Learn What Vice Versa Means and How To Use It Correctly

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Vice Versa: Definition, Examples, Synonyms, and More

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If you’ve come across the term “vice versa,” you may have a few questions such as what does it mean, where did it originate, and how do you use it in a sentence? We’ll answer all these questions and more, so you can use this phrase correctly.

White text over red background reads "vice versa."
Do you know what “vice versa” means?
“Vice Versa”: Quick Summary

Vice versa is a Latin phrase that means “the other way around” or “in reverse order.”

  • My dog adores my cat and vice versa.

The use of vice versa in the sentence above expresses that the sentence is true even in reverse order—the dog adores the cat, and the cat adores the dog.

Learn How To Use “Vice Versa”

Sometimes you need more than just a dictionary definition to truly understand what a word means and how to use it in context. That’s especially true with the phrase vice versa, which can be confusing to those who are unfamiliar with it.

We’re going to review everything you need to know about vice versa, including its definition, proper spelling and pronunciation, usage in a sentence, and synonyms you can use in its place. By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use vice versa confidently and effectively.

Let’s get started!

Quote by M. Scott Peck reads "Discipline is wisdom and vice versa."
“Vice versa” is a common expression that can be used in formal and casual settings.

What Does “Vice Versa” Mean?

Vice versa is an adverb that is used to express that “what was stated is true in the reverse order.” Put simply, vice versa means “the other way around.”

The more you practice, the better you’ll get, and vice versa.

In the example above, the use of vice versa indicates that the statement remains true even when you change the order of what was stated.

The more you practice, the better you’ll get, and the other way around.
The more you practice, the better you’ll get, and the better you get, the more you’ll practice.

You can also use the word not with vice versa to mean “not the other way around.”

I had no problem with the new hire, but not vice versa.
I had no problem with the new hire, but not the other way around.

How Do You Spell “Vice Versa”?

Vice versa has only one correct spelling: v-i-c-e [space] v-e-r-s-a.

Common misspellings include vice a versa and visa versa. Keep in mind that vice versa is not written with a hyphen.

If you read a lot, you’ll learn a lot, and vice versa.

If you read a lot, you’ll learn a lot, and vice a versa.

If you read a lot, you’ll learn a lot, and visa versa.

If you read a lot, you’ll learn a lot, and vise-versa.

Although there’s only one correct spelling, vice versa has two acceptable pronunciations in American English.

1. Three syllables: /ˈvaɪs ˈvɜr sə/ which sounds like [vahys-vur-suh]

2. Four syllables: /ˈvaɪ sə ˈvɜr sə/ which sounds like [vahy-suh-vur-suh]

The term vice versa has Latin origins, but it’s a loanword that has been used in English for several hundred years. That means you don’t have to italicize it or put it in quotes (unless you’re writing specifically about the phrase, as in this blog post).

How Do You Use “Vice Versa” In a Sentence?

Below you’ll find a table that includes examples of vice versa being used in a sentence along with a translation that explains what the sentence is conveying.

Improving your physical health improves your mental health, and vice versa

Improving your physical health improves your mental health, and improving your mental health improves your physical health.

We can go to the arcade first and then get ice cream, or vice versa

We can go to the arcade first and then get ice cream, or go get ice cream and then go to the arcade. 

All tortoises are turtles, but not vice versa

All tortoises are turtles, but not all turtles are tortoises. 

She is proud of her sister, and vice versa

She is proud of her sister, and her sister is proud of her. 

The company needs its loyal customers, and vice versa. 

The company needs its loyal customers, and the loyal customers need the company.

Using LanguageTool Will Improve Your Writing Skills

When you need to express a reverse or reciprocal relationship, vice versa is an incredibly helpful term to have in your vocabulary. As demonstrated by the examples above, vice versa helps you avoid wordy sentences.

Another way to avoid long-winded sentences is to use LanguageTool as your writing assistant. This advanced, multilingual spelling and grammar checker helps replace lengthy phrases with more concise alternatives, and can also split long sentences in two.

It’s free to use! Give it a try.

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