How to Build a Sports Facility: From Concept to Completion - UDC Sports Construction Skip to main content

Last Updated on April 14, 2023 by UDC Sports

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

– Wayne Gretzky

These wise words from “The Great One” himself serve as a reminder that we must always be forward-thinking, anticipating what is coming and preparing accordingly.

This philosophy transcends the realm of hockey—it’s often echoed in the world of business and innovation, where leaders with the strongest drive and the keenest instincts tend to achieve the most success. Its broad applicability is perhaps best illustrated by the fact that even Steve Jobs, a titan of industry, was quoted as using Gretzky’s quote. (The irony of one visionary being quoted for repeating another’s quote arguably adds to the appeal.)

While the quote may come from a famous hockey player, its message resonates with sports enthusiasts of all stripes; whether they’re fans of football, soccer, baseball, or any other sport. The point is, just as a great hockey player reads the game, the construction of a successful sports facility requires foresight, expertise, and passion.

This article will guide you through some of the essential steps of sports facility construction, offering valuable insights and advice to help you bring your vision for building a field, stadium, or mixed-purpose facility to life.

Note: It’s important to note that every sports construction project is unique, and not all aspects discussed in this guide may apply to your specific situation. This article serves as a general overview, but with any large-scale project, it’s important to consult directly with sports facility design/construction professionals and conduct thorough research to ensure the success of your project.

Key Steps for Successful Sports Facility Construction & Project Management

I. Understanding the Facility’s Purpose & Objectives

Before diving into the finer details of constructing an athletic field, stadium, or any other sports facility, it’s absolutely crucial to establish the purpose and objectives of the facility:

  • What sports or activities will be hosted?
  • Will it cater to grade school athletes, college athletes, professional athletes, amateurs, or a combination of the above?
  • What are the anticipated attendance figures and revenue projections?

The answers to these questions will help to lay the foundation for your project (metaphorically, at least), ensuring that the facility is tailored to the needs of its users and is financially viable.

II. Site Selection & Evaluation

Once the purpose and objectives are clear, the next step is finding the right location for the facility. The site should be easily accessible and provide ample space for parking and future expansion.

A picture How to Build a Sports Facility: From Concept to Completion of with Republic SportsFurthermore, it is essential to evaluate factors such as environmental impact, zoning laws, and proximity to other facilities. These considerations will help determine the feasibility of the project and influence the overall design and layout of the facility.

III. Designing the Sports Facility

Designing a sports facility is an intricate process that balances form and function. The facility should be visually appealing, but also practical and functional, ensuring that the needs of all athletes, spectators, and staff can be met.

Key factors to consider during the design process include, but are not limited to:

  1. Flexibility: The facility should be versatile and adaptable to accommodate various sports and events. This will ensure that the facility remains relevant and continues to attract users over time.
  2. Sustainability: Green design features, such as energy-efficient lighting, water-saving measures like artificial turf, and eco-friendly construction materials, may be incorporated into the facility. This not only benefits the environment but also saves on operational costs in the long run.
  3. Safety & Accessibility: A well-designed sports facility prioritizes safety and accessibility for all users. This includes incorporating features such as ramps, elevators, and wider doorways for individuals with disabilities.

Note: There are a multitude of variables at play when designing a sports facility—and each sport brings its own unique set of requirements and considerations. Therefore, it’s important to acknowledge that providing an all-encompassing guide for every sport is beyond the scope of this article. Delving into the specifics of each sport would require its own comprehensive guide to truly capture the nuances and intricacies involved in crafting a facility that caters to the distinct needs of the athletes, spectators, and staff involved in that particular sport.

For more information, please refer to the following resources:

IV. Hiring a Specialized Sports Construction Firm for the Project

Constructing a sports facility requires the expertise of professionals who specialize in this field. From architects to engineers and construction managers, a strong team will ensure that the project is executed seamlessly and to the highest quality. Look for professionals with a proven track record in sports facility construction, who share your passion and enthusiasm for the project.

A picture How to Build a Sports Facility: From Concept to Completion of with Republic SportsA company that exemplifies this level of expertise is UDC Sports, a full-service sports construction firm. UDC Sports specializes in full-service construction, design, consulting, and project management for constructing athletic fields, stadiums, and other sports facilities.

V. Securing Funding & Managing Costs

It’s probably not news to you that a sports facility can be a significant financial undertaking. Securing funding, managing budgets, and controlling costs are critical aspects of the construction process. Possible funding sources include private investments, government grants, and community partnerships.

Throughout the project, it’s essential to closely monitor costs, maintain open communication with stakeholders, and make informed decisions to encourage the financial success of your facility.

VI. Ongoing Facility Management & Maintenance

Once the facility is complete, it’s essential to establish a management and maintenance plan. This can include hiring a skilled operations team, implementing regular maintenance schedules, and/or promoting the facility to attract users and generate revenue (if applicable).

A picture How to Build a Sports Facility: From Concept to Completion of with Republic Sports

Ongoing management and maintenance can involve a wide range of activities, including but not limited to:

  • Irrigation & turf management: For outdoor sports facilities, irrigation and turf management are essential for maintaining a safe and high-quality playing surface. For grass fields, this involves ensuring that the irrigation system is functioning properly, monitoring soil moisture levels, and addressing issues with sports field surfaces such as soil compaction, weed growth, and pest infestations.
  • Cleaning & sanitation: Keeping the facility clean and hygienic is crucial for preventing the spread of germs and ensuring a safe and healthy environment for users. This may involve regular cleaning of restrooms, locker rooms, and common areas, as well as disinfecting equipment and surfaces.
  • Equipment maintenance: Regular maintenance of equipment is essential for ensuring its longevity and performance. Depending on the size, type, and complexity of your sports facility, this could include anything from maintaining sports and landscaping equipment to lighting systems and HVAC.
  • Safety inspections: Conducting regular safety inspections can help to identify potential hazards or issues that could pose a risk to users. This may involve inspecting playing surfaces, bleachers and seating areas, lighting systems, and emergency exits.

Ensuring that your sports facility remains a valuable community asset will require ongoing commitment and dedication. Developing a comprehensive management plan that includes the activities discussed above can help achieve this goal.

VII. Engaging the Community

Involving the community is an integral part of building and maintaining a successful sports facility. By engaging local residents and organizations, you can foster a sense of ownership and pride in your facility.

Collaborate with local schools, sports clubs, and community groups to offer programs, events, and activities that cater to various age groups and interests. Reaching out will help your facility become—and stay—a vibrant, well-utilized, and cherished resource for your community.

VIII. Preparing for Emergencies & Adversities

A picture How to Build a Sports Facility: From Concept to Completion of with Republic Sports

As with any large-scale project, unexpected challenges, natural disasters, and emergencies may arise during the construction and operation of a sports facility. Establishing contingency plans and emergency response protocols is essential to effectively manage any issues that may occur.

This may include things like:

  • Coordinating with local emergency services
  • Developing evacuation plans
  • Training facility staff in first aid and crisis management
  • Having plans in place to deal with extreme weather events
  • Mitigating security incidents through the use of surveillance cameras, access control systems, and security personnel
  • Planning for equipment failures and having plans in place to repair/replace equipment quickly
  • Establishing clear communication protocols to ensure facility staff are informed and able to respond quickly

Being prepared for the unexpected will ensure that your sports facility is equipped to handle any situation that may arise, and ultimately contribute to its long-term success.

IX. Staying Updated with Industry Trends & Innovations

Sports facility construction is always evolving, and it’s hard not to notice how modern and cutting-edge new stadiums are looking these days. There are new technologies, materials, and sports field design trends emerging regularly.

To keep your facility at the forefront of the industry, aim to keep abreast of the latest developments and incorporate new ideas, innovations, and upgrades into your facility’s design and operations. Other activities that can be beneficial for your facility are:

  • Evaluating user feedback: Surveys and focus groups can help you understand what users want and need from your facility (as well as where improvements can be made).
  • Conducting market research: Analyzing data on consumer preferences, studying the competition, and researching industry publications.
  • Investing in ongoing education and training: This can help you and your staff stay up-to-date with the latest industry developments and best practices.

Attending industry conferences, participating in professional networks, and collaborating with other sports facility professionals are also great ways to keep your finger on the pulse and spark inspiration.

X. Evaluating Success & Planning for the Future

Finally, it’s essential to periodically evaluate the success of your sports facility by assessing its performance against the initial objectives and goals. This might involve gathering data on user satisfaction, revenue generation, and community impact, among other factors.

By conducting regular evaluations, you can identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for future growth and enhancement.

A picture How to Build a Sports Facility: From Concept to Completion of with Republic Sports

The building of any sports field or facility, regardless of its type, is a complex, time-consuming process that demands not only highly-specialized expertise in sports construction, but also a strong passion and vision for the future. It involves a range of activities, such as site selection, design, construction, and facility management, among others. Apart from the more technical aspects, the creation of a sports facility requires careful planning, creativity, and foresight.

Note: Managing a project with so many moving parts can be overwhelming and time-consuming.We highly recommend consulting a professional firm like UDC Sports that specializes in managing all aspects of sports construction projects. Such a firm can guide you through every step of the process, from initial planning to final completion, ensuring that your facility meets all the necessary standards, regulations, and requirements.

If you would like to build a sports facility of any size or type, consider partnering with UDC Sports to help make your vision a reality.


Even if you’re not a Gretzky fan (or a hockey fan, for that matter) the wisdom of the quote at the beginning of this guide holds true: always think ahead and plan for where the puck is going to be. Leverage the expertise and forward-thinking approach of UDC Sports—an experienced, full-service sports construction, design, consulting, and project management firm—to make your vision for a sports facility into a reality.

By following the guidelines laid out above, you or your organization will be well on your way to realizing your dream of creating a state-of-the-art sports facility that meets the needs of athletes, spectators, and your community at large.

Score Big with the Right Team

Ready to bring your vision to life? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Contact UDC Sports today to discuss your project—and take the first step toward constructing the sports facility of your dreams.

UDC Sports

UDC Sports is a premier provider of sports field and facility construction services with over 20 years of experience. We are experts in all aspects of sports facility construction, from site preparation to drainage to turf installation, regardless of the sport. We stay up-to-date with the latest industry standards and practices, and our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is unwavering, as evidenced by our 100% client satisfaction rating. With years of experience in product selection and project management, UDC Sports combines state-of-the-art construction materials and methods with a creative approach to turning client visions into reality. Whether you're building a 10,000 seat stadium or a backyard batting cage, we're here to make sure your vision is accomplished.