WATCH: 2 Men Kiss for 84 Minutes

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WATCH: 2 Men Kiss for 84 Minutes


Artist Idan Bitton and Alfredo Ferran Calle show the art of the tongue kiss

Hey all you guys who are terrible kissers (hopefully you know who you are), we have the perfect video for you! Idan Bitton has crafted a sexy, strangely alluring video art piece of himself and Alfredo Ferran Calle kissing for over 84 minutes. Although it's not meant as an instructional video, the curly haired duo go at is slowly and diligently, teaching all those awkward smoochers--gay or straight, male or female--how to do it right.

It's mesmerizing and better than any porn we've seen recently in its ability to arouse. That could have been why YouTube viewers flagged it as something that needed an "age restriction"--but YouTube has since fixed that issue since there is no sexual content. Just two dudes frenching.

As Bitton explained to HuffPo via email:

"'First Kiss' offers a view into an intimate moment between two men. The kiss does not interact with the viewers nor seeks their approval. It just is, alive and present for 84:24 minutes. For me, the video is a reflection of the gay rights struggle momentum. At this point, everyone is welcome to take a look if they choose to, yet our kiss is here to stay with no apologies."

And we encourage you to take a look below:

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