Where There's Greed: Margaret Thatcher and the Betrayal of Britain's Future by J. Gordon Brown | Goodreads
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Where There's Greed: Margaret Thatcher and the Betrayal of Britain's Future

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182 pages, Paperback

Published January 1, 1989

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Profile Image for Jack.
163 reviews4 followers
September 20, 2011
Interesting to read a book written by Brown when he was a young whippersnapper and 'one of the brightest Labour MPs of his generation'. He succeeds in dismantling some of the myths of Thatcher's era and in highlighting the dogmatism and ineptitude of the New Right, which did so much damage in the UK to society as well as the economy.
Profile Image for Curmudgeon.
170 reviews13 followers
September 29, 2013
A rather dry recitation of arguments against Thatcherism from the late 1980s. It's interesting primarily for its status as a document on a then-current prime minister written by a future one, but in all honesty it isn't much of a read, consisting primarily of data tables and lists of import figures by country. (Evidently he was trying to capture the minds of the British public, rather than their hearts!)
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