Jack Nicholson Online / News / Jennifer Nicholson about her dad
  • May 30th, 2010

    Jennifer Nicholson about her dad

    Jennifer Nicholson about her dad

    Jack Nicholson's daughter Jennifer Nicholson has spoken out about living in the ''shadow'' of her famous father. Jack Nicholson's daughter used to consider him as a "shadow" hanging over her.
    Jennifer Nicholson - daughter of Jack and actress Sandra Knight - admits she had a tough time as a child growing up in Los Angeles because of her father's fame.

    Jennifer says: "I went to a very strict private school in Los Angeles and it felt like a shadow hanging over me, as if another person - my dad - was tied to me. If someone found out who he was, there would be a sudden silence because back then he was considered a bit of a wild character. These days he's not, he's calmed down."

    In addition to being burdened with his fame, Jennifer, 46, also took issue with his love of young girlfriends.
    Jennifer says: "At first they were very old, then they were exactly my age - that was the worst for me - and they're my sister's age! As we all know, fame's a strange and painful thing and I've learnt to forgot all that stuff, to do the best for my children and express my creativity as honestly as I can while expecting nothing in return; no outside validation, just my own personal sense of satisfaction."

    However, Jennifer - who has sons 13-year-old Sean and 10-year-old Duke - does think her 73-year-old father is a "fantastic person".
    Jennifer says: "He's the best. He's had a long career because his honour and integrity inform his decisions, not what sells. Lots of his colleagues ask him for advice, especially the younger ones. On top of that he's intelligent, generous and has great respect for women. He's a fantastic person."

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(30607 views / 10 replies)
keith dunkelbarger - Sunday, 28th Nov 2010 @ 15:15

Jennifer--very good story. I am sure life was a challenge with such a popular father but it sounds like you are a fine lady.

Andyjoy - Friday, 3rd Sep 2010 @ 23:37

you make me happy with your film,your acting...it's so good .....however i will follow you forever....you are my idol....love you.... smile

Joan - Friday, 27th Aug 2010 @ 22:49

Hey Jack
Whether you acknowledge you are my cousin or not
does not matter to me (your dad and my grandfather were brothers)
its OK
I think you are a fabulous actor and person
and I only wish all the best things in life for you and your family

karen colleen allen - Friday, 13th Aug 2010 @ 01:01

jack you make my heart race ....im 65 years old this year (april 22)...way to go man !

Rose Chambers - Saturday, 7th Aug 2010 @ 07:34

I have loved Jack since the first time I saw him on screen.. He puts so much heart into everything he does. I am so looking forward to his next movie. I'm wondering if he took the bucket list to heart and is doing his own bucket list no more movies

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