拖車頭 - English translation – Linguee

Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction

External sources (not reviewed)

適的駕駛及操作,拖頭 速更節省燃料,同時比任何系列生產的車型擁有更多個人化改造空間。
Greater driving and
[...] operating comfort than that afforded by a truck, faster and more fuel-efficient than any tractor, and more customising [...]
than any series-produced vehicle.
我們相信這項新措施 可提高跨境貨櫃運輸業運作上的彈性, 使 拖頭 貨櫃的調配更為靈 活,增加貨 轉次數,改善貨運效率和降低成本。
We believe this new measure will provide greater flexibility
for the cross-boundary
[...] container trucking industry, and allow for better deployment of tractors, trailers and containers [...]
to increase trip
frequency, enhance efficiency and reduce cost.
鑒於有業界指很多公眾停車場禁止貨 車拖頭 ,迫使司機將該等拖頭違例停泊在路邊,當局有否研究如何為業界解決貨 車拖頭 的問題;如有,有關措施的詳情為何;如否,原因為何?
given that some members of the industry
have pointed out that
[...] many public car parks prohibit the parking of container tractors, thereby forcing drivers to park those tractors illegally by the roadside, whether the authorities have studied how to solve the problem of the parking of container tractors for the industry; if [...]
they have, of the details
of the relevant measures; if not, the reasons for that?
此外,青 嶼幹線和汀九橋沒有鋪設消防喉管,特 拖頭 裝有水缸的 述道路進行滅火工作。
It is also used for towing the trailer-mounted bowsers for fire fighting operations [...]
on the Lantau Link and Ting Kau Bridge
where fire mains are not available.
(c) 在廈村交匯處闢設,並設置 拖車 和直升機升降坪
(c) construction of turnaround
[...] facilities with weighing station, vehicle recovery base and helipad at [...]
Ha Tsuen Interchange
然而,它的成本跟高級工拖頭 無幾,卻擁有四驅 點,以及Unimog動力儲存系統。
It costs no
[...] more than a premium municipal-work tractor, possesses all the advantages of [...]
an all-wheel drive truck and the
power reserves of a true Unimog.
(b) 機電工程營運基金的工程 計劃管理費
[...] 上文第9(a)項所述3,400萬元的估計費用,包括供應、 安裝和測試上述重型救援車輛、中型救 、特 拖頭 架上裝有水缸的水車以及其後試行運作、投入運作和維修保養 [...]
Regarding paragraph 9(a) above, the estimated cost of $34 million will cover the supply, assembly, testing and commissioning, as well as operation and
maintenance training for the heavy recovery vehicle, medium recovery
[...] vehicles, special tractors and trailer-mounted bowsers.
拖頭積龐大, 必然會構成極多的泊車問題。
As container tractors are huge in size, [...]
they will definitely cause a large number of parking problems.
(w) 進行以下全部或任何業務:運輸;貨車與拖車承包商;車房;不論任何類別的道路交通工 具、飛機與船舶、拖船、駁船及各類船隻的經營商、擁有人及租用人;躉船員;道路、鐵
[...] 路、水路或航空貨運及客運工具;汽車員;貨車承包商及代理;轉運;運輸及佣金經紀人; 海關代理;卸; 人;貨物監督;包裝商 拖車 倉庫員;店鋪管理員;工 - 3 程師;電工及汽車出租商。
(w) To carry on all or any of the business of transport, cartage and haulage contractors, garage, proprietors, owners and charterers of road vehicles, aircraft and ships, tugs, barges and boats of every description, lightermen, and carriers of goods and
[...] [...] passengers by road, rail, water or air, carmen, cartage contractors and agents, forwarding, transport [...]
and commission agents, customs agents, stevedores, wharfingers, cargo superintendents,
packers, hauliers, warehousemen, storekeepers, engineers, electricians and jobmasters.
現 實的急 切需要 ,就是兩地 的 運輸,主要 還 是
[...] 由 香港持有兩地 牌照的 貨 拖頭處 理,不 能 夠 有 效 地 利用內地 [...]
的 運輸力 , 而 且 成本又 高 ; 同 時,由 於 須 過 關 , 車 輛 和 司 機
絕 大 部 分 時 間 均 不 在 路上行 駛 , 遇 上因為海 關 有任何 故障,例如 電腦故障等 , 便 會 導 致 嚴 重的交 通擠塞。
Besides, due to the need for
[...] clearance, container lorries and their drivers [...]
are most of the time not running on the roads.
Whenever there are any problems with customs clearance, such as computer breakdown, serious traffic congestion will result.
2008 年 6 月,
[...] 財委會再次批准撥款,更換一批特別用途車輛,包括青馬管制區的 14 部特別用途車輛,即 4 部重型救援車輛、5 部中型救1 部雙 向巴士、1 部特拖頭1 裝有水缸的1 部隧道洗牆車 及 1 部橋樑檢查工作車,當時估計所需費用為 7,514 萬元2。
In June 2008, the FC also approved, amongst others, the replacement of 14 specialised vehicles for the TMCA, including four heavy recovery vehicles, five medium recovery vehicles,
[...] double-end bus, one special tractor, one trailer-mounted bowser, one tunnel washer vehicle and one bridge inspection [...]
vehicle, at an estimated cost of $75.14 million at that time2.
(e) 闢設,並 設置 拖 車
(e) turnaround facilities with weighing station and vehicle recovery base
黃定光議員: 主席,內地當局經與香港特別行政區(“特區”)政府商 討後,已於去年年底廢除跨境貨櫃車“四上四落”的規定,即本港貨入內地後其貨櫃、司機拖頭 須一同返港。
MR WONG TING-KWONG (in Cantonese): Madam President, after discussion with the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), the mainland authorities abolished the "four-up-four-down" requirement
imposed on
[...] cross-boundary container trucks at the end of last year; hence the container, driver, tractor and trailer of a Hong Kong [...]
container truck having
entered the Mainland need not return to Hong Kong all together.
運輸署署長回應時表示,所更換的是重型和中型救 拖頭特別用 以及用於檢查青馬大橋結構的特別 用途車輛。
C for T responded that these were specialized
vehicles such as heavy and
[...] medium recovery vehicles, special tractors, and specialized vehicles used [...]
to inspect the structure of the Tsing Ma Bridge.
代理主席,無論是駕駛的士、小巴、巴士、 拖頭 實職業 司機面對的工作環境及工作模式也是非常辛苦的,例如他們每天工作十 [...]
Deputy President, all professional drivers,
be they drivers of taxis, minibuses,
[...] buses, lorries or tractors, are faced with a [...]
very harsh working environment and working
pattern. For instance, they work more than 10 hours a day and after work, they have to seize every opportunity to rest and spend time with their family members.
道理很簡單,在 1999 年的時候,一部歐 盟 II 型拖頭車 38 萬元至 40 萬元,如果政府豁免全數首次登記稅,車 主只須付出約 30 萬元。
In 1999, a Euro II tractor costed about $380,000 to $400,000. If the Government waived the FRT in full, the vehicle owner only [...]
had to pay about $300,000.
此外,梅賽德斯-奔馳香港有限公司同時提供一系列的商用汽車包括:Vito客貨車、Sprinter客貨車、Viano多用 Act r o s 拖頭 Ax or, Atego和Unimog提供最佳的運輸解決方案,應付市場不同需要。
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Limited
also offers an extensive choice of
[...] Vito, Sprinter, Viano, Actros, Axor, Atego and Unimog [...]
to meet the growing demand for personal mobility and transport.
這些措 施包括經常在工地灑
[...] 水、設置 車 輪清洗設施、遮 蓋 頭車物料和 使 用低噪音機 器 [...]
/ 設 備 。
These measures will include frequent watering of
the site, provision of wheel-washing facilities, covering of
[...] materials on trucks and using silenced [...]
construction plant.
我們建議再為青馬管制區更換 11 部特別用途車輛, 估計費用爲 3,902.5 萬元,計有 1 部重型救援車輛、3 部中型救 3 部特拖頭 4 部拖架上裝有水缸的水車。
We propose to replace another 11 specialised vehicles of the TMCA at an estimated cost of $39.025 million.
2007 年 5 月,財務委員會( 下稱
[...] 「財委會」) 批准一筆為數 1,829 萬元的撥款,更換 5 部特別用途車輛, 包括 3 部特拖頭1 部雙向巴士及 1 部重型救
In May 2007, the Finance Committee (FC) approved the replacement of five
[...] vehicles, including three special tractors, one double-end bus and one heavy [...]
recovery vehicle, at an estimated cost of $18.29 million.
關於上文第 5 段 (a)項,600
[...] 萬元的預算費用是用以購置 3 輛特別 用拖頭 們各裝有液壓轉盤,能作原地 180 度旋轉。
On paragraph 5(a) above, the estimate of $6.00 million is for
[...] procuring three special tractors, each fitted with [...]
a hydraulic turntable enabling it to
turn 180 degrees at a fixed spot.
關於“四上四落”的規定,內地海關總署在去年 12 月發出的第 42 號公 告中說明,進出境運拖頭 貨櫃自今年 1 月 1 日起沒有需要 “捆綁運輸”,換言之,“四上四落”要求已予放寬。
With regard to the "four-up-four-down" rule, the "42nd Announcement of the Mainland Customs" issued in December 2004 stipulates that
starting from 1 January 2005,
[...] the tractor, trailer and container of cross-boundary trucks no longer need [...]
to be "tied together" for crossing the boundary.
當局亦應考慮在申請開設處置 建築廢物的繳費帳戶的基本條件中加入規定,要求承建商須確 保離開建築工地的頭車 過磅及將載運量記錄在載運入帳 票,以便在公眾填料接收設施作核對之用,從而避免 頭車及可能出現非法棄置廢物活動。
Consideration should also be given to including in the Basic Conditions of the application for
a billing account
[...] for disposal of construction waste the need for contractors to ensure that dump trucks leaving construction sites are weighed and recorded in the chits for cross checking [...]
at public fill
reception facilities to avoid overloading and possible fly-tipping activities.
Actros拖頭 9款耐用高表現的BlueTec® 5 V6及V8引擎、一連串的傳動系統及12或16速平治PowerShift自動換檔技術,配合以應用為本的傳動軸,確保所有動力直 萬無一失。
The Actros boasts nine durable, high-performance BlueTec® 5 V6 and V8 engines. A range of transmission systems and the 12 or 16-speed Mercedes PowerShift automated gearshift work in combination with application-based drive axles to ensure that [...]
power is transmitted to the wheels without loss.
(e) 每間工廠應對運作或使用中的機器須加防護柵欄的部分加設堅固的保護 欄,例如(aa)原動機的各移動部件及與原動機相連的每個飛輪;(bb)每個水
[...] 車及水輪機的上水道及尾水道;(cc) 出的工料桿的任何部分;及 (dd)除非防護柵欄已安裝就位或其防護柵欄之堅固程度可確保對工廠所僱 [...]
或旋轉轉換器的各部件;(ii)傳動機器的各部件;及(iii)任何機器的危險部 件。
(e) In every factory the following shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the part of machinery required to be fenced are in motion or in use, namely (aa) every moving part of a prime mover, and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover; (bb) the head-race
and tail-race of every water wheel and
[...] water turbine; (cc) any part of a stock-bar [...]
which projects beyond the head stock of
a lathe; and (dd) unless they are in such position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed in the factory as they would be if they were securely fenced (i) every part of an electricity generator, a motor or rotary converter; (ii) every part of transmission machinery; and (iii) every dangerous part of any machinery.
不論身處何地,均可獲享全球緊急支援服務,協助處理緊急事宜,如緊急預支現金、補辦旅 遊證件、醫療及法律支援、安排汽車維修 拖車 解決任何範疇的緊急需要。
No matter where you are, our worldwide emergency assistant service can arrange emergency cash advance,
travel document replacement, medical and legal assistance,
[...] roadside repair and towing assistance, etc - anytime, [...]
我們看到很多以老人 家居住為主的舊式樓宇的環境日益惡化,又例如我們看到一些老人家已年屆 七八十歲,但仍然堅持在街頭擺賣,或是冒着風雨在 頭拖 皮,以賺取 微薄的生活補貼。
We have seen worsening conditions in many old buildings where the inhabitants are mainly elderly people, and another example is that we have also seen elderly people aged 70 or 80 still insisting on engaging in vending activities on the street or braving wind and rain while carrying cardboard on the street, only to earn a meagre income to help meet their living expenses.
民 建 聯 所建議 的這個陸港運 作方式 , 便 是 讓 內 地 南 下的貨 櫃 , 由 內 地 的拖 頭 港的深 圳那一 邊 , 然 後 把貨櫃卸下 ,馬上 裝 上一個北 上的貨 櫃 ─ 由 香港運 上的北 上 貨 櫃 , 那 個內地 拖頭 便 可以立 刻 轉 回 頭 上路。
The DAB's proposed land port will operate like this: A southbound container is carried by a mainland container lorry to the Shenzhen section of the land port, where unloading takes place. Immediately after this, a northbound container — a northbound container from Hong Kong — is loaded onto the same mainland container lorry, which then heads back immediately.
擬議更換的 3 輛特別用拖頭 1 997 年購置,投入服務已有 10 年,其 使用年限即將屆滿,功能亦在退化,如不及時更換,處理事 故及救火的工作可能會被延誤,因而影響青馬管制區內交通 的暢順運行。
If they are not replaced in time, the incident clearance and fire fighting operation time may be lengthened which would affect the smooth traffic flow in the TMCA.
Thank you very much for your vote!
You helped to increase the quality of our service.