St Mary's RC Church Website

Our Parish Section


Welcome to the "Our Parish" section of our parish website. St Mary's has an an active parish community, with many people assisting in Welcoming, Music, Children's Liturgy, Readers, Altar Servers, Eucharistic and other ministries. Not only parishioners and local Greenockians attend services and activities in the church each week but visitors arriving at the nearby docks often call in.

For the wider Inverclyde community St. Mary's provides a quiet place for all. An outreach philosophy ensures it serves the housebound and nursing homes, welcomes student study groups and is active in local ecumenical initiatives.

New members of the Parish and anyone moving house are asked to give their names and addresses to one of the passkeepers or use one of the cards in the porch.
Gift aid allows tax to be reclaimed - please contact the Parish Priest

If you wish to contact us with any enquiries or news for these "Our Parish" pages please email us at

Saint Mary's Catholic Church, 14 Patrick Street, Greenock, PA16 8NA, Scotland. UK