Clevedon School - About Us

Clevedon School

Clevedon School

About Us

Welcome to Clevedon School

We are a co-educational, 11-18 vertically integrated, comprehensive school offering an inspirational learning environment for over 1,350 students. Nestled in the Swiss Valley of Clevedon, we enjoy the benefits of extensive playing fields, woodland areas, a wide range of sports facilities coupled with a mix of older and modern buildings meaning that we are well equipped to offer an outstanding education.

Our curriculum is both traditional and innovative with elements of student choice in all Key Stages. All subjects in the curriculum have a clear rationale behind what they teach meaning progression through a subject discipline is carefully aligned with wanting the very best for each student. This is known as our curriculum intent.

We provide our students with character forming opportunities and responsibility through the House System, the competitive but extremely fun House Championship and a wide array of enrichment activity. All students receive extensive careers guidance integrated both into the curriculum and as enrichment events so that they have ambitious goals regarding further academic study and employment options. Indeed, our high expectations are evidenced in the national recognition we regularly receive for our achievements in and out of the classroom.

Our school is based upon traditional values with a forward thinking vision.  Every member of our school community is reminded daily of our key principles: Be Kind. Be Brilliant.  It’s known as ‘The Clevedon Way’ and helps create that crucial sense of belonging to both one’s House and the wider school community.  It is hardly surprising therefore that students and staff alike have immense pride for their school.

I do hope you enjoy looking at the website and finding out more about us including the Open Evening section which contain interactive maps, school videos and an opportunity to listen to staff and students from the school. You can also view our school vision against which we align decision making and judge our progress.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit to the school as there is something very special about learning and working at Clevedon School and I would be delighted to tour the school with you and let you experience this first hand.

Enjoy browsing the website or looking at the Twitter feed for a small sample of what Clevedon School has to offer.  

Best wishes

Jim Smith