Kick-Ass Vol 1 1 | Marvel Database | Fandom
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Quote1 I always wondered why nobody did it before me. I mean, all those comic book movies and television shows, you'd think at least one eccentric loner would have stitched himself a costume. Is everyday life really so exciting? Are schools and offices really so thrilling that I'm the only one who ever fantasized about this? C'mon. Be honest with yourself. We all planned to be a superhero at some point in our lives. Quote2
Kick-Ass (Dave Lizewski)

Appearing in "Kick-Ass"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • unnamed gangsters
  • unnamed taggers

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



Synopsis for "Kick-Ass"

Dave Lizewski, regular high school kid being raised by a widower father, takes it upon himself to become a real life superhero. After getting together a suit and doing some training he confronts his first criminals, which doesn't go well for him.

Solicit Synopsis

The greatest super hero comic of all-time is finally here. Wolverine: Enemy of the State's team of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. reunite for the best new book of the 21st century. Have you ever wanted to be a super hero? Dreamed of donning a mask and just heading outside to some kick-ass? Well, this is the book for you - the comic that starts where other super hero books draw the line. Kick-Ass is realistic super heroes taken to the next level. Miss out and you're an idiot!


  • This issue was dedicated to Paul James Downie.


See Also

Links and References

