CactusApocalypse (Customer) asked a question.

[Easy Anti Cheat] Install, uninstall, or repair

On the EAC support page it states the following: "You can also install the service manually. To do so navigate to the "EasyAntiCheat" folder inside of the game's installation folder and locate "EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe". Launch it as administrator and choose 'Install'."

But we have implemented v1.16.1 of the C# SDK and the exe is now called "EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe" and nothing happens when I try to launch this exe.

When I try Rec Room which also uses EAC, I see that when I launch "EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe" it opens up a window where you can select the game (just a number) and install it.

Is this something we are doing wrong? How should we get the window to also show for us?

  • James.Herd (Epic Games)

    Hi, that support page is referring to an older version of EAC. The up-to-date documentation for the version you're using can be found within our EOS docs, with the specific subsection referring to the setup executable here. The installer was changed to require command line parameters to instruct it to install or uninstall; it no longer does anything when simply launching it on its own.

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  • James.Herd (Epic Games)

    Hi, that support page is referring to an older version of EAC. The up-to-date documentation for the version you're using can be found within our EOS docs, with the specific subsection referring to the setup executable here. The installer was changed to require command line parameters to instruct it to install or uninstall; it no longer does anything when simply launching it on its own.

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    • CactusApocalypse (Customer)

      So if a user would have uninstalled EAC they would need to run this command?:

      1. EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe install <Your ProductId>



      • CactusApocalypse (Customer)

        Would it be possible to let the bootstrapper run the EasyAntiCheat_EOS_Setup.exe installation if it detects that it is not installed?


  • James.Herd (Epic Games)

    The recommendation for that behavior would be to write your own script that performs those install checks and then executes the EAC bootstrapper afterwards. You could then set that script as the launch executable for your product.


    Alternatively, you could include a script in your build to handle EAC installation that your players can run manually in the event that they've uninstalled it.

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