ALBUM REVIEW: Feeder – Black/Red | NARC. | Reliably Informed | Music and Creative Arts News for Newcastle and the North East

Narc. Magazine Online

Reliably informed


Big Teeth Music

Released: 05.04.24







Few bands have sufficient creativity and longevity to hit double figures, and yet Feeder have decided to turn album number twelve into a double album. This turns the release into an event with two halves, perhaps with an interval in between as you change the disc. I’m not sure if that necessarily works in the streaming world but it does derive a musical yin and yang.

The album is full of the life affirming positivity that one comes to expect from the band. After hearing the guitar-led sing-along bangers on CD 1 I was wondering if the second album would see a gear change. If anything, the soundscape widens and becomes more expansive until it finally almost chills out with the final track Ghosts On Parade, making for an absorbing release.


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