Hong Kong Academy Review - WhichSchoolAdvisor
Hong Kong / New Territories / Sai Kung / Hong Kong Academy

Hong Kong Academy Review

The all-through Hong Kong Academy is one of only six international schools in Hong Kong to offer all three IB programmes, and as such it offers a globally recognised and seamless pathway to a university education.
Parents' Rating
3.2 out of 5 based on 4 reviews
At a glance
School phase
All through
Inspection rating
No rating
Curricula taught
Availability 2023/24
Availability 2024/25
Annual fee average
HKD 208,000
Annual fees
HKD 109,000–247,460
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Opening year
School year
Aug to Jun
Stephen Dare
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Hong Kong Academy
School phase
All through
Inspection rating
No rating
Curricula taught
Availability 2023/24
Availability 2024/25
Annual fee average
HKD 208,000
Annual fees
HKD 109,000–247,460
Price band help
Opening year
School year
Aug to Jun
Stephen Dare
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The all-through Hong Kong Academy is one of only six international schools in Hong Kong to offer all three IB programmes, and as such it offers a globally recognised and seamless pathway to a university education.

Hong Kong Academy is a mid-sized IB World School offering the Primary Years, Middle Years, and Diploma programmes for students from early childhood through to Grade 12. This independent, non-profit school for students aged 3 to 18 has several distinguishing features, including learning support in mainstream, global citizenship, and a state-of-the-art campus.

Founded in 2000, HKA has more than 600 students; the majority are locals and expats living in Sai Kung and the New Territories. It’s a school that talks a lot about having a “personal, individualised approach to education and an engaged, close-knit community” – and this is certainly supported by its low teacher to student ratio of 1:6 here.

At primary level, “a rigorous and developmentally appropriate approach to literacy and mathematics are integrated into the PYP curriculum framework” and all students study Mandarin. At secondary level, students follow the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (MYP) for Grades 6 to 10 and the IBDP for Grades 11 and 12. Students also have the option to study for the Global Citizen Diploma (GCD), which complements the IB Diploma and the HKA High School Diploma and connects students across the world.

The school says,

“Small class sizes and low student teacher ratio allow for maximum flexibility in meeting student’s needs and provide a broad base for social interaction. As children grow, increasing scope and complexity are built into the curriculum to ensure that individual developmental needs are met and that children are challenged and stretched in their learning.”

HKA has a 1:1 student laptop programme from Grade 5 onwards. It also complements its curriculum with a wide range of athletic and extra-curricular programmes, sports clubs, community service initiatives, and annual study trips to locations in China.

One of HKA’s standout qualities has to be its inclusive education for children with special educational needs. HKA is one of only a few schools in Hong Kong that offers learning support to gifted students and those with autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning needs within the mainstream classroom. Between 10% to 15% of HKA students receive some level of learner support, ranging from mild to intensive, and the school is equipped to deliver a top-level SEN education at its Learner Support Centre with a speech lab and pull-out rooms integrated into the classroom areas.

The school says,

“Working with classroom teachers, specialists tailor “pull out” and “push in” strategies for special needs students according to their individual requirements and in keeping with the classroom dynamics. There are also facilities for in-school occupational and speech therapy.”

In 2013, HKA moved to a new, impressive campus in the town of Sai Kung in Hong Kong’s New Territories. It certainly has the facilities to deliver a well-rounded modern education with everything from a rooftop art exhibition space to an auditorium. Specialist learning spaces include art studios, a two-storey library, sciences labs, drama and dance studios, music practice rooms, and a high school lounge and study area.

Tuition fees range from HKD 186,700 – 223,000. Every family is required to purchase one family debenture of HKD 590,000; a debenture exempts one student from paying the Annual Capital Levy (ACL) of HKD 27,000 per student

A full review will be posted shortly.

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