How to download wikipedia on computer? - EPN

How to download wikipedia on computer?

Wikipedia is undoubtedly a valuable source of information that covers a vast range of topics. However, accessing this information can be problematic when an internet connection is not readily available. In such cases, downloading Wikipedia to your computer can prove to be immensely useful. This article will guide you through the process of downloading Wikipedia and provide information on its various uses.

Why would you want to download Wikipedia?

Downloading Wikipedia can be advantageous in several scenarios. If you are planning a trip to an area with limited internet access, having a local copy of Wikipedia allows you to access information without the internet. Additionally, educators, students, researchers, or anyone with a desire for knowledge can benefit from offline access to Wikipedia’s vast database.

How to download and use Wikipedia on your computer?

Downloading Wikipedia may seem like a daunting task, but thanks to open-source initiatives, it can be done quite easily. The Wikimedia Foundation, which hosts Wikipedia, provides a downloadable version of the entire encyclopedia, known as the Wikipedia database dump. Here’s how you can download and make optimal use of it:

Step 1: Choose your preferred language

Visit the Wikimedia Downloads page ( and select your preferred language from the list of available Wikimedia projects. Click on the language link to proceed.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate Wikipedia dump

On the subsequent page, you’ll find a list of dumps available for the selected language. Choose the most recent version by looking at the “date” and “size” columns. To download the full Wikipedia, select the “pages-articles” dump.

Step 3: Download the dump to your computer

Click on the selected dump to access the files within. Locate the file with the “.bz2” extension and click on it to begin downloading. This file contains the compressed Wikipedia data and might require substantial disk space and time for decompression.

Step 4: Extract the downloaded file

Once the download is complete, use a decompression tool like 7-Zip or WinRAR to extract the contents of the downloaded file. This process may take a while, so make sure you have sufficient disk space.

Step 5: Choose your browsing platform

Now that you have the extracted files, you need a suitable platform to browse and read Wikipedia offline. Kiwix is a popular choice that supports multiple operating systems. Download and install Kiwix from their website ( according to your operating system.

Step 6: Open Wikipedia on Kiwix

Launch Kiwix after installation, and you will be prompted to choose a library. To access Wikipedia, select “Wikipedia” from the dropdown menu and click “OK.” Kiwix will then open Wikipedia, allowing you to browse and search for articles offline.

How often should you update your downloaded Wikipedia?

It is recommended to update your downloaded version of Wikipedia every few months to keep the information up to date.

Can you access the full Wikipedia history after downloading?

No, the Wikipedia database dump does not include the full edit history. It only provides the static content of the articles.

Can you download Wikipedia on a phone or tablet?

Yes, you can download Wikipedia on your phone or tablet using the Kiwix app, which is available for Android and iOS.

Is downloading Wikipedia legal?

Downloading Wikipedia’s database dump is legal as it is provided by the Wikimedia Foundation under the GNU Free Documentation License.

Can you download specific sections or languages of Wikipedia?

Yes, you can download specific sections or languages of Wikipedia. The Wikimedia Downloads page offers various dumps based on languages and specific wiki projects.

Can you contribute to Wikipedia if you have the downloaded version?

No, the downloaded version is read-only and does not allow contributions. Contributions can only be made through the online version of Wikipedia.

Do other offline solutions besides Kiwix exist?

Yes, alternative offline Wikipedia solutions include Xowa, Okawix, and certain browser extensions like Wikiwand and WikiTaxi.

Are there any alternatives to Wikipedia for offline use?

Yes, some alternatives to offline Wikipedia include Wikivoyage, Project Gutenberg, and DBpedia.

Is it possible to download Wikipedia for commercial purposes?

While the downloaded version can be used for personal or educational purposes, commercial use of Wikipedia data is subject to specific licensing and legal considerations.

Can downloaded Wikipedia be accessed without a dedicated viewer?

Yes, once the Wikipedia database dump is downloaded and extracted, you can access individual articles using any text editor, browser, or software that supports HTML or XML files.

In conclusion, downloading Wikipedia on your computer provides offline access to a vast wealth of information. By following the simple steps outlined above, you can easily obtain a local copy of Wikipedia and browse its vast collection of articles without an internet connection. Whether you are a student, traveler, or simply someone seeking knowledge, having Wikipedia readily available on your computer can be a valuable resource.

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