Find Love on Bookofmatches: Our Honest Review

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a casual fling? Bookofmatches might be the perfect place to start! But before you dive in, let’s take a closer look at this dating site. What does it offer that other sites don’t? Is it worth your time and money? We’ll answer all these questions – and more – in our review of Bookofmatches. So grab some popcorn (or wine) and get ready to find out if this is the right match for you!


Ah, Bookofmatches. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me about this site…well, let’s just say I wouldn’t be writing this review! Let’s face it: Bookofmatches is like the ugly stepsister of online dating sites – no one wants to talk about her and she never gets invited to the ball. It’s an outdated platform with little in terms of features or user experience; you’re better off spending your money elsewhere if you want any chance at finding love online. Bottom line? This site isn’t worth your time or dime – don’t waste either on it!

Bookofmatches in 10 seconds

  • Bookofmatches is a dating site that offers users the ability to find potential matches.
  • The matching algorithm uses an extensive questionnaire to match users with compatible partners.
  • Bookofmatches offers free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $19.99 to $49.99 per month.
  • There is also an app available for Android and iOS devices.
  • Compared to other sites on the market, Bookofmatches is one of the more affordable options.
  • Bookofmatches takes user privacy and security seriously, offering secure encryption for all personal data.
  • The site also offers a unique feature called “The Vault” which allows users to store private photos and videos.
  • Users can also send virtual gifts to each other to show their appreciation.
  • Bookofmatches has a strict policy against harassment and bullying, and any reported incidents are taken seriously.
  • The site also offers a “Verified Member” badge, allowing users to prove their identity and increase their trustworthiness.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s free to join and use.
  • Easy-to-use search filters make it easy to find potential matches.
  • The site offers a variety of features that help you connect with other singles in your area.
  • Limited search options make it difficult to find compatible matches.
  • User interface is outdated and not user-friendly.
  • Lack of safety features makes it a risky platform for online dating.
  • No mobile app available, so you can only access the site from your computer or laptop.
  • Low number of active users compared to other popular dating sites like Tinder or Bumble

How we reviewed Bookofmatches

When it comes to reviewing Bookofmatches, we take our job seriously. We tested both the free and paid versions of this dating site, spending days sending messages back and forth with other users – in total we sent over 100 messages! As part of our review process, we also took time to explore all features available on the website such as searching for matches based on different criteria like age or location. Additionally, when testing out the chat feature offered by Bookofmatches,we made sure that any conversation was respectful so as not to give a false impression about what one can expect from using this platform. We went even further than just messaging people; while exploring its user interface (UI) and user experience (UX),we looked at how easy it is for someone new to navigate around the website without getting lost or confused. This included making sure that all buttons are labeled correctly so they’re easily identifiable no matter where you are within their system – something many sites overlook but which makes a huge difference in terms of usability! Finally after completing these steps-and more-our team put together an extensive report detailing everything from pros/cons about signing up through them versus another provider plus recommendations tailored specifically towards those looking into joining Bookofmatches themselves. It’s because of reviews like ours that readers can trust us when deciding whether or not they should try out online dating services – especially ones likeBookofMatches–with confidence knowing exactly what kind service they’re getting before committing anything financially!

User Profiles

Ugh, Bookofmatches. I’m not sure what kind of match they think they’re gonna make for me here! The user profiles are so basic and don’t give you much to go on – it’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack! Plus, all the profiles are public which means anyone can view them. You can set up your own custom bio but that doesn’t really help when everyone else has such limited info about themselves listed anyway. Location info is included in each profile too – there’s no way to hide it if you want any privacy at all while using this site. There isn’t even an indication of how far away someone is from you or anything like that either; let alone any benefits for having a premium subscription (which I definitely wouldn’t recommend). On top of everything else, there were plenty of fake profiles during my time testing out the site – talk about being left high and dry! All things considered, if finding love was easy then we’d all be married by now…but unfortunately with Bookofmatches as our wingman? Ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat!!

Bookofmatches features

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers more than just the basics, then Bookofmatches isn’t your best bet. While it does offer free and paid features, they’re not as comprehensive or user-friendly as other sites out there.

The free version of Bookofmatches is extremely limited in terms of what users can do on the platform. You won’t be able to send messages or use any sort of search filters – so finding someone who meets your criteria will take some time! The only real feature available with this option is creating a profile – which doesn’t really make up for all the missing options…

On top of that, even if you decide to upgrade to one their premium plans (which range from $9-$20 per month), you still don’t get access to much more than basic messaging capabilities and photo uploads/viewing privileges. So unless chatting online without being able see anyone’s face floats your boat – I wouldn’t recommend paying for an account here!

Speaking about unique features; unfortunately there aren’t many worth mentioning on BookofMatches either way: no video chat rooms nor compatibility tests like most other popular platforms have nowadays… That said though; at least they do provide safety tips when signing up – something we should all appreciate these days given how easy it has become getting scammed by malicious actors lurking around social media websites & apps alike… Better safe than sorry right? 😉

All things considered; while I understand why some people might find value in using this website due its low cost entry point compared with competitors such Match & eHarmony– ultimately my verdict would be “pass" since nothing stands out enough about them aside from their price tag alone..

  • Free membership
  • Profile creation and searching
  • Chatrooms and instant messaging
  • Compatibility matching
  • Photo and video uploads

Help & Support

Bookofmatches is a dating site that promises to help users find their perfect match. Unfortunately, when it comes to support, they don’t deliver on this promise. Trying to get in touch with Bookofmatches can be like looking for a needle in a haystack – good luck!

I’ve tried contacting them several times and never got any response or the responses I did receive were less than satisfactory. It’s almost as if you’re talking into an empty void because there’s no one at the other end of your messages who actually cares about helping you out! The only thing worse than not getting any response from customer service is having them take forever responding – which seems to be par for the course here at BookofMatches. If you want timely answers then look elsewhere because waiting days (or even weeks) isn’t unheard of here either!

What makes matters worse is that there doesn’t seem to be much information available online regarding how best contact support or what kind of services are offered by them either; unless I’m missing something obvious? There’s also no page dedicated towards frequently asked questions so navigating around issues can feel like walking through quicksand – slow and tedious work indeed!. All these factors make it difficult for customers seeking assistance quickly & easily without wasting time trying different methods hoping one works eventually…if ever!!

Overall, my experience with BookOfMatchess’ customer service has been far from ideal; making me wonder why anyone would use such an unreliable platform?! As someone who takes pride in providing helpful advice based on real-life experiences…avoid using this website altogether until they step up their game when it comes down supporting its members properly!!!

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about registering on Bookofmatches? Well, let me tell ya – it’s a piece of cake! All you need to do is head over to the website and click "Sign Up". You’ll be asked for some basic information like your name, age (you must be 18 or older), gender and email address. Once that’s done with all that’s left is creating a password. And just like that – boom! Your account will be ready in no time at all.

The best part? It won’t cost you anything – registration on Bookofmatches is totally free so there are no hidden costs or fees involved whatsoever which makes it even more appealing if I may say so myself! Plus they have tons of features available such as private messaging options which allow users to get in touch with each other easily without having their messages visible publicly; this way people can chat freely while still keeping their conversations safe from prying eyes.

Once registered though don’t forget: safety first when using any online dating site especially one like BookofMatches where anyone above 18 years old can join up regardless of background or experience level within the realm of digital romance. That being said make sure not to give out too much personal info right away and keep things lighthearted until getting comfortable enough around someone before diving into deeper topics..

And speaking about comfort levels- another great thing about this particular platform would definitely have got ta’be its search filters feature allowing users tailor results according specific criteria ranging from location preferences, physical attributes down ta’ hobbies & interests. This way potential matches become easier than ever before helping narrow down searches quickly & efficiently saving everyone precious amounts o’dating time!

All things considered signing up for an account on bookOfMatche sis pretty straightforward but also super important since taking proper precautions during early stages could save lotsa headaches lateron 😉 So why wait? Go ahead nd start searching today!

  • These are the requirements to register on Bookofmatches:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the people you are interested in
  • Your date of birth
  • Your location
  • Your username and password
  • A profile picture


Bookofmatches is a dating site that claims to be free, but it’s not. Sure, you can create an account and browse around for potential matches without paying anything – but if you want access to the real features of this website (like messaging other users), then you have no choice but to shell out some cash. The prices aren’t competitive either; they’re actually pretty steep compared with similar sites on the market!

Plus, there are very few benefits associated with getting a paid subscription. You get unlimited messages and more detailed search options – both of which are nice perks –but overall I don’t think it’s worth your hard-earned money. Bottom line: Bookofmatches isn’t really “free" like they claim – so unless their pricing structure changes drastically in the near future, steer clear!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Upload photos, View profiles, Send winks, Search for matches
Premium $9.99/month All free features plus: Message other users, See who viewed your profile, Get priority customer service
VIP $19.99/month All premium features plus: See who likes you, Get featured on the homepage, Get highlighted in search results

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Bookofmatches include OkCupid,, and eHarmony – all of which are popular dating sites with large user bases. Additionally, there are plenty of niche-specific dating apps such as Tinder for those looking for more specific matches.

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet someone special
  • Best for those who want to find a long-term relationship
  • Best for people seeking companionship and friendship


1. Is Bookofmatches free?

No, Bookofmatches isn’t free. It’s pretty expensive for what you get and there are much better dating sites out there that offer more features at a lower cost. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Bookofmatches?

It usually takes a few days for your profile to be approved on Bookofmatches, which is really annoying. The process seems slow and inefficient – not what you want when trying to find someone special! Plus, the site isn’t even that great so it’s hardly worth waiting around for.

3. Is Bookofmatches any good?

Bookofmatches is definitely not great. It’s pretty outdated and the user interface isn’t very intuitive. Plus, it doesn’t have a lot of active users so your chances of finding someone are slim.

4. How to find people on Bookofmatches?

Searching for people on Bookofmatches is a waste of time. It’s an outdated site with few active users, so you’re unlikely to find anyone interesting there. I wouldn’t recommend it as a dating option – look elsewhere!

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By Jessica Brighton

Jessica Brighton is an online dating expert and reviewer with a passion for helping people find the perfect match. She has dedicated her career to understanding how relationships work, both in real life and on the internet. A graduate of University College London, Jessica earned her Bachelor's degree in Psychology before going on to pursue further studies at King’s College London where she obtained a Master’s Degree in Social Research Methods & Statistics. With these qualifications under her belt, Jessica was well-equipped to delve into researching why some couples succeed while others fail when it comes to finding love online or off-line. It wasn't until after years of research that Jessica decided it was time for action - so she began writing reviews about different dating sites and apps from all over the world! Her goal? To provide honest feedback based on personal experience as well as data analysis so that other singles could make informed decisions about which platforms were right for them when looking for their soulmate or just someone special they can connect with! As one of today's leading experts on modern romance, Jessica continues working hard every day towards making sure everyone finds true happiness by providing helpful advice through articles published regularly across various websites such as The Guardian Life section and Love Matters magazine among many others!

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