Everyone who has ever entered the wrestling business knows full well that they are putting their body, and even their life at risk every time they go to the ring. That being said, the events of May 23, 1999 - the eerily named WWE Over The Edge show could have been prevented in one very major way. The stunt that claimed Owen Hart’s life was a needless one that didn’t have to happen at all.

Owen Hart: Age, Height, Widow, Death & More
A member of the legendary Hart Family, Owen Hart's career was tragically cut short, but his legacy lives on!

The death of Owen Hart doesn’t necessarily remain a mystery. But it does remain a fascinating subject for fans all over the world. The tragedy could have been avoided, to be sure. Because of this, the final days of Owen Hart will forever be dissected.

Owen’s Final Words To Oje

He Couldn’t Have Known His Fate, Could He?

  • Owen married Martha Joan Patterson in 1989 and they were married until Owen’s death.
  • Martha, like Owen, had a huge family; 10 siblings - her and Owen were the youngest of their families.
  • The King Of Harts left behind a son, Oje, and a daughter - Athena.

It was probably just something plenty of fathers say to their children before leaving the house - especially fathers to sons. When Owen left Calgary for Kansas City, he said goodbye to his family and told his son Oje to take care of his mother and sister while he was away. Of course, young Oje thought nothing of those words until after Owen was gone. Oje has followed his father’s wishes ever since.

The Rigging Team

Why Do A Good Job When You Can Do A Cheap Job?

  • In order to save a few bucks, WWE decided to not use the rigging team that worked with Sting.
  • The carabiner that held Owen was not meant for any human, much less a 230 pound man.
  • The rigging was designed to be a quick release.

Six pounds of pressure - that’s all the tiny little clip needed to release whatever load it was holding. On May 23, 1999, that load was Owen Hart. Despite being used by WCW just about every night for Sting, WWE opted to use a different team of riggers for the stunt. The company was still no slouch and, according to Martha, had done rigs for the likes of Elton John. The WWE, unfortunately, should have hired the best team instead of a different one.

Owen Seemed Uneasy All Day

A Promoter’s Kid Wouldn’t Want To Say No To The Promoter

  • Owen’s ribs are legendary stories now handed down like folklore.
  • He ribbed Stu Hart, having him believe Owen was famed belt maker Reggie Parks challenging him to a fight.
  • Another rib saw Owen send all of Henry Godwinn’s pigs into Vince’s office.

During The Final Days Of Owen Hart episode of Dark Side of the Ring, Jim Ross details Owen’s demeanor that day. It wasn’t his usual jovial mode. Owen was either getting in the zone for the stunt or was feeling completely uneasy about it. However, doing the stunt or anything for that matter isn’t something Owen would have said no to. While he would say no to certain bookings to spend some quality family time with his own, once he was at work, he was a hard-working company man.

Owen’s Final Words

Looking Out For Others Until The Tragic End

  • Martha Hart has a movie blog in association with The Monaco International Film Festival.
  • Her career is a researcher at the University Of Calgary Alberta’s Children's Hospital.
  • She established The Owen Hart Foundation in 2000 to present scholarships to underprivileged and deserving kids.

The King Of Harts was always looking out for his fellow friends and locker room brothers. In his final moments, he was still thinking of them. In theory, landing on referee Jimmy Korderas might have actually saved Owen’s life (and injured Korderas). But Owen instead thought it better to avoid landing on his friend and screamed “look out!” Or at least that’s what Korderas thought he heard as Owen fell.

Kansas City PD Didn’t Stop The Show

Perhaps The Biggest Looming Question Of All

  • The stunt had been done at several events prior to Over The Edge 1999.
  • Jim Ross only had ten seconds to tell fans that Owen Hart had died.
  • Over The Edge 1999 is on Peacock/WWE Network, with all references to Owen removed.

As with many showbiz entities, there is an old notion that "the show must go on." That clearly means that even after Owen Hart tragically died, WWE made the very controversial decision to go on with the show.

10 Dream Feuds For Owen Hart We Would Have Loved To See If He Didn't Pass Away
Along with leaving a ton of dream matches on the table, Owen Hart also left many dream feuds that were on the horizon.

The controversial decision was even more so when you realize, as Martha Hart explained during the Dark Side episode, that the Kansas authorities, for some unknown reason, didn't bother stopping the show. A show that was happening right on top of the scene of an accident or a crime. The rest of the evening took place over a blood-stained mat and wooden boards that Owen's body smashed when he had fallen.

The Footage Exists

And Will Likely Be Never Shown To The Public