Ana Tijoux Sacar La Voz Lyrics English Translation

Sacar La Voz Lyrics in English

Breathing to get your voice out
Take off as far as a swift eagle
Breathing a future splendor cobra
More sense if we both believe it
Free yourself from all the modesty take of the
Reins do not surrender to the oppressor
Walking upright without fear of breathing and speaking out
My pockets are empty, my lips are split
The flake skin, every time I look into the void
Worn soles tied hands
The front door always had the sign
Who said it was closed
A thorn stuck an infected wound between
Beloved a rage filled in the whole and in the nothingness
The clumsy step to the edge without chord every time
That I lose the north I have the loss of support
Time sticks the dagger kills me
Sharpen the flame without calm that escapes me from the hands
But I have my flowery corner
I'm not alone with me
Free yourself from all modesty
Taking the reins not surrendering to the oppressor
Walking upright without fear of breathing and speaking out
I have forgotten love tired exhausted
Exhausted to the floor they fell
All fragments that were broken
Looking hunched over the clenched fist
I have nothing but nothing adds up in this puddle
Jaw marked word prepared
Every sharp letter is on the crest of the surge
Without pain or glory write this story
The issue is not falling up is victory
Coming back open the door is resolved to be alert
Take out the voice that was dead and make it orchestra
Walk safely free without fear of breathing and speaking out
Free oneself from all modesty take the reins not surrender to the oppressor
Walking upright without fear of breathing and speaking out
On a string to hang the couplet that the wind rocks
That rarely deserves every sorrow loose voice, every cough
Thinking about getting your voice out
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