New drummer with The Darkness quits band

New drummer with The Darkness quits band

Emily Dolan had only been a member for a few months

The Darkness have lost their new drummer Emily Dolan, who has left the band to pursue “new projects”.

Blabbermouth reports that Dolan – who was formerly a session musician for Bryan Ferry and Tricky and who only made her live debut with the group on March 6 – has now quit the band.

A statement reads: “We part ways with fond farewells. Emily played a huge part in the recording of our new album ‘Last Of Our Kind’ and makes a final appearance in the video for our single ‘Open Fire’, which is coming to a screen near you soon… Good luck, Emily!”

Dolan replaced founding member Ed Graham, who left The Darkness at the end of 2014. Frontman Justin Hawkins then commented: “Ed has had some well-publicised health problems in the past. And for one reason or another, he wasn’t capable of doing his job anymore. We’re still friends with Ed. But now that we have Emily in the band, the worry is gone.”


‘Last Of Our Kind’ will be the band’s fourth record to date, following on from ‘Hot Cakes’ in 2012, and will come out June 1. It’s been preceded by lead track ‘Open Fire’, which can be streamed now below.

“The new album is brutal,” frontman Justin Hawkins told Classic Rock. “It’s definitely stripped back — with the exception of some mandolins. But when you’re doing medieval rock, you should have a mandolin on it. And while I wouldn’t say that this is our ‘Rainbow Rising’, we’re definitely exploring the myths of old. It’s medieval rock, but it still sounds like The Darkness. It’s medi-urban, I suppose.…”.


Justin Hawkins recently co-wrote a song on Weezer’s latest album, ‘Everything Will Be Alright In The End’, and was selling his old catsuits on Ebay last year.

The ‘Last Of Our Kind’ tracklisting:

‘Open Fire’
‘Last of Our Kind’
‘Roaring Waters’
‘Wheels of the Machine’
‘Mighty Wings’
‘Sarah O’Sarah’
‘Hammer & Tongs’

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