerful as he corrupts Quagmire half way through the song. Corrupted Quagmire emerges at the end and causes the plane to crash, leaving the guys fates unknown.


After being freed from the darkness by Stewie, Vinny finds a box cutter and starts looking for a way out of Quahog. However, he encounters a familiar face.. Brian Griffin. Vinny battles Brian but during Vinny's solo, Brian mutates and starts to mimic voices, but Vinny stands his ground and Brian returns back to normal. Shortly after, Consuela runs Brian over, with Brian letting out a scream. Vinny escapes with Consuela shortly after.


Brian played deceased in the road until House came and brought him back to life. House proceeds to stab him with strings with Brian letting out a scream. House manipulates Brian, telling him that he doesn't need his family, as they hold him back from his true potential and the Darkness will help him reach that. And with one final scream, Brian gets taken back into The Darkness, having no control.


After the crash, Quagmire kills and proceeds to corrupt Joe and Cleveland, trapping their souls.

It is unknown if Joe or Cleveland go first, as for Joe, Joe begs Quagmire to stop the menace but then gets choked for a second or two before Quagmire yells, "KILL YOURSELF!" Then he throws him to the ground hard. Quagmire rips apart his body parts to leave him immobile, including his arms, then grabs his face and rips it apart as Joe screams in absolute horror before being corrupted.

It is unknown how Cleveland died but we know he could have suffered the same fate as Joe did.

However, Peter woke up just in time before Quagmire got to him as well. He was heavily injured. Due to all this, The Darkness is now outside of the city of Quahog. Peter now has to face all his corrupted friends, despite his injuries. Stewie eventually teleports back to this universe possibly confused on what is going on. Peter, now having Stewie by his side, fights on. Quagmire then appears taunting the both of them for not saving them, then the guys become a powerful trio before Quagmire proceeds doing a tug-o-war.

Quagmire kills Peter by having a tug-o-war with Stewie, causing his head to be torn off, while Stewie grabs his lower body the moment Quagmire grabs his head. He fuses with the three to become Synthol, scaring Stewie. NOTHING can free the guys now. They're IMPOSSIBLE to save. Stewie escapes Synthol and goes off to fight Mayor West.

The Final Showdown

Stewie, after the events of Aftermath, teleports to the place where he faced Quagmire for the first time, with the roles being switched. Quagmire begins to taunt Stewie for not saving him. Then, Joe and Cleveland joined Quagmire to fight Stewie. Stewie then was teleported to Quahog Town Hall where Mayor West falls from the sky and they start fighting. Mayor West summons some of Stewie's old rivals Bertram and Penelope. However, Stewie manages to free them with his gun, but upon doing so, it completely broke reality. Stewie was teleported into a space between the user and the internet/show/network which called the "In-between", where he encounters the creator of Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane.

Stewie tries to warn Seth, but by that time, Brian manages to enter Seth's mind and put it into the show. Stewie after this, is again teleported to Quahog Town Hall where he finds Penelope and Bertram fighting with Mayor West, all whilst they are cornered by many Family Guy characters. Synthol suddenly joins the fray and fights with Stewie, Bertram and Penelope. Mayor West tries to trick them by projecting a normal version of himself, with The Darkness managing to create a body for Seth's mind in the show. Brian and Seth emerge from the depths which launches Adam and Synthol away and fights with Stewie, Bertram and Penelope. Seth's body begins to become unstable, seeing this Stewie teleports Bertram and Penelope to a place safely.

Stewie realizes that this world has no future. He decides the only thing he can do is warn other worlds and escapes the show just before Seth exploded, causing the entirety of Quahog to be erased. After the explosion, Seth woke up in the real world wondering if what he saw was a dream or not.


Due to Chris being corrupted for so long, he is nearly unstoppable. He finds Herbert who is hiding in his house, and goes to try and kill him. Herbert has several war flashbacks while fighting Chris. That and having to fight the love of his life makes it impossible to put up a good fight. In the middle, Chris puts up a facade, pretending that he is okay, but Herbert doesn't fall for it. Chris's disguise starts to slip, until fully letting go and semi-corrupting Herbert. Herbert, now furious, starts shooting at Chris, as a last ditch effort to save him. At the end, Herbert gives up and attempts to commit suicide. Chris prevents this and rips him apart, corrupting him.


Carter and Babs confront their son Patrick, who is corrupted. Carol comes in halfway through the song, and Carter gets corrupted at the end[2].

Death has resurrected every deceased person in Quahog and corrupted them all. He then fuses with all of them and takes down Dr. Hartman by jumping him[3].

Mr. Washee Washee is fighting Lois in this song. Bonnie teams up with Mr. Washee Washee to help him fight Lois[4]. The rest of the events is unknown.


After the events of The Final Showdown, Seth made the decision to permanently cancel Family Guy. Fans were outraged and demanded a reasoning. However, Seth refused to make any public statement on the show's abrupt cancellation.[5].


BF has left the Family Guy show and has went to The Simpsons show. This, of course, leads The Darkness to everyone in the show. Bart is a survivor, who teams up with BF to save everyone.

BF and Bart both run into Homer, who is corrupted just like the rest. Homer is shown to be an extremely powerful individual as even Bart and BF have a tough time holding him back. While Bart was putting up a good fight, BF isn’t doing well. Homer semi corrupts him and although BF nearly becomes corrupted, he manages to resist until the end with Bart but not before fainting shortly after.


After the events of D.O.H, Boyfriend gave in to the darkness, Bart & Homer now go solo, but Homer now has a mouth inside his stomach, meaning he has evolved since. A corrupted Marge shows up, and so does Lisa & Maggie, but the pair are uncorrupted. Marge & Homer tell Bart that he should join them, it feels so great, he's not making it easy, and their friend has seen the light, before Boyfriend jumps in to taunt the survivors, revealing himself corrupted after all of the time being a survivor. Milhouse walks in the house just in time before Bart loses to his parents, making their survival span increase for now.

Nobody is either corrupted or freed.


Boyfriend, in his mind, is stuck facing off against a corrupted Brian. Brian has noticeably grown several times his size compared to his last appearance. He is also now capable of mimicking other characters voices. House is also fighting BF as this goes on.

Bad Morning

BF left The town of Springfield and goes into American Dad. This, of course, leads The Darkness to everyone in the show. Langley Falls falls to the corruption, and just like before, BF has to team up with all the survivors.

The Darkness has consumed Langley Falls at this point. BF runs into Stan in this song, who is corrupted. BF is more confident in this song than the rest. Steve shows up to help BF free Stan.


Not much is known about what happens in Boundless, the most we know is that Stan is stated to be "Unstoppable" in this song. Most likely happens after the events of "Bad Morning" however, that is still unknown.

Big Boned

Note: The South Park week isn't canon to the main story of the mod.

Once escaping Langley Falls, Boyfriend finds himself in the quiet little mountain town of South Park. The Darkness, of course, finds its way there, and soon takes its attack down on the residents. Cartman intentionally gets himself corrupted, and now fights Boyfriend in Big Boned.

Garten Of Glitch

As the darkness tags along to SO MANY universes, it even gets as far as to Garten of Banban, which means Banban was unprepared, leaving him victim #1 of the darkness. Everyone else was corrupted, with the exceptions of Opila Bird and Jumbo Josh.

As the two attempt to free Banban, Josh ends up corrupted, leaving Opila as the sole survivor. Then Captain Fiddles comes and tries to take out Opila. Eventually Opila fails, and Jumbo Josh crushes her to death.

Gameplay Mechanics

  • Health Drain - When it is opponent's turn to sing, for every note that is hit, your health will be drained. Every opponent in the mod uses this mechanic, but there is a difference between most of the opponents.
    • Only Rallo can quickly consume the player's health. Most opponents rely on spam notes to boost their health.
    • Near the end of Twinkle, Stewie doesn't drain the player's health.
    • In some songs, the opponents can push your health down to one (ex. A Family Guy). In others, it only goes as far as your danger zone (ex. Twinkle).
    • In Death Lives, your health is drained automatically and it will kill you. To counter this, you need to press the spacebar for a rapid boost in health.
  • Colored notes - Every character has their own notes, depicted by shirt, pants, characteristics, or hair/fur in survivors, but all glitchy and black (and shaking for cosmetic effect) for the opponents, with the sole exception of Homer. Boyfriend attains his usual notes, but the rest have notes depicted on icon and color of their shirt or pants or hair/fur. For example, Peter has dark green note colors.
  • Ghost Notes/Fake Notes - When more than one character is singing at the same time, you only have to hit the arrows of the main character (indicated by the main character's notes being completely visible while the others are more transparent). The rest of the notes will be hit automatically, though, you can still hit them for extra score and health (For example, in Fashioned Values, you only need to hit Quagmire's notes, as Joe's and Cleveland's notes will be hit automatically).
  • Attacking - In some parts of A Family Guy, an 'ATTACK' popup will appear. Hitting space will make Stewie attack, giving you a small amount of health. This has a cooldown, meaning you cannot spam it. While this mechanic is active, the opponent's health drain CAN kill you, so you have to time the attacks to not die.
  • Bullet Arrow Notes - In Fashioned Values, Quagmire will shoot at corrupted Cleveland and Retep as you hit these notes. At least 10 bullet notes must be collected, anything below that, or missing 2 to 4 bullets will result in a failure to save Cleveland, causing a jumpscare (not really it's just a bunch of eyes) to trigger at the final part of the song, thus, causing an early death. For now it's unknown if the large red eye is the Game Over screen or not
  • Laser Notes - In Twinkle, corrupted Stewie will sometimes shoot lasers at you. You must hit these notes to dodge them. If not, you can actually DIE.
  • Punch Notes - In Final Fight, these notes will appear. Hitting them will cause Peter to counter Ernie's attacks by punching. You have to hit these notes or Peter will get knocked out, thus, corrupting him.
  • False Time - When Quagmire is corrupted during the last 42 seconds of Airborne, the time at the time bar will increase rapidly forever, even after the song ends.
  • Anti-cheat - While pressing 7 would normally take you to the debug menu, pressing it in any song in the mod will result in an instant Game Over.

Game over Screens

  • Currently, the game over stuff happens in this way: the usual blueballing in FNF will glitch, instead of characters blueballing, text saying. "You died." will appear on the screen along with the tv from the options to story, freeplay, etc. When retrying, the retry sound will glitch a lot.
  • In Fashioned Values, if you miss more than one bullet note, you will get the bad ending. (See mechanics above for a description of what happens)


  • Brian Oh my god...
  • Stewie We gotta get outta here!
  • Brian (Screaming)
  • Stewie No Brian No! Nooooo Brian!
  • Stewie (Panting) Oh god, oh god, I gotta get outta here, I GOTTA GET OUTTA HERE!
  • Brian (Opens door)
  • Stewie Brian?
  • Brian O̴h̸ ̸h̴e̴y̴!̸ ̸Y̷o̷u̴ ̶a̷n̵d̴ ̶I̵ ̵a̸r̶e̶ ̸f̷r̶i̵e̶n̷d̷s̵,̶ ̴R̵I̶G̸H̸T̴?̴

  • Joe Quagmire Please, wait! (choking) Quagmire!
  • Quagmire K̷i̸l̴l̷ ̸y̸o̷u̷r̶s̵e̶l̵f̶!̵
  • Joe Quagmire Please
  • Quagmire N̷o̴ ̷m̷e̴r̵c̷y̶!̸
  • Joe No, NO!
  • Quagmire N̶o̸b̶o̴d̵y̶ ̴c̵a̴n̶ ̶s̴a̴v̴e̵ ̴y̶o̵u̸ ̶n̶o̵w̴.̸
  • Joe SOMEBODY PLEASE! HELP! (muffled screams))

It is a message to Stewie

  • Quagmire S̶t̵e̵w̸i̴e̸!̶ ̷W̷h̸y̴ ̴c̶o̵u̴l̴d̶n̶'̷t̶ ̷y̸o̸u̷ ̴s̴a̵v̵e̵ ̴m̸e̵?̴ ̴W̷h̷y̶ ̸c̸o̵u̵l̷d̵n̷'̸t̴ ̷y̴o̶u̷ ̴s̴a̶v̵e̴ ̷U̵S̶!̵ ̴Y̶o̷u̵ ̶p̵a̸t̴h̴e̶t̵i̵c̵ ̵c̷r̸e̷a̶t̸u̴r̸e̶!̸ ̶A̷f̵t̵e̷r̸ ̶a̴l̶l̸ ̶I̶ ̷h̷a̷v̸e̸ ̴d̵o̵n̷e̸ ̷f̵o̸r̵ ̷y̶o̵u̷!̴ ̶I̷ ̸r̸i̸s̷k̸e̴d̸ ̴m̵y̴ ̷l̷i̵f̵e̶ ̸f̶o̴r̸ ̵y̶o̷u̵.̴ ̵A̸n̵d̴ ̶T̶H̶I̸S̸ ̶i̸s̴ ̵h̸o̸w̶ ̸y̶o̷u̶ ̵r̶e̶p̴a̴y̶ ̷m̸e̶?̶ ̷Y̷o̵u̸ ̴c̸o̷u̴l̶d̶n̵'̷t̸ ̵s̵a̴v̴e̷ ̵m̴e̵,̸ ̵y̷o̵u̴r̴ ̷f̵a̶t̶h̵e̸r̷,̴ ̵y̶o̵u̴r̴ ̶f̴a̷m̴i̸l̴y̵.̷ ̶Y̷o̵u̴ ̸c̷o̵u̷l̴d̸n̷'̵t̸ ̸e̴v̸e̷n̵ ̶s̴a̴v̸e̵ ̴y̵o̷u̴r̵ ̴o̸w̷n̷ ̸d̴o̶g̴.̸ ̷W̵e̶'̷r̷e̵ ̶a̸l̶l̴ ̶h̴e̶r̴e̷ ̵S̸t̷e̸w̵i̷e̵.̷ ̶W̸e̸ ̷a̸l̸l̷ ̷w̴o̷n̸'̸t̴ ̵f̸o̷r̸g̵e̶t̷.̴ ̶F̴o̸r̶g̶e̴t̶ ̵h̶o̷w̴ ̶m̵u̴c̸h̴ ̵o̷f̵ ̷a̴ ̷f̵u̷c̴k̵i̴n̵g̶ ̸f̶a̷i̵l̷u̷r̸e̵ ̵y̸o̵u̷ ̴a̴r̸e̶.̴ ̶
  • [REDACTED] : Y̶o̸u̸ ̷b̴e̷t̴t̴e̶r̶ ̴b̵e̵ ̴p̵r̷e̵p̶a̷r̵e̸d̷.̶ ̶
  • SYNTHOL : F̴o̴r̵ ̶t̵h̷e̵ ̴f̵i̴n̵a̸l̷ ̴S̷̢̥̩̤̖̘̘͚͉̖͋̂͝͝Ĥ̷̦̝͚̪͉̥̆̍́͘͝Ớ̵̢̨͉̱͋̈̋̋̈́́ͅW̷̢̻͇̪̬͉̠͓̊̈́̔̕͘͜D̷̢̛̺̺̪͚̥̾̿̀̉̉̈̾͛̏͒̆̏̌͌͂̂̿͐̚͜͠͠O̷̡̡̞̯̭̞̮̜̺̟̜̼͕̥̥̮͉͕̙̭͔̱̳̣̮̼̫̰͔̻̟̮͈̝̼̹̭̗̱͆̈͜ͅͅW̸̢̡̢̢͈̳̗̙̩͈̪̮͈̻͈̠͍̍̀͊̎̓͐̀̓̓̊̽̓͒̍̔̊̓̌̈́̀͐͑̾̉͑̅̒̈́̕͘͝͝ͅN̵̨̧̧̨̛̳̥͚͓̤͇̭̺̦͕̹͔͍̩͕̹̹̥͎͈̥̗̙̰̥͆̑͋͐̍͑̂̔̎̏́̄͋͌́͊̉̽̐̔̏̃̀̆͐̑͋͆̆͊̄͛̔͐͑͐̓͒̿̾̾͗̎̉̑̉̈́̕͜͝ͅ!!


A Family Guy

  • This is the only song in which Brian isn't corrupted.
  • Until Lockdown comes out, this currently is also the only song where Meg sings.
  • It was rumored BF was corrupted, but he was only thrown out of the window, making Stewie & Brian face the family alone.

Rotten Family

  • Peter is the first character in the mod to get uncorrupted.
  • The title "Rooten Family" in the OST release is a typo, as it is actually "Rotten Family".
  • Brian sounds normal for V2, probably because he wants to trick Stewie into thinking he is okay, but reveals he is not okay, but corrupted when Pibby Peter joins.

Fashioned Values

  • This song was initially seen as Quagmire and Joe against Peter and Cleveland. It was later confirmed, however, that Cleveland was actually paired with Peter's evil clone, Retep.
  • The jumpscare from fashioned values is based on Nico's Nextbot's Angry Munci.
  • Fashioned Values and Death Lives used to take place at the same time, but it now takes place before Twinkle, due to Stewie showing up at the end.
  • The Drunken Clam was destroyed at the time as its survivors were sheltering before they all died, explaining why there is SO MUCH destruction there.
  • If the player don't press all the attack notes, Quagmire and Joe are absorbed by Darkness[6].

Death Lives

  • It was initially assumed this song was Boyfriend managing to save Peter, but Crotheon later revealed the song was a chase sequence.
  • The original was set to be longer but Weednose’s old PC couldn’t handle it.


  • According to the Darkness Takeover Q&A Voice Chat, whilst Stewie was successful with escaping Lois, she had still been able to attack, and corrupt his portal at the last second, explaining how Stewie still ended up falling.
  • This is the first song where a character goes into Monster form. (See Misc for description of monster form)
  • There were a few changes with what Twinkle was gonna look like:
    • Quagmire was originally gonna be corrupted at the end but then the plot changed when the revamp came.
  • This song shares the name with another from FNF: Kepler Observation Unit.

Final Fight

  • Tricia appears in the background of the song, once The Darkness attempted to take back Peter. This seemingly indicates she had been reporting on The Darkness before getting corrupted.
  • This song was originally non-canon.
  • While it's not canon to the actual Family Guy series, this is the first time Peter did not win a fight against Ernie.
  • It was Revealed that Ernie disappeared after Final Fight. </ref>


  • It was originally canon that Rallo died at the end of the song from the plane crash, because The Darkness left his body at the last second. However, this isn't canon anymore[7].
  • Airborne originally had a revamp but due to mixed reception it was turned into an encore remix instead.
  • Inside the last few seconds of the song, a plane alarm is actually secretly played during the crash event.
  • Rallo managed to sneak onto the plane because the Darkness shattered the windshield of the plane, and that's how Airborne starts.[8]


  • Stewie retreats back home after Twinkle, where he is able to create a device he believes will be effective against corrupted characters. Afterwards, Vinny, who is still corrupted, finds Stewie and chases him, but Stewie blasted him and uncorrupted him almost instantly, which is why he is uncorrupted in Carwreck.
  • Carwreck and Aftermath take place at the same time.
  • At the end of Carwreck, Consuela arrives to the scene and hits Brian with her car, saving Vinny. Both Consuela and Vinny then escape Quahog together, making them the only known survivors still in-show after Chapter 1.[9]


  • Both Cleveland and Joe survived the plane crash with many injuries[10], but Quagmire killed them and trapped their souls by corrupting their bodies[11].
  • The first minute of the very first version of this song was leaked on discord in November 2022 by TheRealMessy by accident. The leak spread like wildfire on the internet, which almost cancelled the mod. The mod team decided to remaster the full song instead.
  • Just like Final Fight, this song was originally non-canon[12].
  • Due to issues with composing, the song was remade ten times, which is why the song took nearly a year to release[13].
  • If Peter got uncorrupted after this song, he would instantly die because The Darkness is the only thing keeping him alive.
  • Inside Synthol's mind, Peter, Quagmire, Joe, and Cleveland are left abandoned in the depths of The Darkness, collectively being tortured, and begging to be killed[14][15]. Peter is the one being tortured the most[16].
    • The Darkness has personal hatred for Peter, so instead of corrupting him or killing him, he still fused him with Synthol but kept him alive and conscious.
      • Peter's body is being used by The Darkness, causing Peter's head to be latched onto Synthol's chest, being forced to watch the world die and watch Synthol endlessly kill others.
  • It took half an hour for Quagmire to find Joe and Cleveland and kill them. Joe was suffering the whole time while Cleveland was attempting to put up a fight[17].
  • According to the dev's Q&A livestream, they said Aftermath would release in March 2023. However in February 2023, the team announced that Aftermath was being delayed again. The song officially released on May 24th, 2023.

Stand Off

  • This song got it's name, due to Pico and Joe both wielding guns in it.
  • This is the only song when a character from Newgrounds other than Boyfriend faces off another person. Unlike Boyfriend however, Pico was corrupted.


  • Before this song takes place, Quagmire taunts Stewie for not saving him.[18]
  • Bertram and Seth MacFarlane debuts in this mod through this song.
  • Seth MacFarlane's mind was fused with the entirety of the Family Guy cartoon thanks to Brian. This resulted in the shows fabric of time being so unstable, even The Darkness couldn't hold onto him. Seth managed to break free but this resulted in a blast resulting in every Family Guy character, except a small few, to disintegrate. Seth then was teleported back to the real world.[19]
    • The blast was so powerful, even a majority of The Darkness disintegrated. Mayor West and Synthol ended up getting sent out of the world as a result[20].
  • Everyone that appeared in Showdown in the background were either disintegrated or left unstable.[21]
  • Brian is way more powerful than Mayor West in this song[22].


  • Chris is nearly unstoppable in this song, due to him being corrupted for so long[23].
  • Herbert tried to kill himself at the end of the song, but Chris prevented this by tearing him apart, which eventually corrupted and resurrected him, forcing Herbert to remain alive.


  • This song is non-canon.
  • This song most likely takes place sometime during the dinner scene in the episode, "Jerome is the new Black, (Season 8, Episode 7) however that is just a theory.

Out Of Joke

  • Out of Jokes is a, well, a joke song.
  • This song is a remake of Weednose's first PFG song, however it wasn't made by Weednose, but by Crashyboi
  • There is a Grammarly ad that begins to play half-way in the song.


  • Boyfriend gets semi-corrupted halfway through the song, revealing how powerful Homer has become. He does uncorrupt and won eventually, but faints afterwards.[24]
  • Dul revealed that Homer had become so corrupted, he became devoid of any emotion.[25]
  • One of Bart's poses references the episode "The Secret War of Lisa Simpson", in which Bart speaks into many megaphones at once.
  • The charting was done by Dul, along with the sprites while Weednose made the song. The song was being made as early as April 2022.
  • It was shown on the DT Discord server in a screenshot by Weednose that D.O.H. is getting a revamp.[26].
  • The beta version of the build of the song can also be found here.


  • This is the first time where a Family Guy character is shown in a Simpsons.


  • Bart beats Homer in D.O.H so Outburst is a rematch.
  • If Millhouse never walked in during this song, Bart would have been corrupted, then Lisa & Maggie would have died too.
  • Despite theories and popular belief, Ned Flanders was never set to appear.

Bad Morning

  • Stan's house is messed up because Stan went down fighting The Darkness.[27]
  • Stan gets angry halfway through the song because BF isn't threatened by him.[28]
  • This is the only song where Boyfriend was confident. His sprites are also different this time around.
  • This mark's American Dad's debut in a FNF mod.


  • Stan is literally unstoppable in this song.[29].

Big Boned

  • This is the first time South Park has been present in a Pibby mod. Only concepts were made, prior to Big Boned.
  • Big Boned is currently the only song to be based around a show not owned by Disney. South Park is owned by Comedy Central.
  • In the premiere chat for this song, Kenny McCormick, PC Principal and Clyde Donovan were all mentioned. PC Principal was confirmed to be corrupted, Kenny was revealed to be immune to The Darkness, and Clyde's status is left unknown.

  • An mod called Corrupted Souls was merged into this mod.
  • The way The Darkness works in this mod is in a similar fashion to PhantomFear's Corruption mod. It takes willpower or a secondary force from another characters assistance to break free, however, there is one thing that will prevent a character from getting free, and that is being completely absorbed in corruption (Brian and Quagmire are examples of this).
    • There also can be pupils showing for corrupted characters, and certain un-corrupted character's eyes glowing. These characters, are RESISTING the corruption, not breaking free exactly, but trying their best to get there. Only un-corrupted characters who have been corrupted will have glowing eyes when they resist, this is because they are more susceptible to it.
    • The Darkness adapts, when it's hosts are damaged it gets stronger over time, trying to maintain hold on the characters, the more disfigured a character is, the stronger the corruption has them held, meaning more help will be needed to escape. This is how Quagmire got more powerful after the plane crash in Airborne, and Brian got more powerful after being hit by a car in Carwreck.
  • The Darkness also has certain classes it gives to some of it's corrupted characters:
    • Common: A Common is the standard type of a corrupted person. This type is pretty self-explanatory. An example of a Common is Brian in Rotten Family.
    • Striker: A Striker is someone who either has a weapon from corrupted or has sharp mutations on their body. This is seen with Brian during Carwreck or (possibly) Lois.
    • Monster: A Monster is a heavily modified and dangerous corrupted who is very strong and very violent. Examples include Stewie in Twinkle (when he is a "spider"), Adam West, and Brian.
    • Stalker: A Stalker is a type of corrupted that is more stronger than a monster and can mimic voices ranging from characters in their universe to other universes. This type is exclusive for Brian during Mindless.
    • Infusion: An Infusion is a fusion of 2 corrupted characters. This is seen with Cleveland and Retep (Clevetep) in Fashioned Values and Cleveland and Rallo (Clevello) in Aftermath.
    • Amalgamation: An Amalgamation is multiple characters combined into 1. This is seen with the Griffin Family (Peter, Lois, Meg, Chris) in A Family guy and Synthol (Quagmire, Cleveland, Joe, Peter) in both Aftermath and Showdown.
    • Risen: A Risen is someone who is killed by a corrupted being, or someone who died during the apocalypse in general, then revived by means of the Darkness. These types of people can be saved but they are more stronger than your average corrupted being[30]. Examples of this is Cleveland Brown and Joe Swanson.
    • True Risen: A True Risen is someone who is canonically dead in the media that the character comes from, that was infected by the Darkness. Since these people are canonically dead, they have no more soul, no essence, not anything. This means the Darkness can use their dead corpse as a vessel and can do whatever it wants. These people are significantly stronger and cannot be saved. If they were to be uncorrupted, meaning all of the darkness was removed from their body, the only remaining thing left would be their disfigured and mutated corpse[31]. Examples of this is Bertram and Mayor West.
    • Suspender: A Suspender is a corrupted character who spies on survivors through high areas like buildings. When they notice a survivor has lowered their guard, they will send some of the Darkness's strings to hang and kill them, or they will use these strings to drag them into the Darkness[32]. Examples of this is Penelope and Chris.
    • Butchered: A Butchered is a sub-type of Common that is harder to kill. This is seen with Bruce in Brutality.
    • Projectionist: A Projectionist is a corrupted who project hallucinations and illusions into survivors. This is seen with Adam West and (possibly) Quagmire during Showdown.
    • Apex: (Note: This type is unconfirmed) An Apex is a type of corrupted that can pull the minds of real life people into the darkness and are really strong. This is seen with Brian in Showdown.
    • Unstoppable: An Unstoppable is a corrupted character that is near impossible to free or defeat, usually given to a character with strong emotions. An example of this is Stan.
  • The Darkness isn't just a threat to TV shows, the internet, or networks. It is also a threat to people in real life.[33]
  • Concept animations for the Family Guy characters were made by Crotheon, and the Darkness Takeover team decided to use them.
  • Every canon freeplay song takes place after Showdown, showing its aftermath and how it affected others.[34]
  • Evil Stewie was killed by The Darkness.[35]
  • As of the end of Chapter 1, the only survivors are: Stewie, Bertram, Penelope, Vinny, Consuela, and Principal Shepherd[36].
  • The Darkness is trying to fully reach the real world, however it would take 20 years to do so[37].

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