How To Organize Kitchen Cabinets: 15 Easy Ideas

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How To Organize Kitchen Cabinets: 15 Easy Ideas

By: Andrew Saladino | 6 min
July 23rd, 2023

A woman organizing kitchen cabinets with dishware.

How much time do you spend searching through your cabinets or rifling through drawers to try to find your wine opener? What about your favorite mug? Kitchen cabinets can quickly become cluttered and disorderly if you don't have a system to help with organization. Learning how to organize your kitchen cabinets can be intimidating, so we've come up with 15 simple solutions that will keep the chaos under control.

1. Clean Them Out

A person cleaning out a cabinet.

Have a fresh start by cleaning your kitchen cabinets. Remove all the items from your cabinets and drawers and arrange them on your kitchen counter. This will allow you to reach all the tricky surfaces with a sponge or microfiber cloth to get rid of any unwanted or expired items that have been hiding in the back.

Tip: You can make your own cleaner that works on metal, vinyl, plastic, or wood cabinets by combining one part oil-cutting dish soap or laundry detergent with two parts water in a spray bottle.

2. Protect With Lining

Kitchen cabinet drawer with a liner.

Before returning your kitchen supplies to their proper place, line the bottom of your drawers and cabinets with gripped shelf liner. Liners provide stability to the base of the cabinet or drawer, keeping the items from slipping and falling.

Tip: In places you want to avoid slippage, use a sturdy beaded grip liner. Use a ribbed shelf liner in areas where you might not want as much grip, such as the pantry shelves, where you store plates or dishes that you frequently use.

3. Place Heavy Items on the Bottom Shelf

Heavy dishes on the bottom shelf of cabinet.

When organizing your dishes in your cabinets, group the larger, heavier items on the bottom. By positioning the big plates and bowls on the bottom shelf, you'll have an easier time taking them in and out of your cabinet.

Tip: Since glasses are lighter, they can be stored on a higher shelf that's still within reach. If you have glasses for special occasions, such as wine glasses or champagne flutes, place them on a less-frequented shelf since you don't need to access them as often.

4. Consider Proximity

Cabinets close in proximity to dishwasher.

No one likes unloading the dishwasher, so make the process easier for yourself. Store dishes you use often, such as plates and bowls, in a cabinet close to the dishwasher. This will make it easier to return them to their place when clean.

Tip: Store common items such as plates, bowls, and cups in the same cupboard so they can all be unloaded to one spot.

5. Stack Pots and Pans

Pots and pans stacked inside a kitchen cabinet.

Keep the large, uniquely shaped pots and pans out of the way by storing them in a bottom cabinet. Stack the pots and pans on one side of the space and the lids on the other. This will make them accessible and easy to find.

Tip: It's easy to accumulate pots and pans. When you clean out this cabinet, make sure you only keep the ones you use. If you have multiples of the same size, consider donating them to a local shelter.

6. Group Similar Ingredients

Similar ingredients grouped together inside a kitchen cabinet.

To save time, group ingredients that are commonly used together in the same cabinet. This way, when you're baking a recipe, you don't have to open every cabinet searching for similar ingredients, such as flour, sugar, and salt. This will make the cleanup process easier as well.

Tip: Make sure to group items in size order so it's easier to scan the cabinet and easily find the item.

7. Label Everything

Labeled containers inside kitchen cabinets.

Labeling is a great place to start if you're unsure how to organize cabinets. No one wants to start their day by accidentally pouring salt in their coffee. Prevent any potential mix-up by labeling everything. To add a design element to your cupboard, use chalkboard stickers to label all of your containers.

Tip: Label your containers with expiration dates so you know when the item will go bad.

8. Utilize a Spice Rack

Organized spice rack.

Are you tired of sorting through your spices and knocking over bottles to try to locate the right one for your recipe? Place each container on a spice rack in your cabinet. This way you can find the correct spice by pulling them all out at once, then neatly returning the ones you don't need.

Tip: The labels on bottles often fade. Create new labels for the bottles to help you find the right spice.

9. Organize Utensils in Drawers

Utensils organized inside drawers.

Do your drawers get stuck shut from a whisk or ladle being wedged in too tightly? Avoid this frustrating situation by keeping your drawers organized. The key is to use dividers - section off the drawer so each utensil has a designated spot.

Tip: Don't overpack the drawers. Get rid of anything you aren't using. Unless you're a professional chef, you likely don't need five identical spatulas.

10. Keep Cleaning Supplies Close By

Cleaning supplies under kitchen sink.

The kitchen becomes a messy place, no matter how careful you are. Store your cleaning supplies under the sink so they're out of the way yet easily accessible. When cleaning out this area, make sure to throw away any empty or expired bottles of cleaning solution.

Tip: Keep any extra rags or towels under the sink so you can wipe up a spill at a moment's notice.

11. Add Pull-Out Shelves

White pull-out shelves in kitchen.

If items are constantly getting lost in the depths of your kitchen cabinets, it might be time to add some pull-out shelves. This addition to your cabinets will allow you to access everything you need with ease.

Tip: Store your ingredients in size order so you can see everything at eye level.

12. Utilize Open Shelving

Organized kitchen cabinet open shelving.

Maximize your space by creating open shelving that extends toward the top of your ceiling. Open shelves allow for easy access to everyday kitchenware and utensils. You can even simplify the remodeling project by removing the upper cabinet doors instead of changing all of them.

Tip: Display your nicer kitchenware on open shelves to accessorize the room.

13. Create a Wine Bottle Organizer

Wine bottle organizer inside kitchen cabinet.

Transform a portion of your kitchen into a wine cellar with a bottle organizer. Create storage space within a cabinet for a wine bottle holder. Take your remodeling project to the next level by removing the kitchen cabinet door for accessibility.

Tip: Store your fancier wine bottles in the organizer to impress your guests while leaving your more frequently consumed bottles in the fridge.

14. Add Dividers

Dividers inside a kitchen cabinet.

Convert one of your kitchen cabinets into a storage area with dividers. Add dividers to separate larger items, including cookie sheets, cutting boards, and other prep items.

Tip: Choose a cabinet near your prep area so you can grab cutting boards and other supplies with ease.

15. Utilize Bins and Baskets

Bins and baskets inside a kitchen cabinet drawer.

Try using baskets or bins to store your kitchen items. When you need ingredients, simply pull out one basket and place it on the counter so everything is visible.

Tip: Group similar items together so you can grab them without searching high and low.

Organize Kitchen Cabinets FAQ

Still unsure how to organize kitchen cabinets? Here are answers to a few commonly asked questions related to organizing your kitchen.

How do you decide where to put things in kitchen cabinets?

It's best to put things in kitchen cabinets that are grouped together. For example, keep all of your small kitchen appliances in one cabinet, and your everyday dishes and cups in another.

What should I not store in kitchen cabinets?

You shouldn't store heavy items in upper kitchen cabinets for safety reasons. Choose items to store that will benefit from being organized and stored away when unused.

How do you organize dishes in cabinets?

You can organize dishes in cabinets by stacking them upright. Start with the largest plates on the bottom and then go up in size order. Just make sure not to stack too many on top of each other because they can break.

What should I store under the kitchen sink?

You can store anything you want under the kitchen sink, but it's typically reserved for cleaning supplies. Make sure you don't store anything that's prone to water damage in case there's a leak. And don't forget to secure and label harsh cleaning products small children can reach.

These simple ideas will help you learn how to organize your kitchen cabinets with ease and make the time you spend in your kitchen more enjoyable. Remember, once your space is organized, it doesn't mean it will stay that way. Make sure you take the time to clean out your drawers and cabinets at least once or twice a year to start fresh.

Looking to revamp your kitchen? Check out our wide selection of ready-to-assemble cabinets and pre-assembled cabinets to find a style that meets your needs.

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