
The hardest-hit area

發佈時間: 2020/07/17

The hardest-hit area

本港爆發第三波新冠肺炎疫情,慈雲山成重災區(the hardest-hit area)。其實,多區均有確診個案,總有一單在左近。惟有大家一起再次努力抗疫,才可終止這波疫情。

動詞hit有多個意思。Hit具體指「擊中、碰撞、攻擊」。例如,We need to find out why she hit her classmates, not just punish her.(我們需要找出為甚麼她打同學,而不是僅僅懲罰她。)The driver is believed to have lost control of his car and hit the lamp post.(相信是車輛失控,司機才會撞上燈柱。)The missiles wrongly hit a hospital and two schools.(導彈誤擊了一所醫院及兩所學校。)

由hit的具體意義引申出來的抽象意義,生動貼切。Hit一字在文首指「打擊、產生不良影響」。例句︰The United States is the hardest-hit country in this pandemic.(美國是這場全球大流行中疫情最嚴重的國家。)

Hit也可以解「忽然意識到」。例如,When my baby first cried at midnight, it hit me that my life was never going to be the same again.(當我的孩子第一次在午夜哭泣時,我忽然意識到我的生活再也不一樣了。)


撰文: Ally Dean's List級英文老師
欄名: WordDiscovery