Larry the Cable Guy and family at home


Dan Whitney, akaLarry the Cable Guy, 45, and his wife Cara, 31,along with daughter Reagan, 4 months, and son Wyatt, 19 months, appeared in a recent issue of People magazine, discussing their marriage and their two little ones.

Click below for the photos and interview highlights.


Born in Nebraska, Larry ended up meeting his female counterpart — a cattle farmer's daughter from Wisconsin — in Las Vegas. At the time, Cara was working as a radio DJ in the city, and the pair hit it off. In 2005, they married in a Nebraska field — Larry in a cut-off sweatshirt, and Cara in a camo tank top and shorts.

Our whole wedding cost 180 bucks. Afterward, we re-heated lasagna for everyone and set off fireworks. [Cara]'s a bonafide, grade-A cowgirl. And she's funnier than I am!

However, don't think that she can't uphold the law with the kids if need be. Cara laughs,

I have to be the hammer because he's Mr. Washcloth Softie!


It's not all bad though. Cara says she frequently receives hand-written love notes, and after the birth of Reagan last fall, she was surprised with a five-carat platinum-and-diamond mother's ring in the hospital after the delivery. Larry is also often the first one up with his daughter.

At 6 in the morning when the baby's crying, he gets up with her. That's the best.


The comedian says that although he is busy, with both comedy tours and movies, he's grateful that his career allows him the schedule that it does.

We're homebodies. I've gotten to see my kids' first steps, first smiles, first words. Every day is a weekend.


As for the kids, Wyatt is a handful already, while Larry has hometown dreams for Reagan.

We're gonna have a lot of principal's appointments with that kid. [laughs] He just learned how to play the harmonica. He's a goofball. Wyatt has a good sense of humor — that kid likes to laugh. And he loves throwing the ball. He's got an arm on him!

Reagan is named after our favorite President. I'd wanted a girl, and now we got one of each, which is perfect. Reagan will probably cheer for the [Nebraska] Huskers. And I'm grooming Wyatt to be the High-Definition Satellite Guy!

Source: People, March 10th issue, p. 147-150.

Photos by Peter Yang.