In Demand Jobs in Finland for Foreigners in 2024

In demand Jobs in Finland for Foreigners in 2024

Are you looking for jobs in Finland for foreigners? If so, you are not alone. Finland is a popular destination for many people who want to work in a country that offers a high quality of life, a stable economy, and a culture that values honesty, equality, and innovation.

Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world. It is also one of the most competitive and innovative countries, according to the Global Innovation Index, 2022. Finland has a low unemployment rate of 6.6% and an average salary of 45,684 EUR per year. Finland also offers a good work-life balance, with flexible working hours, generous annual leave, and a low hierarchy in the workplace.

There are many job opportunities for foreigners in Finland, especially in sectors such as technology, engineering, healthcare, education, and sales and marketing. You can find job openings on various websites, network with other professionals, attend events and fairs, and contact employers directly.

In this blog post, we will discuss what you need to know about jobs in Finland and how you can find job opportunities that suit your skills and interests.

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In-Demand Jobs in Finland for English Speakers

Internet marketing specialist working on a marketing strategy for a business

Finally, you might be wondering what are some of the best jobs in Finland for English speakers. While most jobs in Finland require some level of Finnish language skills, there are also some sectors and industries that are more open to hiring English speakers, especially if they have other relevant skills and qualifications. Some of these sectors and industries are:

  • Information and communication technology (ICT): Finland is a global leader in ICT, with a strong presence of multinational companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, IBM, and Microsoft, as well as innovative startups and research institutes. ICT professionals are in high demand in Finland, and they can find jobs in various fields, such as software development, web design, data analysis, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence.

  • Education and research: Finland has a world-class education system with high academic excellence and innovation. Education and research professionals can find jobs in various institutions, such as universities, colleges, schools, and research centers, where they can teach, conduct, or supervise research or provide academic guidance and support. However, some of these jobs may require a doctoral degree or a teaching qualification.

  • Tourism and hospitality: Finland is a popular tourist destination, with a diverse range of attractions such as nature, culture, history, and events. Tourism and hospitality professionals can find jobs in various sectors such as hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, tour operators, and event organizers, where they can provide customer service for a travel team, travel planning, marketing, or management.

Jobs for English Speaking Expats in Finland

Here are other notable in-demand jobs for English speakers in Finland:

  • Software Developer: With the rise of technology, software development has become one of the most in-demand jobs in Finland. The demand for software developers is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, making it an excellent career choice for English speakers.

  • Healthcare Professional: Finland has a rapidly aging population, which has led to an increased demand for healthcare professionals. English-speaking healthcare professionals are in high demand, especially in the fields of nursing and geriatric care.

  • Teacher: Finland is known for its excellent education system, and English-speaking teachers are in high demand. Teaching positions are available at all levels, from preschool to university.

  • Marketing Specialist: With the growth of international business, marketing specialists are in high demand in Finland. English-speaking marketing specialists are particularly sought after, as they can help companies expand their reach to English-speaking markets.

  • Customer Service Representative: As more companies expand their operations to Finland, the demand for customer service representatives has increased. English-speaking customer service representatives are in high demand, as they can help companies communicate with their English-speaking customers .

These jobs are in demand because of the growing need for skilled professionals in various fields. Additionally, Finland is a country that values diversity and inclusivity, making it an attractive destination for English speakers looking for work opportunities.

Experience of Expats Working in Finland

Below are the reviews and success stories of expats who found jobs in Finland:

  • My journey in Finland started with an internship then a swift job search in Helsinki. The city’s tech scene is vibrant, and within two weeks, I found a pivotal role in a leading software company. The Finnish work culture emphasizes collaboration, they are passionate, even those students in internships, making the integration seamless. The supportive employment services and guidance from locals made all the difference. Helsinki’s mix of world-class opportunities and a high quality of life has exceeded my expectations.

  • My transition from teaching to a career in business development in Finland has been transformative. The Finnish emphasis on education played a pivotal role in my decision to join this dynamic workforce. The career guidance and programs for professional development are unmatched. Living in cities like Helsinki offers a perfect blend of work opportunities and a peaceful lifestyle. Finland, with its passion for education and innovation, is a great place for career explorers. You can find vacancies in this country, just explore even the Swedish market. Also, never hesitate to contact or chat with other employees. Doing so will create an opportunity for you to get a work VISA for this country.

  • Finland became the canvas for my entrepreneurial dreams. The journey from a job search to founding a language learning app was filled with support and advice from the Finnish entrepreneurial ecosystem. The passion for education and the innovative spirit here played a pivotal role in realizing my vision. Whether interested in employment or launching your own venture, Finland is a world of opportunities waiting to be explored, just be responsible and diligent. Demonstrate the employer your skills and commitment to fill vacancies on site.

Also read: Jobs in Demand in Denmark

Average Salary of Jobs in Finland for Foreigners

Asian finance director making a phone call

The average salary in Finland for 2023-2024 is 45,684 EUR/year or 3807 EUR/month. This is higher than the average salary in many other countries. However, the cost of living in Finland is also relatively high, so it’s important to consider this when evaluating job opportunities.

The average salary in Finland varies depending on several factors such as experience level, educational level, field of work, job title, and city you work in. Here are some examples of average salaries for different professions in Finland:

  • Finance Director: 9,100 EUR/month

  • Financial Manager: 9,280 EUR/month

  • Investment Advisor: 9,330 EUR/month

  • Risk Management Director: 9,660 EUR/month

  • Economist: 8,830 EUR/month

  • Tax Director: 8,650 EUR/month

  • Audit Director: 8,620 EUR/month

  • Investment Fund Manager: 8,550 EUR/month

Here are the average salaries in different regions in Finland:

  • Uusimaa: The median earnings were highest in Uusimaa, with EUR 3,661 per month.

  • South Savo: The median earnings were lowest in South Savo, with EUR 2,999 per month

It’s important to note that these salaries are just averages and can vary depending on the company, industry, and location. Additionally, the cost of living in Finland is relatively high, so it’s important to consider this when evaluating job opportunities.

Read more: What Is A Good Salary in Finland? [2023 Guide]

What You Need to Know About Job Opportunities in Finland for Foreigners

Smiling employee while working on his laptop

Finland is a Nordic country with a high standard of living, a strong education system, and a vibrant culture. It is also one of the happiest countries in the world, according to the World Happiness Report. If you are looking for a job in Finland, you might wonder what the requirements are and what to expect from working in this country.

Work-Life Balance in Finland

One of the most attractive features of working in Finland is the work-life balance. Finland has one of the shortest working hours in Europe, with an average of 36.2 hours per week. Employees also enjoy generous annual leave, with a minimum of two weeks of paid vacation in the summer and another two weeks in the winter. Moreover, Finland has a flexible working culture, where employees can often choose their own working hours and locations, as long as they meet their deadlines and goals.

Finland also values family life and supports parents with various benefits and services. For example, parents are entitled to a total of 263 days of paid parental leave, which can be shared between both parents. Parents also receive a monthly child benefit, free health care and education for their children, and subsidized child care services. Furthermore, Finland has a culture of trust and equality, where employees are treated with respect and autonomy, and where gender discrimination and harassment are not tolerated.

Related article: Retiring in Finland as a US Citizen: Is It Possible?

Employee Rights in Finland

Another aspect of working in Finland is the employee rights. Finland has a strong labor law that protects the rights and interests of workers. For example, employees have the right to join a trade union and bargain collectively for their wages and working conditions. Employees also have the right to receive a fair and equal pay, a safe and healthy working environment, and a reasonable notice period before termination. Additionally, employees have the right to access various social security benefits, such as unemployment allowance, sickness allowance, and pension.

However, to work in Finland, you will also need to fulfill some requirements, depending on your nationality and the type of job you are applying for. For example, if you are from outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), you will need to obtain a residence permit for an employed person, which is based on your specific job offer and qualifications. You will also need to register with the Finnish Tax Administration and the Finnish Population Register System. Moreover, you will need to learn some basic Finnish language skills, as most jobs require at least a conversational level of Finnish.

Cultural Nuances in Finland

an aerial shot in Finland.

A third aspect of working in Finland is the cultural nuances. Finland has a unique and rich culture, with influences from both the East and the West. This country is known for its love of nature, sauna, coffee, and ice hockey, among other things. Finland also has a distinctive communication style, which is often described as direct, honest, and reserved. Finns value punctuality, privacy, and personal space, and they prefer to avoid small talk and express themselves through actions rather than words.

Therefore, if you want to work in Finland, you will need to adapt to some of the cultural differences and norms. For example, you will need to respect the Finns’ sense of time and schedule, and avoid being late or canceling appointments at the last minute. You will also need to respect the Finns’ sense of privacy and boundaries, and avoid asking personal or intrusive questions, or touching or hugging them without permission. Furthermore, you will need to respect the Finns’ sense of honesty and integrity, and avoid exaggerating or lying, or making promises you cannot keep.

Planning to stay in Finland for a long time? Read this: How Much Does It Cost To Buy A House in Finland?

Job Requirements for Foreigners

Passport stamp, Helsinki, Finland

Finland is a country that offers many opportunities for foreigners who want to work in Finland. However, working in Finland also requires meeting some legal and linguistic requirements, depending on your nationality, qualifications, and the type of job you are applying for.

The legal requirements for foreigners to work in Finland vary depending on whether you are from the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA), or from outside the EU/EEA. Here are some of the main differences:

  • If you are from the EU/EEA, you have the right to work in Finland without a residence permit for up to 90 days, as long as you have a valid passport or identity card. However, if you plan to stay and work in Finland for longer than 90 days, you will need to register your right of residence at the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) within three months of your arrival. You will also need to register with the Finnish Tax Administration and the Finnish Population Register System.

  • If you are from outside the EU/EEA, you will need to obtain a residence permit for an employed person, which is based on your specific job offer and qualifications. You will need to apply for the residence permit before you enter Finland, and you will need to have a written contract or a binding job offer from your employer. You will also need to meet some income requirements, which depend on the type and duration of your employment. You can apply for the residence permit online at the Migri website, or at the nearest Finnish embassy or consulate in your country. You will also need to register with the Finnish Tax Administration and the Finnish Population Register System.

The linguistic requirements for foreigners to work in Finland depend on the level and field of your employment, as well as the language of your workplace and customers. Finland has two official languages, Finnish and Swedish, and most jobs require at least a conversational level of one of these languages. However, there are also some sectors and industries that are more open to hiring English speakers, especially if they have other relevant skills and qualifications.

Final Thoughts About Jobs in Finland for Foreigners

In conclusion, Finland offers excellent job opportunities for foreigners, with a strong emphasis on work-life balance, employee rights, and a welcoming culture. Sectors such as technology, healthcare, education, and tourism provide a variety of options for English speakers. Meeting legal and language requirements is crucial for a successful job search. While the average salary is competitive, considering the cost of living is important. Utilize online platforms, networking, and personal connections for effective job hunting.

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