AirAsia X Logo, symbol, meaning, history, PNG, brand

AirAsia X Logo

AirAsia X LogoAirAsia X Logo PNG

The logo of AirAsia X, a subsidiary of the Malaysian low-cost airline AirAsia specializing in long-haul budget flights, represents the company’s goal to make long-distance travel affordable for a wide range of passengers. It signifies AirAsia X’s focus on providing cost-effective long-distance air travel, creating new opportunities for travelers from Southeast Asia and beyond.

AirAsia X: Brand overview

Founded in 2007, AirAsia X emerged as a budget airline under the AirAsia Group, focusing on long-haul flights from Kuala Lumpur to Australia and China. This venture marked the airline’s mission to make distant travel more accessible and affordable. In its first year of operations, AirAsia X took to the skies with a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Australia’s Gold Coast, using the Airbus A330, setting the stage for its expansion.

By 2009, AirAsia X had broadened its reach to cities like Melbourne, Perth, Taipei, and Tianjin, reinforcing its presence with additional A330 aircraft. The airline’s growth trajectory continued into 2010, establishing routes to global cities including London, Paris, Seoul, and Tokyo and quickly gaining recognition as one of the world’s rapidly expanding airlines.

Facing financial hurdles in 2011 due to soaring fuel costs and market saturation, AirAsia X embarked on a strategic overhaul, streamlining its operations and fleet to maintain its competitive edge. This period of recalibration led to an initial public offering (IPO) in 2012, a strategic move to fund its development and manage debts.

From 2013 to 2019, AirAsia X concentrated on strengthening its operations in Asia and Oceania, enhancing its fleet with the advanced A330neo aircraft, and refining its route network for greater efficiency.

The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 forced the airline into unprecedented territory, prompting a pause in most of its operations and initiating a comprehensive debt restructuring to navigate the crisis.

In 2021, with the easing of travel restrictions, AirAsia X cautiously resumed its services, recalibrating its strategy to focus on essential routes and operational efficiency in anticipation of the travel industry’s gradual recovery.

Today, AirAsia X is a pivotal player in Asia’s budget airline sector, dedicated to long-haul travel. Despite navigating through the turbulence brought on by the pandemic, the airline remains committed to adapting its business model, ensuring its resilience and continued growth. AirAsia X looks forward to revitalizing travel demand in the Asia-Pacific, leveraging its strategic partnerships, particularly with AirAsia, to solidify its market position and contribute to the tourism industry’s resurgence.

Meaning and History

AirAsia X Logo History

The logos of AirAsia X have evolved over time but always kept recognizable elements that link back to the parent brand, AirAsia. The red color and distinctive font connect with AirAsia’s identity, symbolizing dynamism, energy, and an innovative approach that defines the entire group. Meanwhile, the AirAsia X logos carry a special meaning that highlights the company’s focus on long-haul flights. Through its logos, AirAsia X aims to convey the concept of making long-distance travel accessible to a broad audience.

What is AirAsia X?

AirAsia X, part of the Malaysian budget airline AirAsia, specializes in affordable long-haul flights. It strives to make faraway places accessible to all kinds of travelers through low-cost tickets and efficient service. With Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok hubs, AirAsia X flies to destinations in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe using its up-to-date Airbus A330 planes.


FlyAsianXpress Logo 2007

In 2007, AirAsia X, first called FlyAsianXpress or FAX, introduced a logo that spoke to its mission and approach. The red letters in its name boldly stated the airline’s focus on being fast and affordable. As part of AirAsia, AirAsia X followed the same core idea of providing low-cost flights without cutting down on comfort, aiming to make flying available to more people. The logo was a clear sign of this goal.

Choosing red for the logo was thoughtful, symbolizing the airline’s energetic and passionate approach to the industry. AirAsia X set out to change our thoughts about long-haul flights by offering budget-friendly options without lowering service quality.

The design, especially the extended “X,” was creative and meaningful. It subtly suggested the airline’s specialty in long-distance flights, pointing to its goal of connecting places like Malaysia and Australia. This design spoke of the distances AirAsia X covers and its ambition to connect different parts of the world.

The stretched “X” also helped set AirAsia X apart from AirAsia and other airlines, highlighting its unique offer: long journeys to distant places at competitive prices, challenging the usual costs of long-haul travel.

2007 – 2022

AirAsia X Logo 2007

Choosing a name for AirAsia X was initially tricky. The first name, FlyAsianXpress, or FAX, didn’t quite click with people because it was too long and complicated. Tony Fernandes, an entrepreneur with big ideas, saw the need for a name that was easy to remember and stood out. He built on AirAsia’s already successful image by adding ‘X’ to signal the new focus on long-haul flights.

When it came to rebranding, they faced more hurdles. The logo, with “AirAsia” inside a big red St. Andrew’s cross, was meant to be bold and set the airline apart. However, it reminded people of medical services rather than suggesting speed and global travel. This mix-up showed how crucial design is in ensuring people see your brand how you want them to.

The ‘X’ in AirAsia X was supposed to mean more than just longer flights; it was also a nod to planes taking off, symbolizing growth and ambition. But this idea wasn’t straightforward for everyone, highlighting the tricky balance in branding between being creative and being easily understood.

2022 – today

AirAsia X Logo

In 2022, AirAsia X rolled out a new logo that reflected its expansion to new places like China and Europe. This logo featured a red circle that looked like a globe, fitting AirAsia X’s image as a forward-thinking airline expanding the possibilities of affordable long-haul flights. This globe symbolized the airline’s goal to connect different parts of the world.

The logo used soft white letters similar to AirAsia, ensuring the brand was easily recognized. The layout mirrored a plane’s takeoff, with words rising from bottom to top, representing growth. A bold ‘X,’ doubling as an airplane, added energy to the design, implying speed.

Yet, the logo received mixed reactions, showing how tricky it can be to convey the right message. Some people thought the globe looked like a cross-eyed smiley face from horror movies, a connection the airline didn’t intend. This unexpected interpretation highlighted the challenge of logo design: making something memorable but also clear and positive.

The logo’s mixed reception shows how personal tastes and cultural backgrounds can influence how we see visual symbols. While it aimed to showcase AirAsia X’s bold vision and wide reach, the unintended horror film association points to the complexities of visual branding. This case underlines the ongoing challenge for brands to balance being innovative with being understood, especially in a global context.


What is the meaning of the AirAsia logo?

AirAsia’s logo has a circle that means a lot, tapping into Asian culture and ideas. Here’s what the circle stands for:

  • The Sun: In many Asian places, the sun is a big deal, standing for life and new beginnings. AirAsia’s circle looks like the sun, showing that the airline wants to bring new opportunities and fun to people who fly with them.
  • Enlightenment: In Buddhism, enlightenment means finding wisdom and peace. The circle in AirAsia’s logo can be seen as this enlightenment, hinting that AirAsia wants to open up the world to its passengers through travel.
  • The World and Sky: The circle reminds people of the Earth, the sky, and the universe, connecting to AirAsia’s job of linking different places and making flying available to more people.
  • Forever and Always: Circles never end, often meaning forever or endless possibilities. For AirAsia, this could mean they’re always there to help you explore and find new places without end.

The circle in AirAsia’s logo embodies much of the airline’s mission: sticking to its Asian roots, making flying affordable, and offering endless adventures.

Who owns AirAsia X?

As of February 2022, Tune Group, controlled by Tony Fernandes and Kamarudin Meranun, who also started AirAsia, owned 17.8% of AirAsia X, showing that they’re still deeply involved with this airline that flies long distances at low prices.

AirAsia X is the part of AirAsia that focuses on flying far without costing a lot. Tune Group invests in entertainment, sports, and tech and supports AirAsia X with ideas and business know-how. Fernandes and Meranun have used their experience to grow AirAsia X, making cheap long flights a reality for more people.

What is the strategy of AirAsia X?

AirAsia X, which offers long flights at low costs within the AirAsia Group, has a smart plan for growing and starting flights to new places. Here’s how they pick where to fly:

  • Looking at the Market Size: They check how many people might want to fly from certain places, focusing on areas with many potential travelers and room for more people to start flying.
  • Checking If People Are Already Flying There: The airline looks at the number of flights to these places and whether more people are starting to fly there to determine whether a new route would be popular.
  • Wanting Different Types of Travelers: They aim for places where different kinds of travelers would go, like those traveling for fun, work, or to see family. This way, flights are likely to be full all year round.
  • Seeing Who Else Is Flying There: AirAsia X looks at the competition, such as other airlines and their offerings, to find spots where it can be the go-to choice without cutting prices too much.

By following these steps, AirAsia X picks new places to fly that will likely do well and make money.

What’s the difference between AirAsia and AirAsia X?

AirAsia and AirAsia X are like two branches of the same tree, the AirAsia Group. They both offer cheap flights but aim at different types of trips.

AirAsia is the main part of the group, focusing on short trips. It flies within Asia, connecting lots of places with quick flights. The airline uses smaller planes, like the Airbus A320, which are perfect for these shorter hops and help keep flights cheap for everyone.

AirAsia X stretches things further, dealing with longer flights. It was started to bring cheap tickets to faraway places. AirAsia sticks to quick, local trips with smaller planes. AirAsia X takes you further away with bigger planes. Both are about making flying affordable for different lengths of trips, helping the AirAsia Group meet all kinds of travel needs.