Jen Psaki laughs off Ted Cruz calling her Peppermint Patty | The Independent

Jen Psaki laughs off Ted Cruz calling her Peppermint Patty

‘I’m a little tougher than that’

Harriet Sinclair
Friday 25 February 2022 13:25 GMT
(Getty Images)

Jen Psaki has laughed off Senator Ted Cruz’s description of her as “Peppermint Patty”, telling reporters “I’m not gonna take it too offensively ... I’m a little tougher than that”.

Senator Cruz made the remark at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), in a speech in which he lambasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, laid into ‘big government’ and praised the crowd for not wearing face masks.

After Mr Cruz mentioned Mr Trudeau, the crowd respoinded with loud boos, and the Texas Republican appeared unhappy that his mention of Ms Psaki did not elicit the same response.

‘Oh come on, Jen Psaki doesn’t get the Justin Trudeau treatment?’ he said after he mentioned Ms Psaki’s name.

At which point the crowd responded with booing. “Peppermint Patty deserves some love,” he added, referecing the character from the Peanuts cartoon.

His apparent attempt at a slight didn’t give Ms Psaki a moment’s concern, and she brushed off the jibe when she was asked about it during a press briefing.

Ms Psaki laughed as she was asked about the comment, and responded: “Don’t tell him I like Peppermint Patty, so I’m not gonna take it too offensively.

“Senator Cruz, I like Peppermint Patty, so I’m a little tougher than that.”

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