BSH - Hydrographic Surveying


Hydrographic surveying

Hydrographic survey data in GeoSeaPortal; opens Link to GeoSeaPortal

Digital terrain model of the North Sea and Baltic Sea seabed

The results from the hydrographic survey are provided in a digital terrain model of the seabed (seabed DTM). The data describe the topography of the seabed of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. The depth reference system is Normalhöhennull (NHN/Base Height Level). The original position reference of the model is ETRS89-UTM32. The raster resolution of the digital terrain model is 50 m x 50 m. Click here to go directly to the application.


Sediment and seabed relief maps

The sediment distribution and relief maps were prepared within the framework of the administrative agreement between BSH and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (IOW) by the "Marine Geology" section of the IOW. The mapping work at sea was carried out from 1994 to 2010. Existing data were taken into account as far as possible in the mapping process.

Maritime boundary charts

The BSH issues two maritime boundary charts. They are not corrected after the date of the "minor correction" by "Notices to Mariners".

Additional Information


Bernd Vahrenkamp +49 40 3190-4130

Hydrographic surveys and wreck search