still waiting - Traducci�n al espa�ol – Linguee

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Parliament is still waiting for explanations from those [...]
El Parlamento esta�n esperando explicaciones de estos [...]
It was high time for Israel to recognize the 60 years of occupation, put an end to it and
make reparation for the damage caused to millions of
[...] refugees who were still waiting to be able to return [...]
to their homes.
Es hora de que Israel reconozca los 60 a�os de ocupaci�n y ponga fin a
los perjuicios causados a millones de
[...] refugiados que est�n esperando regresar a sus hogares, [...]
y que repare esos perjuicios.
I am still waiting for the Government of Lebanon, [...]
further to its decision to adopt the Seven-Point Plan, to define such a political process.
Todav�a estoy esperando que el Gobierno del [...]
L�bano defina ese proceso pol�tico, tras su decisi�n de aprobar el plan de siete puntos.
Strong leadership is needed in the church if we will reach
[...] the billions who are still waiting to hear the Good News [...]
we possess.
Es necesario que la iglesia tenga un
liderazgo fuerte si queremos alcanzar a los
[...] millones que aun est�n esperando escuchar las buenas [...]
noticias que poseemos.
Those countries are still waiting for the same serious [...]
commitment by Israel.
Esos pa�ses siguen esperando el mismo tipo de compromiso [...]
serio por parte de Israel.
The efforts made over the past years have borne
[...] their fruit, but we are still waiting to see a real commitment [...]
on behalf of the administration to achieve parity.
Los esfuerzos realizados durante los �ltimos a�os han dado
[...] sus frutos, pero todav�a esperamos que la administraci�n [...]
asuma un verdadero compromiso para lograr la paridad.
The survivors were still waiting for the perpetrators [...]
to acknowledge that the genocide had taken place.
Hoy en d�a, los
[...] supervivientes esperan todav�a que quienes lo perpetraron [...]
reconozcan la existencia de ese genocidio.
The company, Kockums Gmbh, and their lawyers, Cyros, Makowski and Partner,
[...] Hamburg, are still waiting for the Commission's [...]
Desde entonces, la empresa �Kockums GmbH� y sus abogados Cyros, Makowski &
[...] Partner de Hamburgo esperan una respuesta de [...]
la Comisi�n.
When will we have trans-European networks,
[...] which we are still waiting for?
�Cu�ndo tendremos las grandes redes
[...] transeuropeas, que seguimos esperando?
Transelec says it has spent around US$2 million on spare parts
[...] for repairs and is still waiting for supplies to arrive.
Transelec se�ala que gast� cerca de US$ 2 millones en piezas de repuesto para las
[...] reparaciones y que a�n est� esperando que lleguen suministros.
We have 10 reserved seats in the
[...] Assembly; they are still waiting.
Hemos reservado 10 esca�os
[...] en la Asamblea; siguen esperando.
Investors are still waiting to see what will happen in [...]
2010 in terms of both the economy and corporate results.
Los inversores siguen esperando para ver qu� ocurrir� [...]
en 2010 tanto en t�rminos de econom�a como de resultados corporativos.
We are still waiting for screenwriters [...]
and directors from that background to tell these stories from the inside.
A�n est�n por llegar guionistas y [...]
directores de origen extranjero que puedan contar sus historias de primera mano.
Many documents are still waiting to be classified [...]
and catalogued.
Numerosas fuentes esperan a�n su clasificaci�n [...]
y su inventario.
But I did not receive any apologies for the crimes committed
[...] against my people, and I am still waiting for their apology.
No obstante, nadie se disculp� por los delitos cometidos
[...] contra mi pueblo, y todav�a estoy esperando a que alguien lo haga.
While those fingerprints are still waiting to be transmitted to the [...]
Central Unit (category 2 transaction), the same person
could already present him/herself in another Member State (B) and lodge an asylum application.
[...] que dichas impresiones todav�a est�n a la espera de ser transmitidas [...]
a la Unidad Central (transacci�n de categor�a
1), la misma persona ya podr�a haberse presentado en otro Estado miembro (B) y volver a solicitar asilo.
Perhaps a
[...] thousand white families are still waiting for their sons and daughters [...]
to return home, and can't recognize them
when they float back as morning fog.
Quiz� mil familias blancas esperan todav�a que sus hijos e hijas [...]
regresen a sus casas, y no los reconocen cuando retornan
flotando como una bruma matutina.
Or to have millions of children at
[...] home, because we're still waiting to have enough classrooms [...]
and enough teachers and enough textbooks?
�O tener a millones de ni�os
[...] en casa porque seguimos esperando a tener aulas, maestros [...]
y libros de texto suficientes?
Dichter says she would love to offer the service
[...] in Spanish, "but we're still waiting for a grant to support [...]
the effort.
Dichter declar� que le encantar�a poder ofrecer el servicio en
[...] espa�ol, "pero todav�a estamos esperando los fondos para apoyar [...]
el esfuerzo", afirma.
Many were still waiting for the international [...]
community to lead the process so as not to take political responsibility for the agreed outcome.
Muchos segu�an esperando que la comunidad internacional [...]
tomara las riendas del proceso, para no asumir la responsabilidad
pol�tica del resultado acordado.
Among them was the British ambassador for the "Holy See", Francis Martin-Xavier Campbell and the
current Argentine representative for the
[...] Vatican, (who is still waiting the appointment [...]
of an ambassador), Hugo Javier Gobbi.
Participaron en el acto representantes del cuerpo diplom�tico, entre ellos, el embajador de Gran Breta�a ante la Santa Sede, Francis Martin-Xavier Campbell,
y el actual representante de Argentina
[...] ante el Vaticano (en espera del nombramiento de [...]
un embajador), Hugo Javier Gobbi.
In addition, a large number of closed illegal
[...] landfills are still waiting to be sealed and [...]
fully restored.
Adem�s, un gran n�mero de vertederos
[...] ilegales clausurados todav�a tienen que sellarse [...]
y rehabilitarse completamente.
The trade union movement is still waiting to see these promises [...]
Hasta ahora, el
[...] movimiento sindical sigue esperando que se cumplan estas [...]
Such reservations have been reinforced during the
present economic crisis; but on balance it is still preferable that
[...] they are in the EU rather than still waiting to join.
Dichas reservas se han visto reforzadas durante la
presente crisis econ�mica; pero haciendo balance es mejor que est�n ya
[...] en la UE a que estuvieran esperando para ingresar.
After that time, all tickets still waiting to be picked up will be cancelled.
Las entradas que sigan sin recoger cuando falte menos de una hora para el inicio de la representaci�n se cancelar�n.
Others are still waiting to take this [...]
step, however, because of uncertainty about system revision or other organizational changes under way.
Por otra parte,
[...] otras organizaciones a�n no han adoptado esta [...]
medida, debido a su incertidumbre acerca de la revisi�n del
sistema u otros cambios de organizaci�n en curso.
[...] said that she was still waiting for a response to [...]
her questions about the informal sector and wage
inequality between men and women.
52. La Sra. BARAHONA RIERA dice que
[...] tambi�n ella sigue a la espera de una respuesta a [...]
sus preguntas relativas al sector no
estructurado y la desigualdad de salarios entre hombres y mujeres.
We are still waiting to hear from a number [...]
of other countries and of course would like all concerned not only to maintain
their existing offers but to improve them.
A�n estamos esperando conocer la postura de [...]
otros pa�ses y desde luego nos gustar�a que todos los pa�ses participantes no
s�lo mantuviesen sus actuales ofertas sino que las mejorasen.
This is particularly the case for IPs who, during the last decade, have benefited from
some legislative and even constitutional
[...] changes, but are often still waiting to feel the difference [...]
in their communities.
Este es particularmente el caso para los PI que, durante el �ltimo decenio, se beneficiaron con algunas modificaciones
legislativas e incluso constitucionales,
[...] pero que a menudo contin�an esperando percibir las diferencias [...]
en sus comunidades.
74. A programme of free medical care for pregnant women and children under 5 years of age has been launched, although hospitals and health centres are still waiting for allowances from the Government, which arrive with huge delays.
74. Se ha puesto en marcha un programa de atenci�n m�dica gratuita para mujeres embarazadas y ni�os menores de 5 a�os, a pesar de que los hospitales y los centros de salud siguen sin recibir los subsidios del Gobierno, que llegan con enormes retrasos.
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