The Kyle Files - Season 3 - IMDb
The Kyle Files Poster

(2015– )

Episode List


Season 3

27 Feb. 2017
Extreme Eaters
The investigative show returns with Jeremy Kyle examining the obesity epidemic in Britain, how our eating habits have changed and an American craze for eating huge portions of food as quickly as possible.
6 Mar. 2017
Danger at the Wheel
Jeremy Kyle joins members of a police team in Dorset that targets bad driving. Jeremy examines if Britain's laws are tough enough on those who kill someone when they are driving.
13 Mar. 2017
Dangers of a Night Out
Jeremy Kyle investigates the perils of a night out in Britain as he joins teams of paramedics and volunteers in Norwich as they deal with the consequences of alcohol-fuelled problems.
20 Mar. 2017
Dangerous Dogs
Jeremy Kyle tackles the issue of dangerous dogs, tracking down members of a criminal gang who use banned breeds as weapons as well as to enhance their own status.
27 Mar. 2017
Britain's Homeless
With the number of homeless people rising for the sixth year in a row, Jeremy Kyle goes undercover to experience life on the streets in Manchester. He also visits a tent city protest in Hull.
3 Apr. 2017
Hate Crime
Jeremy investigates the rise of hate crime in the UK. In Manchester, he attends the city's Gay Pride event to hear of the rise in homophobic attacks and travels to Bolton to meet both sides clashing over the building of a new mosque.

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