What is/are your “unpopular” opinion(s) re: subjects on G.H.? I’ll start by giving a couple of examples:

  • I actually like storylines revolving around the mob/action-adventure, but SLs about the hospital I mostly find boring. Ironic given the name of the series, I know.

  • While I’m not a huge fan, I don’t mind Cameron Matheson as Drew.


I don’t mind Cameron Mathison on GH but he he may as well be playing a different character. This is not Drew, like Cynthia Watros is a different character named Nina, than the Nina played by Michelle Stafford.

My unpopular opinion is that I want more actual Quartermaines who act like Quartermaines on screen.


I like Sasha and Cody together and also
I like Gregory Chase.
I don’t know about here, but people are mean concerning these characters on Twitter. Lol


I like Joss. I like that she is outspoken when necessary, she’s honest, and she tells it like it is.

I also do not like the characters of Nicholas and Spencer and I hope they are both gone for good.

And I like Sam and Dante together and when Lulu wakes up I want them to be happily married and Lulu will just have to get over it and move on and just be into her kids for a while.

I also like the new Molly better than the old one.


I like Marshall and think he adds a lot to the show. There, I said it! lol

The same goes for Stella. I love seeing her work at the hospital and come home to her family. It connects her to GH and the non-hospital crowd.

Reminds me more of how the show was back in the late '70s/early '80s with the Webbers when you would see Rick and Leslie at the hospital and then home with Laura.


First let me start off by saying that i have been watching GH for 45 years so I am invested in the show.

My unpopular opinion is that there are way too many older characters on the show. When i first started watching GH there were 7 characters over 60. Audrey Hardy, Steve Hardy, Lee Baldwin,
Gail Baldwin, Edward Quartermaine, Lila Quartermaine and Jesse Brewer.

Currently there are 19 characters 60 and older. And 15 characters between 40 and 60. At least 1/2 of these characters need be written out of the show. The producers need to concentrate on hiring legacy and new characters under the age of 40.

I want to still be watching GH in 20 years and i do not believe that will be possible without bringing in younger characters to attract new viewers.


Audrey and Steve couldn’t have been that old back then, remember she gave birth to Tom Hardy Jr. Tom Hardy Jr…hmmmm…, I think he should be brought back with his wife and his son who is now grown.


I think Anna is the most useless spy/police commissioner


Correct. They were all only in their late 40s or early 50s around 1977. However, in those days, people tended to look older than their actual age so I could see where the OP might have been off.


You might be right maybe they just seemed old to my 14 year old self. Today 60 doesn’t look old to me just not the demographic needed to keep GH going long term.


I wouldn’t say the cast is so overwhelmingly old that there is no future. However, it could still stand to have newer blood from the hospital’s perspective. And there are a lot of young kids on the show, all to different degrees. (Danny, Aiden, Jake, Rocco, Charlotte, and even Violet, Wylie, etc.)

I love the strong-willed opinionated women of the show. Tracy, Carly, Ava, Anna, and Joss. They stand up for themselves and their loved ones and don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. I can’t stand needy, mealy-mouthed wimpy women (hello Nina, Molly, Portia, and Willow)


Scout, Avery, Donna, Georgie, James and Bailey unfortunately they don’t drive storys.


45 years was only 1979. John Beradino was 60 and Rachel Ames was 50. Close enough.

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I was a Luke fan. I don’t think the character was supposed to be on very long, and that’s why he was awful to begin with. Tony was just so charismatic and charming that they had to change the arc and make him likable. I’m pretty sure that’s why they hooked him up with Laura, if she “forgave” him, viewers could too.


A few that come to mind…

I would love for Brenda to come back and reunite with Sonny. :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

I really enjoy the Big 3, even if I don’t always agree with their actions, because they are the ones that made me invested starting in the early 2000s.

I enjoyed Friz and their family unit.

I don’t mind the drama free couples like Finn/Liz and BLQ/Chase.

I enjoy Cyrus when he’s on my screen.

I’m sure there’s others. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Very true but they set up the show for a bright future!

I never liked Chase and Brooklyn together. Brooklyn is selfish and spoiled.
I could do without Alexis and all the Davis girls.
I don’t like Ava, mostly because she killed Connie.
I think they should’ve redeemed Esme instead of killing her off.
I wouldn’t mind a Joss and Spencer pairing.
Dex has more important things to think about than a girlfriend atm.


For sure! When I was 14 somebody 25 was ancient!

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To me the Nina character is pretty much the same. She’s selfish and acts before she thinks. I remember her mother telling Liesel that as a child she would push her mother down the stairs if she didn’t get what she wanted. Her father spoiled her something terrible that was the reason she ended up with all the money. But I still have hope she’ll turn her life around she just needs to give up on her revenge.
I think a relationship with Drew can offer her something she’s never had before. Honesty.