Best Window Security Film For Home Protection

Best Window Security Film For Home Protection

Window security film is a low-cost, easy way to make your home more resilient. It has three main purposes:

  • Safety (reducing the risk of flying or broken glass)
  • Security (making it harder for someone to break into your home)
  • Privacy (keeping your home safe from prying eyes)

In this article, we review the top security films on the market for different uses and give some tips on how to fit it to your windows.

Our Top Pick

window film

BDF S8MC Window Film

This window security film offers a good balance between safety and ease of installation.Check On Amazon

Best All Rounder: BDF 8SMC 8mil Window Film

If you’ve never installed window film before, BDF’s 8-mil film offers a compromise between security and ease of installation. It’s clear and if installed correctly, you won’t even notice it’s there.

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window film
A wide range of roll sizes makes it easy to buy the right amount for your project without too much wastage. Each roll comes with a knife and rubbed squeegee to help you fix the film to your windows.

Due to the strong adhesive, BDF recommends using a lot of water when installing their film. They provide a useful installation video, but this shows a thinner film being installed. With the 8-mil thickness, you’ll need to cut it precisely to size before sticking it to the glass rather than trimming it in situ.

After installation, you may notice some streaks or small air bubbles, but these should disappear after a few weeks. Most importantly, the film does a good job of keeping smashed glass in place.

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Best Heavy-Duty: Gordon Glass 12mil Security Window Film

If you want maximum protection for your windows, then Gordon Glass’s 12-mil film will give a higher level of protection against breakage and make it tougher for someone to break into your home.

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The clear adhesive-backed film is applied using a similar method to BDF’s film. The weak point with any window film is around the edge, so Gordon Glass recommends removing the glass from the window pane and reinstalling it with the film attached so the frame anchors the film in place. If this isn’t possible, you could seal the edge of the film with clear silicone sealant after installation.

As it’s so thick, this film is more difficult to cut and install, particularly for larger panes of glass.

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Best for Patio Doors: BurglarGARD Sliding Glass Door Protection Kit

Glass doors can open up a room to the outdoors, but they’re particularly vulnerable to breakage, whether from burglars or your kid kicking around a ball in the yard. This kit contains enough film for a pair of sliding doors.

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ShatterGARD’s film is expensive, but it’s made in the USA and designed to maximize strength without being overly thick. At 7 mil, it will be easier to install than the BDF and Gordon Glass film.

ShatterGARD recommends using a specially trained technician to install their film, though nothing stops you from doing it yourself. Just be aware that self-installation is likely to invalidate the lifetime warranty.

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Best for Privacy: Statint One Way Mirror Film

Statint’s window film is designed for two main purposes: to reflect the sun’s rays, keep rooms cooler in summer, and stop people looking in through your windows.

The film creates a mirror effect during the day, where you can look out, but people on the outside can’t see in. This doesn’t work at night when light shines out from a room.

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The film is installed using soapy water, but unlike the security films above, it doesn’t use adhesive. It’s also much thinner, making installation easier.

The lack of adhesive makes the film less secure once installed, but it also means you can remove it. This makes it a good option if you’re renting a property or don’t want to permanently attach film to your windows.

You may get some safety protection from smashed glass, but it’s unlikely to hold up to a beating. In terms of security, the film is designed to deter potential burglars by preventing them from seeing what (or who) is inside your home.

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Best Budget Film: BDF 24MC Window Film

A thinner and cheaper version of BDF’s adhesive film, this will provide a minimal level of protection if you’re on a budget. It should be easier to install than thicker films (though none could be classed as “easy”!), and it comes in five different roll sizes.

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Best Decorative Film: Rabitgoo Rainbow Window Cling

Rabitgoo offers a range of decorative window films, but this is one of the prettiest. They’re inexpensive, come in a range of sizes, and stick to the window using static cling, you can easily remove the film if you’re moving home or want to try a different design.

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The films don’t offer any specific safety protection. They’re designed to offer privacy from people looking in without blocking daylight.

Unlike the Statint mirror film, they will still offer some privacy at night, though the film isn’t recommended for bathroom use. The downside is it also stops you from seeing out.

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Why Do You Need Window Security Film?

Window films are designed for a range of purposes, from preventing overheating to adding decoration to a room. In this article, we’re primarily reviewing films designed to improve your home’s safety and security.

1) Safety

Security film is designed to hold fragments of glass in place when a window or glass pane is broken. Whether the window is smashed due to an explosion, high winds tossing an object at the glass, or a bullet, flying shards of glass can cause more injury and damage than whatever caused the breakage.

If you live in an area prone to earthquakes, hurricanes, or tornados, then thick security film or tempered glass is a must to protect your home and your family from harm.

2) Security

Glass is usually the weakest point of your house. If someone wants to break in, whether a burglar or a looter, smashing a window is an obvious entry point.

A thick layer of security film may not prevent someone from entering, but it will make it more challenging. Intruders will likely make more noise and take longer to break in, giving you time to escape, hide, or call the police.

Read more about house security and protection.

3) Privacy

If you live on a busy street, having some protection from passing eyes might be your primary concern. Unlike blinds or curtains, window film lets light in while giving you privacy from passers-by.

What to Consider When Buying

Film Thickness

Window films vary in thickness from 4 mil up to 15 mil. Generally, the thicker the film, the more protection it offers, though this isn’t always the case. High-quality films can offer the same level of protection in a thinner film. As you might expect, these often cost a bit more but may be easier to install.

If you’re focusing primarily on safety and security, then a film that’s 8 mil or thicker will generally offer good protection.

Adhesive vs Static

Some window films must be glued on, while others stick to the glass pane by static.

Static films are a bit easier to apply and can be repositioned if you get the position wrong. They’re also easy to remove, which may be important if you live in rented accommodation. However, static films are usually lightweight and, therefore, less effective regarding safety and security.

Thicker films designed for security are typically adhesive-backed. This makes them more permanent and weather-resistant, but they’re also trickier to install and more expensive.

How to Apply

Some thicker security films require professional installation, but many you can do yourself. To get an even finish with minimal air bubbles will require time and patience!

Window security films must be attached to a smooth, flat surface, so they’re unsuitable for textured or frosted glass. Thicker films may also not be suitable for older, single-pane windows.

Here are some tips for easy installation:

  • Make sure your windows are sparkling clean before applying the film.
  • Cut the film perfectly to size. Thick film won’t bend to allow you to trim it once installed.
  • Use lots of soapy water (more than you think!). This helps you position the film accurately before the adhesive bonds to the glass.
  • Use overlapping, firm strokes with the squeegee to push the water from the center outwards.
  • If you haven’t installed window film before, practice on a small area or with a thinner film before using a thick film.
  • Apply silicone caulk around the edge of the film to help bond it to the glass frame


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