June 9, 2024

Tone it down, Twin. Saturday is not the best time to toot your own horn, no matter how proud you’re feeling of your accomplishments. Tactician Venus in your sign is skirmishing with strict Saturn in your tenth house of public image, admonishing you to go easy on the self-promotion so you don’t ruffle feathers and damage your reputation. You want to charm higher-ups now, but they won’t walk away with the right impression, so hold off on the hard sell and lie low instead. On Sunday, you’ll start wrapping up unfinished business in the process of bringing about a necessary ending. With the arrival of active Mars in your twelfth house of healing and transitions, you’re motivated to clear the decks and make space for something new in the next chapter of your life. Strive for insights into yourself that will empower you to move onward and upward.

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