Minister apologises to veteran turned away from polling station after ID refused

Minister apologises to veteran turned away from polling station after ID refused

Johnny Mercer vows to bring up case after former soldier’s veteran card was not accepted when he tried to vote

Adam Diver, an ex-Army officer, said he was 'gutted' he could not use his pass to take part in the local elections
Adam Diver, an ex-Army officer, said he was 'gutted' he could not use his pass to take part in the local elections

Johnny Mercer, the veterans minister, has apologised to a former soldier who was turned away from a polling station because his veteran card did not count as proper ID.

Adam Diver, an ex-Army officer, said he was “gutted” he could not use his pass to take part in Thursday’s local elections after learning that it did not meet the Government’s criteria at the ballot box.

Taking to social media to express his frustration, Mr Diver said: “I’m not one for complaining, but I am gutted. I spent 27 years in the Army, and today I was going to vote in my local elections.

“I was sadly turned away at the door as my veteran ID was not allowed as formal ID. I will be fighting for this ‘special ID’ to be ‘more’ formal.”

In response, Mr Mercer, also a former soldier, apologised for the situation and vowed to do “all I can” to ensure the cards can be used to vote in future.

Voters have been required to show a form of photo ID at the ballot box since May last year under reforms introduced by Rishi Sunak’s government.

‘I felt like my time served was invalidated’

The veteran card, rolled out in January this year, is not currently deemed admissible under the new laws. But following a backlash to Mr Diver’s story on Thursday, a Government spokesman said ministers intended to add it to the accepted list following a consultation.

Responding to the former soldier’s post on X, formerly Twitter, Mr Mercer wrote: “I am sorry about this. The legislation on acceptable forms of ID came out before the veteran ID cards started coming out in January. I will do all I can to change it before the next one.”

Mr Diver, 48, had been hoping to place his vote in Fleetwood, Lancashire, but was turned away after presenting his veterans card.

He said: “I felt clearly deflated, I felt gutted to be fair, and upset – I felt angry at the point. I felt like my time served was invalidated, and I just thought to myself, ‘What was the point in that?’ I’ve served in pretty much every war going, I’ve spent 27 years away from my family. 

“I thought you could use it as an ID card. It’s like a driving licence – you can’t get any more official, and it didn’t strike me one bit that it wouldn’t be validated.”

Richard Foord, the Lib Dems’ defence spokesman, who served for more than a decade in the Army, said it was an “example of the damage that the Conservatives’ botched voter ID rules are wreaking”.

“People who have served our country should not be barred from exercising their democratic right,” he added.

‘It will be on the list for the next election’

But Mr Mercer called this “fake news”, adding: “The individual hasn’t been barred at all – plenty of other forms of ID are acceptable. The veteran ID card is new; it will be on the list for the next election.”

It comes after the Tory MP Tom Hunt has admitted he was forced to rely on an emergency proxy vote at the local elections because of the voter ID rules that he supported.

Both Mr Hunt and Mr Mercer voted for the voter ID scheme when it was before the Commons. According to Parliament’s voting records, they also opted to reject a Lords amendment aimed at widening the forms of acceptable identification to include workplace ID, library cards, bank statements and an array of other documents.

A Government spokesman said: “Our intention is for the new veteran card to be added to the official list of recognised identification, and we are already consulting on this. Defence identity cards for serving Armed Forces members are already accepted.”

Steve McCabe, Labour’s shadow veterans minister, said that the incident “is a testament to how the Tories like to talk up their support for our forces but are failing to deliver”.

“Despite what Johnny Mercer says, the Government has had years to make sure former service personnel could have used their Veterans ID to vote.

“It seems the Minister is trying to pull the wool over veterans’ eyes yet again.”

He added: “Multiple problems have emerged with photo voter ID in recent elections. Every legitimate voter should be able to vote in our democracy.”

An investigation by the Electoral Commission suggested around 14,000 people – 0.25 per cent of voters – did not vote in last year’s local elections after being unable to show an accepted form of photo ID at their polling station. A similar study will be carried out this year, the commission said.

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