Full Swing Golf Simulators Review: 2023 Buyer's Guide

Full Swing Golf Simulators Review: Maximize Your Golf Practice

Full Swing Golf Simulators Review

Full Swing is a company that specializes in creating high-quality golf simulators for both commercial and residential use. Their simulators utilize the advanced technology to provide players with an authentic and accurate golf experience. In addition, they offer a wide range of features to suit the needs of players at all levels.

In this comprehensive review, we will look at the features of Full Swing Golf Simulators that are available in 2023. We’ll explore their advantages and disadvantages and what makes them stand out. We’ll also discuss some of the best use cases for these simulators and how they can help improve your game. 

Full Swing Golf Simulators: A Comprehensive Review

Full Swing offers various courses and customizable settings, giving players more options for a better-personalized golf experience. Full Swing is not the only brand of the best golf simulators on the market, but they offer some unique features that set them apart from the competition. 

To give you a better idea of what Full Swing Golf has to offer, we’ve put together a comprehensive review of some of their latest offerings in 2023 as well as some custom simulator packages with Full Swing Launch monitors:

1. Full Swing Pro 2

Full Swing Pro 2 Golf Simulator Review

The Full Swing Pro 2.0 Simulator provides an authentic golfing experience with real-time ball tracking, wind, and weather simulation. Full Swing Golf entirely develops the package. It is a more reasonable option starting from $54,900 for residential use than other full-swing packages. You can choose from various game modes it offers and play in built-in golf courses. 

The sensors in full swing Pro 2 accurately track the movement of your club and provides instant feedback, allowing you to refine your skills and improve your game. With its advanced ball tracking technology and customizable settings, you will enjoy a high-quality golf experience.

The Full Swing Pro 2 Simulator has various additional features, including a high-resolution screen, realistic turf, and a club-sensing system. The simulator also offers various game modes, allowing you to customize your golfing experience. 

Users have consistently praised the product for its advanced technology and realistic golfing experience. Besides, the Full Swing Golf authority offers after-sales services, including repairs and maintenance, to ensure the simulator always works well.


  • Advanced technology
  • Realistic golfing experience
  • High-resolution screen
  • Club-sensing system
  • Various game modes


  • High cost
  • Space requirements

Who’s this simulator for

The Full Swing Pro 2.0 Simulator is an excellent investment for any golfer looking to improve their skills and enjoy the sport indoors. With its advanced technology and realistic golfing experience, this simulator is a must-have for any golfer looking to take their game to the next level.

Check at Fullswinggolf.com

2. Full Swing KIT SIG10

Full Swing KIT SIG10 Golf Simulator Review

The Full Swing KIT SIG10 Package is a complete golf simulator solution that combines cutting-edge technology with a premium viewing experience. Shop Indoor Golf developed this package, including a Full Swing Kit Launch Monitor, a SIG10 Enclosure, and all necessary components for setup and operation.

The Full Swing KIT Launch Monitor can capture 16 club and ball data points with patented radar technology. This technology ensures the most accurate data available in a compact design. In addition, it analyzes your swing, including speed, tempo, and plane metrics. With this level of data tracking, golfers can track their progress and implement the information into their practice.

The SIG10 Simulator Enclosure pairs perfectly with the launch monitor, providing a premium full-screen experience. The impact screen is tight-knit polyester, and the powder-coated steel frame withstands the most challenging golf shots. In addition, the image fills up 100% of the screen in HD, delivering an ultimate viewing experience.

In terms of ease of use, the Full Swing KIT SIG10 Package is affordable and user-friendly. The launch monitor is easy to use and provides enough data tracking to help golfers understand their swing and make real improvements. Additionally, the included components and software are straightforward to set up and operate, making this package an excellent choice for golfers of all skill levels.


  • With intuitive software and simple installation, it is effortless to use. 
  • It offers a highly realistic indoor golf experience. 
  • The high-quality sensors and cameras accurately track the golf ball‘s flight and provide accurate shot data. 
  • You can have this package in an affordable price range.


  • It can track 16 data points only compared to other Full Swing models.

Who’s this simulator for

The Full Swing KIT SIG10 Package is an excellent golf simulator solution that offers accuracy, ease of use, and an immersive viewing experience. Whether a beginner or an experienced golfer, this package provides the tools to improve your swing and take your game to the next level.

Check at Shopindoorgolf.com

3. Full Swing KIT Flex Space

Full Swing KIT Flex Space Golf Simulator Review

The Flex Space Package is the perfect solution for golfers on a budget who want to improve their game but need a dedicated space for a simulator. This package pairs the HomeCourse Pro Retractable Screen from Shop Indoor Golf with the Full Swing KIT Launch Monitor for a complete simulator setup.

The HomeCourse Pro Retractable Screen is a vital feature of the Flex Space Package. It offers flexibility and portability, allowing you to convert any room in your home into a golf simulator room with the click of a button. The screen extends down to create an indoor golf simulator enclosure and retracts to return the room to its original form in 30 seconds. It eliminates the need to dedicate an entire room to your setup.

The Full Swing KIT is one of the best golf launch monitors. It provides accurate and comprehensive data tracking, making it easier to understand your swing and improve your game. The HomeCourse Pro Screen is also made of ballistic-grade material, ensuring it can withstand the most brutal golf shots.

The package includes a ceiling mount kit, a wireless remote, and a projector shield floor enclosure to make setup and operation easy and convenient. The dimensions of the Flex Space Package are 8’H x 10’6″ W x 3’D, making it compact and easy to fit in any space.


  • This package features a compact design that is easy to store when not in use, making it an excellent option for golfers with limited indoor space.
  • The Full Swing KIT Flex Space comes at a price point suitable for golfers on a tight budget.
  • With advanced simulation software, the Full Swing KIT Flex Space offers a high-quality indoor golf experience compared to more expensive models.


  • It features a smaller screen.

Who’s this simulator for

In conclusion, SIG Flex Space is an affordable and flexible solution for golfers who want to improve their game without dedicating an entire room to a simulator. With its retractable screen and comprehensive data tracking, this package provides the tools to take your game to the next level.

Check at Shopindoorgolf.com

4. Full Swing Sport Series Simulator

Full Swing Sport Series Golf Simulator Review

The Sport Series is a camera-based golf simulator designed for players who want the most accurate system by Full Swing Golf experts. It has received recognition as the exclusive simulator of the Golf Channel.

The Sport Series is unique in its offering of dedicated in-flight measurement, thanks to its four high-speed line-scan cameras. As the ball travels toward the screen, the cameras capture it in real-time, providing a realistic ball flight simulation.

At the heart of the Sports Series is the ION3 Overhead Camera that captures club and ball launch data and high-definition video of the clubhead at impact. It allows golfers to analyze their swings post-game, side-by-side. Accurate data and a realistic golf experience make it perfect for players who want to improve their game.

Full Swing Golf has introduced two variations of the Sports series till now. The Full Swing S4 is a top-of-the-line golf simulator for residential and commercial use. With its advanced ball tracking technology and high-resolution graphics, players will enjoy an ultra-realistic golf experience. 

On the other hand, the Full Swing S8 is a high-end golf simulator perfect for commercial use. With its large screen and advanced graphics, players will enjoy an immersive golf experience as close to the real thing. 

The Full Swing S8 is an exceptional example of a commercial golf simulator, providing a truly immersive golf experience for businesses seeking top-of-the-line technology and realistic gameplay.

Check at Fullswinggolf.com

What are the Features of Full Swing Golf Simulators?

Full Swing Simulators are more expensive than other brands but offer a more advanced and authentic golf experience. In addition, they come with various features that make them stand out from the competition. Here are some of the key features:

  • High-resolution graphics: The simulators feature high-resolution graphics that give players an ultra-realistic view of the course, making it easy to visualize your shots and make accurate swings.
  • Advanced ball tracking: The simulators use advanced ball tracking technology to measure the speed, trajectory, and spin of the ball, ensuring that each shot is accurately recorded and simulated.
  • Wide range of courses: Full Swing Simulators have many courses, from famous courses like St. Andrews to more obscure courses worldwide.
  • Customizable settings: Players can customize various settings, such as wind speed, weather conditions, and ball speed, to suit their needs and preferences.
  • Multiplayer capabilities: The simulators offer multiplayer capabilities, allowing players to challenge each other and compete in virtual rounds of golf.


Indoor golf simulators are an excellent way to enjoy your favorite sport all year. Full Swing provides high-quality simulation and user-friendly experiences that cater to golfers of all skill levels. With the SIG10 and Flex Space models, Full Swing offers a range of options. This article provided an in-depth review of these simulators and highlighted their pros and cons to help golfers make informed decisions.

Michael Anderson
Written by Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson loves to experience the latest innovation in the golf simulator industry and share it with fellow golfers. His favorite pastime is golf. He has been contributing and writing content for more than 03 years in golf. Besides, he enjoys spending quality time with family and friends.

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