How do I hide a cell value to be viewed by a password? - English - Ask LibreOffice

I have two cells (B5 and C5) that has a number value that I want to hide, but be visual by a password. And the password should show ***** as input.
How can I complete this task? BTW, this will only be needed once per spreadsheet.

Thanks ahead for any help.
Control Number.ods (12.7 KB)

The standard mechanism is sheet protection (see attachment). The password for unprotecting sheet is 12345.
Please note that such protection does not prevent a qualified user from viewing hidden data.

Control Number 2.ods (9.1 KB)

you can use Format > Cells > User-defined then put ‘***’ as format code.
Screenshot from 2024-05-11 06-54-24

Otherwise discussed here