nada es lo que parece - English translation – Linguee

Dictionary Spanish-English

lo que sea pron

whatever pron

External sources (not reviewed)

Esta sala ha sido comparada tambi�n con una sala
[...] de falsos espejos, en la que nada es lo que parece.
This chamber has also been compared to a hall of
[...] trick mirrors in which nothing is what it seems to be.
Nada es lo que parece, mas todo puede ser le�do [...]
en este lenguaje donde el color crea las m�s osadas y exigentes realidades.
Nothing is what it seems, but everything may [...]
be read in this language where color creates the most daring and demanding realities.
Durante estos cinco d�as nada es lo que parece.
During these five days nothing is what it seems.
Nada es lo que parece.
Nothing is what it seems.
Batacazo relativo, despu�s del super�xito mundial de "Seven", con el moderado �xito que consigui� con
esta interesante
[...] propuesta de filme noir, donde nada es lo que parece, con un millonario hombre de negocios, interpretado por Michael Douglas, a quien su hermano, al que da vida Sean Penn, invita a participar en un juego donde nada es lo que parece.
A relative failure, after the tremendous worldwide success of
"Seven". Fincher
[...] achieved modest success with this interesting idea for a "film noir, in which a millionaire businessman, played by Michael Douglas, is invited by his brother, played by Sean Penn, to take part in a game where nothing is how it seems.
Como dice el marketing de Dow Fiber
Solutions, filial de Dow
[...] Europe GmbH, que a su vez lo es de Dow Chemical Company, la nueva fibra el�stica XLA "no se parece a nada que se haya experimentado antes.
Dow Fiber Solutions, subsidiary of Dow
[...] Europe GmbH, which is in turn a subsidiary of the Dow Chemical Company, the new XLS elastic fiber is "not like anything you've experienced before.
Pero tambi�n es cierto, se�ora Comisaria
-y lamento tener que
[...] decir que no parece que sea nada nuevo- que, si bien usted tom� una direcci�n acertada y eficaz en lo que respecta [...]
al transporte a�reo,
los servicios competentes de la Comisi�n adoptaron despu�s -y no es la primera vez- un enfoque demasiado r�gido en los detalles.
It is, however, true, Commissioner - and I
[...] regret to say that this does not appear to be a new scenario - that, although you followed a sound, effective line with regard [...]
to air transport,
the competent services of the Commission then took - and not for the first time - a rather too rigid approach when it came to specifics.
La caracter�stica de conversacin es totalmente �nica y no se parece a nada que haya visto en [...]
un cliente de correo.
The conversation feature is utterly unique and unlike anything I have seen in an email client.
Y la sociedad debe saber valorar la riqueza de elementos identificativos que una buena adscripci�n
religiosa puede tener
[...] y que podr�an ser sustituidos por elementos m�s delet�reos de lo que parece, que pasar�an a generar un vac�o de referencias nada alentador.
And society must know how to value the richness of what differentiates a sense
of good religious
[...] belonging, which could be replaced by more harmful elements than we might realise, leading to an emptiness of none too inspiring references.
Nada es tan simple como parece, y por ahorrarse unos pocos euros en una mudanza interior puede despedirse de aquella mesa camilla que tanto le gustaba.
Nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and saving a few euro when changing your interior decoration can mean you have to say goodbye to that table you liked so much.
Lo que tengo que
[...] atravesar no se parece en nada a lo que ella sufri�.
What I have to
[...] go through doesn't seem like anything compared to what [...]
she went through.
Sin embargo, parece que esto es exactamente lo que habr� de suceder.
However, this seems to be exactly what is going to happen.
Eso es, antes que nada, lo que hay que hacer ahora.
That, more than anything, is what we need now.
La respuesta es torpe, en el sentido de que no agrega nada a lo que ya parecen saber Juan y sus disc�pulos.
The answer is awkward in the sense that it does not add anything to what John and his disciples already seem to know.
Es imposible clasificarle en vista del humor, la franqueza y el dominio brillante de la lengua inglesa que ten�a Trungpa, adem�s de de un estilo de vida que no se parec�a nada a lo santo.
Trungpa's humor, candor, brilliant command of the English language, as well as a lifestyle that hardly conformed to the holy, made him impossible to categorize.
Nos parece que lo que ha comentado el Sr. Brasack es sensato.
We believe that what was said by Ambassador Brasack is sensible.
Por lo tanto, me parece que este argumento sobre periodos de planificaci�n estrat�gica de seis a�os no es muy s�lido.
In itself, therefore, this argument about the six-year strategic planning terms is not very strong in our opinion.
Lo problem�tico es que una de las mujeres parece haber transmitido el [...]
virus mutado a su compa�era de cabina.
What's troubling is that one of the females appears to have transmitted [...]
the mutated virus to her cabin mate.
Lo que he notado es que como vas tan r�pido, cuando sueltas la barra, parece que nada ha cambiado, como si tuvieras la misma [...]
What I find is that because you are going so fast, when you release the bar, it feels like nothing has changed, as though you [...]
still have the same power.
Aunque la Directiva no prevea nada al efecto, parece que, en general, se controlan los conocimientos de los oficiales [...]
de protecci�n portuaria
y que se les expide un certificado de aptitud.
Although the Directive does not make any provision in this regard, it would generally appear that the knowledge of [...]
port security officers
is monitored and that they are issued with a certificate of competence.
Consulte con su m�dico acerca de
[...] cualquier efecto secundario que parece fuera de lo normal o es molesto.
Talk to your
[...] doctor about any side effect that seems unusual or that is especially [...]
Desafortunadamente, es bastante m�s complicado de lo que parece.
Unfortunately, it is far from being that simple.
Y lo ms curioso es que nada parece haber cambiado a primera vista.
What most stands out is that at first sight, nothing seems to have changed.
El 73% considera que es poco o nada lo que se respetan los derechos por parte de las instituciones p�blicas.
In the view of 73 per cent of the population, public institutions have little or no respect for rights.
El problema al que se confrontan quienes quisieran ver surgir una verdadera arquitectura de
la gobernanza mundial
[...] consiste en que la realizaci�n de lo que querr�an construir no se parece en nada a lo que eventualmente se podr�a construir, dadas las presiones, l�mites y [...]
obst�culos que los rodean
y que a menudo pretenden ocultar o minimizar.
The problem that confronts those who would like to see a true global governance architecture emerge is that constructing what
one dreams to build
[...] does not at all resemble what one might possibly construct, given the constraints, the limitations and the obstacles that we might face, and that one is often [...]
tempted to conceal or minimize.
El Presidente Saakashvili acept� el acuerdo de alto el fuego
gracias a esta mediaci�n
[...] que, aunque no fue perfecta, ya que nada lo es en una situaci�n como �sta, [...]
tendr�n que reconocer al menos que fue r�pida.
The ceasefire agreement was accepted by President Saakashvili
thanks to this mediation
[...] which, while it was not perfect -�because nothing is perfect in a situation [...]
such as that - you
must at least acknowledge that it was quick.
Thank you very much for your vote!
You helped to increase the quality of our service.