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I. The Magician

Those who are going through bad economic times by lack of income should not become anxious, because the chances of a good job or making a project are very close and will change this situation. Those who maintain a steady income will see positive changes or will have a project soon, that will change their situation Those who maintain a steady income will see positive changes in their economic status thanks to the appearance of a person whose proposition will increase their income. The transformative power of the magician will make a great change in the reality your life. There should be care about not wasting money because fluctuations may arise, that will be overcome if you save money and manage your income wisely. Some side jobs will help extra expenses. Will be able to put an end to old labor cases that will bring in extra money and allow you to make that trip you have been procrastinating. Do not become anxious, instead focus on your interests and economic success will come. Enjoy all the economic recognition that this year has in store.

XIII. Death

You should be careful with your finances, they will not be in danger but you should be cautious for some time and avoid any unnecessary expenses and do not risk in investments or gambling. Gradually you will hear news about finances that will begin to change your lifestyle. You may have Access to money that was acquired unexpectedly and may be from an old debt or from a family member. All of the transformations in labor will start to give profits at the economic level. You should take care not to waste money that you will start receiving. It is necessary that you save and look ahead to be better prepared for any inconvenience that may arise. Do not use your money on unnecessary things but take advantage in investing on durable material goods especially in your home. Times of renovation and economic changes are approaching, take advantage without wasting money. Changing of lifestyle is important but it does not mean that you should acquire all that comes to mind but take advantage and enjoy the money with your family making trip or on spontaneous outings.

XVIII. The Moon

During the beginning of the year, the economy will not be very good because of the work recession. Take care of the savings accounts that you worked to keep and do not risk in making any investment since you may be tempted by someone close to you that may make a bad move that could lead you to bankruptcy. Remember that you run the risk of meeting very interested people, or they may appear hidden enemies, so maintain some distrust. It will be necessary to ask for advice of people that are trustworthy before making a decision. To increase your income, it will be convenient for you to look for an alternative activity that will gradually let you stabilize your family’s economy. The profit from labor will allow paying off acquired debts and plan certain things that you want to do that have been put off due to procrastinating. Making a trip that had been put off for so long will give you strength to go on. Organizing reunions with close friends will allow you to share good times and to develop your optimism.


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