37 Facts about the movie Horrible Bosses - Facts.net
Adriana Sherman

Written by Adriana Sherman

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Stan.com.au

Horrible Bosses is a hilarious comedy film that was released in 2011. Directed by Seth Gordon, the movie follows the lives of three friends who are tired of their horrible bosses and decide to take matters into their own hands. With a star-studded cast including Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis, Horrible Bosses has gained a cult following for its outrageous humor and relatable storyline.

In this article, we will explore 37 fascinating facts about the movie Horrible Bosses, ranging from behind-the-scenes tidbits to interesting trivia about the characters and its impact on pop culture. So, if you’re a fan of the film or simply curious about the movie-making process, sit back, relax, and get ready to discover some interesting and surprising details about Horrible Bosses!

Key Takeaways:

  • Horrible Bosses is a hilarious comedy released in 2011, based on real-life experiences, and features a star-studded cast. It explores workplace frustrations with sharp humor and relatable scenarios.
  • The film’s success sparked discussions about workplace culture, inspired a TV series, and created memorable catchphrases. It remains a go-to choice for a good laugh and relatable revenge fantasies.
Table of Contents

Horrible Bosses was released in 2011.

Directed by Seth Gordon, this hilarious comedy hit the screens in 2011, captivating audiences with its unique take on workplace frustrations.

The movie stars Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis.

The trio deliver unforgettable performances as three friends who hatch a plan to murder their insufferable bosses.

Horrible Bosses is loosely based on a true story.

The movie draws inspiration from the real-life experiences of co-writers Michael Markowitz and John Francis Daley, who encountered difficult bosses in their past.

The film received positive reviews from critics.

Critics praised the film’s comedic timing, chemistry between the cast, and its ability to tackle workplace issues with humor.

Horrible Bosses grossed over $200 million worldwide.

The movie was a commercial success, appealing to audiences around the globe and becoming a box office hit.

Jennifer Aniston’s role as a sexually aggressive dentist garnered attention.

Aniston’s portrayal of a dentist who sexually harasses her assistant added a bold and risqué element to the film.

The movie’s ensemble cast includes several well-known actors.

In addition to the main trio, the film features Kevin Spacey, Colin Farrell, Jamie Foxx, and Julie Bowen, among others.

Horrible Bosses was followed by a sequel.

In 2014, a sequel titled Horrible Bosses 2 was released, continuing the comedic misadventures of the trio.

The film’s screenplay was written by Michael Markowitz, John Francis Daley, and Jonathan Goldstein.

The talented trio crafted a script that skillfully blended humor, suspense, and relatable workplace scenarios.

Horrible Bosses explores themes of workplace dissatisfaction and the desire for revenge.

The film strikes a chord with many viewers by highlighting the frustrations and fantasies that arise from dealing with difficult bosses.

Director Seth Gordon brings his expertise in comedy to the film.

Gordon, known for his work on TV shows like The Office and Parks and Recreation, infuses the movie with sharp wit and comedic timing.

The characters’ attempts to murder their bosses lead to hilariously disastrous consequences.

As the trio’s plans go awry, audiences are kept on the edge of their seats while being treated to a series of comedic mishaps.

Horrible Bosses features memorable comedic cameos.

From Bob Newhart to Donald Sutherland, the film delights viewers with surprise appearances from well-known comedic actors.

The movie’s soundtrack adds to the overall comedic atmosphere.

The songs selected for the film help set the tone and enhance the humorous moments throughout the story.

Horrible Bosses blends dark humor with light-hearted comedic moments.

The film strikes a balance between darker themes of workplace frustration and lighthearted comedy, making it an enjoyable watch for a wide range of audiences.

The movie tackles issues of corporate culture and power imbalances.

Horrible Bosses sheds light on the abuse of power within the workplace, prompting viewers to reflect on their own experiences and perceptions.

Some scenes in the film were improvised.

The talented cast brought their comedic skills to the table, improvising certain scenes and adding to the overall hilarity of the film.

Horrible Bosses received nominations for various awards.

The film was recognized with nominations at the People’s Choice Awards, Teen Choice Awards, and MTV Movie Awards.

The movie remains a popular choice for movie night with friends.

Horrible Bosses often comes up in discussions of favorite comedies to watch and quote with friends, making it a staple in many movie collections.

The film’s success led to the creation of a Horrible Bosses-themed board game.

Fans of the movie can now bring the hilarity home with them by playing a board game inspired by the film’s plot and characters.

Horrible Bosses sparked conversations about workplace dynamics.

The movie provided an opportunity for viewers to discuss their own experiences and share anecdotes about their own “horrible bosses.”

The film’s clever dialogue and sharp one-liners became fan favorites.

Lines like “Man, your dick must be made of Legos; you’re a fucking genius!” became instant quotables and added to the film’s enduring popularity.

Horrible Bosses showcases the importance of friendship and loyalty.

Despite their misguided attempts, the three friends ultimately come together to support each other through their workplace struggles.

The movie received positive responses from audiences around the world.

Viewers praised the film for its relatable characters, clever humor, and its ability to provide much-needed comedic relief.

The success of Horrible Bosses led to discussions about workplace culture and the need for change.

The film sparked conversations about the toxic environments that can exist within workplaces and the importance of addressing these issues.

Horrible Bosses showcases the talents of its ensemble cast.

The chemistry between the actors is evident on-screen, contributing to the comedic brilliance of the film.

The movie’s comedic timing keeps viewers engaged from start to finish.

Horrible Bosses maintains a fast-paced and entertaining rhythm, ensuring that there is never a dull moment.

The film’s script is packed with witty banter and memorable lines.

The writing of Horrible Bosses deserves praise for its sharp humor and memorable exchanges between the characters.

Horrible Bosses offers a cathartic escape for those dealing with challenging work environments.

Watching the trio take revenge on their bosses allows viewers to live out their fantasies, providing a sense of satisfaction.

The movie’s success led to a spin-off TV series.

In 2014, a television adaptation titled Horrible Bosses: The TV Series was announced, further expanding the world of the film.

Horrible Bosses remains a go-to film for those in need of a good laugh.

The timeless themes of workplace frustrations and hilarious revenge make it a beloved choice for comedy enthusiasts.

The film incorporates elements of slapstick comedy.

The physical comedy in Horrible Bosses adds another layer of amusement to the already cleverly written dialogue.

The movie’s success inspired countless spoofs and parodies.

From YouTube sketches to late-night TV, Horrible Bosses inspired a wave of humorous imitations that further propelled its popularity.

The film’s edgy humor pushes boundaries without crossing a line.

Horrible Bosses manages to balance its bold and irreverent humor while still remaining accessible and enjoyable to a wide audience.

The movie explores different types of horrible bosses, from manipulative to outright abusive.

By showcasing various types of problematic bosses, the film sheds light on different aspects of workplace dysfunction.

Horrible Bosses spawned a series of unforgettable catchphrases.

Lines such as “That’s not my name, cocksucker!” and “Motherfucker, I’m going to blow you!” have become synonymous with the film and are often quoted by fans.

The film’s success led to the realization that everyone has dealt with a horrible boss at some point.

The relatability of the film’s premise resonated with audiences worldwide, making Horrible Bosses an instant classic.


In conclusion, “Horrible Bosses” is a hilarious comedy that captivates audiences with its witty humor and relatable premise. With an all-star cast and a well-written script, this movie has become a fan favorite for its memorable characters and quotable lines. Whether you’ve experienced a horrible boss firsthand or simply enjoy a good laugh, “Horrible Bosses” delivers a high-energy and entertaining experience from start to finish. So, grab some popcorn, gather your friends, and get ready for a wild ride as you dive into the world of a group of employees seeking revenge on their unbearable bosses. You won’t be disappointed!


Q: Who directed the movie “Horrible Bosses”?

A: “Horrible Bosses” was directed by Seth Gordon.

Q: When was the movie “Horrible Bosses” released?

A: “Horrible Bosses” was released on July 8, 2011.

Q: Who are the main actors in “Horrible Bosses”?

A: The main actors in “Horrible Bosses” are Jason Bateman, Charlie Day, and Jason Sudeikis.

Q: Is “Horrible Bosses” a sequel or part of a series?

A: No, “Horrible Bosses” is not a sequel or part of a series. It stands alone as its own movie.

Q: What is the genre of “Horrible Bosses”?

A: “Horrible Bosses” is a comedy film with elements of crime and revenge.

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