A Perfect 3 Days In Seville: Itinerary & Tips

A Perfect 3 Days in Seville: Itinerary & Tips

Seville is one of the jewels in Andalusia’s glittering crown. With its labyrinth of orange-scented squares linked with geranium-filled streets, rich history and a vibrant tapas scene, it is hard not to be captivated.

But what are the best things to do in Seville?

As a two-time visitor to this city, this is where I can help you. I have put together a 3-day Seville itinerary to help you make the most of your time there. Spending three days in Seville will allow you to explore its main sightseeing districts as well as the city’s historical and cultural legacy.

small dog in pretty square lined with orange trees seen as part of 3-day seville itinerary

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curving colonnade of vast plaza viewed through gateway


  • DAY 1: Real Alcázar, Plaza de España Parque Maria Luisa
  • DAY 2: Seville Cathedral and La Giralda, Casa de Pilatos, La Macarena, Metropol Parasol
  • DAY 3: Hospital de los Venerables, Torre del Oro, Triana, Museo de Bellas Artes




  • Bodega Diaz Salazar
  • El Pinton
  • Bar El Baratillo
  • Bar Agustin & Company

How Many Days Are Enough in Seville?

At a bare minimum, you should spend at least two days in Seville, preferably three days. This will allow you to see its major landmarks, graze on tapas to your heart’s content and catch a flamenco show.

If you want to explore Seville at a more relaxed pace or take a few day trips, spend 4 – 7 days there.

3-Day Seville Itinerary + Map

My 3-day Seville itinerary will allow you to cover the best things to see in one of Spain’s most beautiful cities in a relatively short time. You will be busy and should reckon on at least six hours a day of sightseeing and early starts.

This is how it pans out:

  • DAY 1: Real Alcázar, Plaza de España Parque Maria Luisa
  • DAY 2: Seville Cathedral and La Giralda, Casa de Pilatos, La Macarena, Metropol Parasol
  • DAY 3: Hospital de los Venerables, Torre del Oro, Triana, Museo de Bellas Artes

Wear your most comfortable shoes!

Setting out early is essential, not only to make the most of your visit to Seville but also to give you a fighting chance of avoiding the worst of the crowds at a few of the busier spots.

To help you plan your visit and navigate the city, I’ve included a map of the places included in this Seville itinerary.

seville walking tour map 2
Best things to see in Seville in 3 days. Map data @ Google 2022 (click on image for interactive map)

This map is colour-coded to correspond with the days in this itinerary:

  • Day 1 – red star
  • Day 2 – yellow star
  • Day 3 – purple star

Day 1 – Royal Alcazar, Parque Maria Luisa & Plaza de España

Start your first day by immersing yourself in the city’s rich history at the fabulous Royal Alcázar. In the afternoon you’ll walk the short distance south to look at the famous old tobacco factory before taking a well-deserved time out at Parque Maria Luisa and Plaza de España.

It may make sense to visit the Royal Alcázar and Seville Cathedral on the same day but I don’t recommend this. These are two relatively intense visits – there’s a lot to see and take in – and both should be visited as soon as they open their doors to avoid the tour groups that descend from late morning.

The UNESCO World Heritage site the Real Alcázar of Seville is one of the city’s highlights. Although it is Moorish in appearance, it was built 100 years after the city’s reconquest as a royal palace for Pedro I, or Pedro the Cruel as he was also known.

Palace life centred around the exquisite Patio de las Doncellas, which features delicately carved stuccoazulejos (tiles) and wooden doors.

reflective pond in the centre of an ornate Moorish courtyard seen when visiting the real alcazar of seville
Patio de las Doncellas, Real Alcázar of Seville

The nearby Salon de Embajadores is famous for its cedar wood ceiling dome of red, green and gold cells, its horseshoe arcades and Mudéjar tiles.

gilded wooden domed ceiling

The rambling and eclectic gardens of the Royal Alcázar feature tinkling fountains, still ponds, Renaissance arches and orange and palm trees a-plenty. There’s even an English garden.

tiled steps leading through arch framed by orange trees

Address: Patio de Banderas, 41004 Seville

Opening hours: Open daily except for January 1st, January 6th, Good Friday and Christmas Day. Opening hours are seasonal.

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies.


Just south of the Royal Alcázar is the swankiest hotel in town.

art deco gateway with sign saying hotel
Alfonso XIII Hotel, Seville

Built to house important guests attending the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition, Hotel Alfonso XIII features an elegant neo-Baroque façade. Its grand collonaded interior patio is open to non-guests for the price of a drink.

The former Real Fábrica de Tabacos (Tobacco Factory) is just behind Hotel Alfonso XIII.

tiled sign saying fabrica real de tabacos

Once upon a time, three-quarters of Europe’s cigars were manufactured here, rolled by over 3,000 cigarreras. These female cigar makers inspired Mérimee’s novella Carmen and the Bizet opera of the same name.

This massive complex is now part of the university and is the largest building in Spain after El Escorial in Madrid.

passageway with vaulted ceiling and wrought iron gateway
Seville, Universidad

Plaza de España is fabulously flamboyant and a major Seville landmark.

Also built for the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition, this semi-circular plaza is fronted by a collonaded building with 48 alcoves decorated with vibrant tiles. Each of these alcoves represents a Spanish province and a moment in history.

curved colonnaded facade of plaza espana with tiled alcoves in seville pain
person walking along curved colonnaded walkway

A canal, crossed by a series of tiled footbridges, follows the curve of this building. In the centre of this vast plaza is a spectacular fountain designed by Vicente Traver.

rainbow in fountain in immense colonnaded plaza

You may recognise Plaza de España from its role in films that include Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones (2002) and The Dictator (2012).

Adjacent to Plaza de España is Parque Maria Luisa, Seville’s green lung.

long reflecting pool with single palm tree

This leafy retreat from the busy city features gushing fountains, Islamic-style pools, tree-shaded avenues and pavilions and sunbathing birds. Like Plaza de España, its buildings are 1920s Art Deco and neo-Mudéjar.

fountain in the shape of a loin's head spouting water

Few things encapsulate the soul of Andalusia than flamenco. The beating rhythms, the yearning songs, the expressive guitar playing: the passion is almost palpable. 

When visiting this region of Spain you must go to a flamenco show. I went to one in Granada and was blown away by it.

Forget the image of sanitized kitsch flamenco used to promote Spain during the Franco era, all frills and castanets. This is the real deal.

expressive flamenco dancer and singer clapping in background

Seville is one of the best places in Spain to catch a flamenco performance. There are countless tablaos (flamenco venues) in the city, but here are two that are highly rated by other travellers.

Casa de la Memoria Flamenco Show

This one-hour performance is held in an intimate theatre that dates back to the 15th Century.


La Cantaora Flamenco Show with dinner

If you fancy combining a flamenco performance with food and drinks, book a ticket for a show at La Cantaora, which focuses on the purity and roots of gipsy flamenco. Food and drink options range from a glass of wine to a full meal.


Day 2 – Seville Cathedral, Casa de Pilatos & La Macarena District

Your second day in Sevilla starts with the superlative-busting Seville Cathedral before walking north to explore the unmissable Casa de Pilatos and the attractions of La Macarena. This more offbeat corner of the city has the best flea market, excellent historic churches and the iconic Metropol Parasol (Las Setas).

Together with Barcelona’s Sagrada Família, Seville Cathedral is one of the most famous churches in Spain.

courtyard of cathedral with orange trees

Built over the remains of a former mosque, it was a bold statement of the power of the Catholic Kings. This Gothic cathedral is the third-largest church in the world after St. Peter’s in Rome and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London

Seville Cathedral claims to be the last resting place of Christopher Columbus and is home to Spain’s third most important collection of artworks after the Prado in Madrid and the nearby Museo de Bellas Artes.

suculpture of men holding tomb of colon seen when visiting seville cathedral
Tomb of Christopher Columbus

Come armed with a decent guidebook, buy an audio guide at the entrance or book a guided tour of the Cathedral.

Your ticket for Seville Cathedral includes admission to La Giralda, its bell tower. The views from here are sensational.

panoramic view of the streets of seville from the giralda tower

This UNESCO-listed building attracts visitors in their droves. If you don’t want to risk getting stuck in an epic queue, do yourself a massive favour and buy your ticket in advance.



Address: Av. de la Constitución, s/n, 41004 Sevilla. The main entrance to Seville Cathedral is through Puerta del Lagarto. If you need to buy a ticket, the ticket office is at Puerta del Príncipe.

Opening hours: Open daily. Check opening hours here.

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies.

Built for Don Fadrique, the first Marquess of Tarifa, Casa de Pilatos was a Seville highlight for me. This beautiful palace blends Spanish Mudéjar and Renaissance architecture and is decorated with superb azulejos.

courtyard with central fountain surrounded by dual layer collonade
courtyard and fountain viewed through elaborate carved and tiled archway

But how did Casa de Pilatos (Pilate’s House) get its name?

In 1518, Don Fadrique left for a grand tour of Europe and the Holy Land. He named his new home in Seville Casa de Pilatos because the Marquess discovered it was the same distance from Cruz del Campo as Pontius Pilate’s house was from Calvary.

Casa de Pilatos’s main patio was a filming location for Lawrence of Arabia.


Address:  Pl. de Pilatos

Opening hours: Open daily from 9 am to 6 pm

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies. Scan the QR code on your phone at the entrance for a free audioguide. There is an extra charge to take a guided tour of the upper floors.

The arty district of La Macarena lies just north of Seville’s Old Town.

norrow cobblestoned street with pretty 2-storey houses
C Espiritu Santo, one of La Macarena’s pretty streets

Its most famous inhabitant is the 17th-century statue of the Virgen de la Esperanza Macarena, housed in the Basilica de la Macarena. During Holy Week each year, this weeping Madonna is paraded through the streets of Seville to a rapturous welcome.

Whilst this district has a clutch of other fine churches, many are open for Mass only.

El Riconcillo, a Seville institution, is on Calle Gerona. Founded in 1670, this is thought to be the city’s oldest bar.

man walking past shuttered bar called el rinconcillo

La Macarena is also home to a 15th-century Mudéjar Palace, Palacio de las Duenas, which is the official residence of the Dukes of Alba.

El Jeuves flea market

Aim to visit La Macarena on Thursday for El Jeuves, Seville’s oldest market.

people browsing stalls at a street market

Trash or treasures? You decide.

El Jeuves takes place on Calle de la Feria.

Skip this Baroque masterpiece at your peril. I was blown away by it.

Iglesia San Luis de los Franceses was built for the Jesuits between 1699 and 1731 by the architect Leonardo de Figueroa. Following the expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain in 1835, the building was eventually deconsecrated.

It is an extraordinary circular space, more a temple than a church. Packed with symbolism, its magnificently decorated and carved main altar shimmers in the sunlight.

For me, the star of this show was the central dome and its richly painted murals. But these are not just pretty paintings to crane your neck towards. They were intended to educate trainee Jesuit monks and to defend the religious order against growing criticisms.

elaborate painted dome in church

Don’t leave before visiting the Domestic Chapel and Crypt.

sculpture of an angel in a church
Domestic Chapel, Iglesia San Luis de los Franceses

Address: C. San Luis, 37

Opening hours: Check the official website here.

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies. I recommend paying a small extra fee for the audio guide.

The Metropol Parasol, known locally as Las Setas (The Mushrooms), is a newer addition to Seville’s landscape. This Gaudí-esque creation, constructed from 3,500 pieces of Finnish pine, is the largest wooden structure in the world.

boys playing football under the mushrrom like structure of las seta in seville

One of the most popular things to do in Seville is to take the lift to the serpentine pathway across the top of the structure. I say manage your expectations.

Although it’s arguably worth the price of the ticket to have a close-up view of the structure itself, the views of Seville are nothing special.

view over rooftops of seville spain

Beneath Las Setas is a food market and The Antiquarium housing Roman, Visigoth and Islamic remains unearthed during its construction.


Address: Pl. de la Encarnación, 37

Opening hours: Open daily. Check the website for seasonal opening hours.

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies.

Day 3 – Along the River to Triana & Museo de Bellas Artes

Your final day in Seville is a little more relaxed.

After stopping at a former home for elderly priests, you will walk south along the riverfront. You will pass the city’s bullring and the historic Torre del Oro, before crossing the river to explore Triana. The day ends with cultural immersion at the Museo de Bellas Artes.

Located in the heart of Barrio de Santa Cruz, this former home for priests put out to pasture is built around a central, sunken patio with an upstairs gallery. But the highlight of the Hospital de los Venerables is its Baroque, barrel-vaulted chapel that features frescoes by Juan de Valdés Leal and Pedro Roldán.

elaborately painted church interior

The building is now a cultural centre and has a permanent collection of artworks by Velázquez and Murillo amongst others. Its super friendly staff will be happy to give you more information.


Address: Pl. Venerables

Opening hours: Check the official website here.

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies.

Bullfighting is one of the things that Spain is famous for.

Whatever you think about bullfighting, Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza is one of the country’s finest bullrings. Built between 1761 and 1881, this massive arena can accommodate a staggering 12,500 spectators.

whitewashed exterior of bullring with red painted doors

You don’t need to attend a bullfight to take a peek inside. Guided tours start from its main entrance on Paseo de Colon which flanks the Guadalquivir River.


From Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza, it is a five-minute walk along the riverfront to the twelve-sided Torre del Oro.

12 sided old tower reflected in river alongside river boat

A vestige of Seville’s Moorish past, the 13th-century Tower of Gold formed part of the city’s defences. It is thought that it takes its name from the gilded azulejos that once clad its walls.

Torre del Oro now houses the Museo Marítimo and its collection of maps and antiques.

Taking a riverboat cruise is another popular thing to do in Seville. Click here to book a river cruise (with or without food) or here for a one-hour cruise with tapas and a drink.

Triana feels a world away from the more visited districts of Seville across the river.

people walking along pretty narrow street with tiled church steeple
old man stepping out of a cafe on the corner of a street in seville spain

Named after the Roman emperor Trajan, this was once the city’s Romani quarter and spawned great bullfighters and flamenco artists. It is most famous for tiles and ceramics and there are many active workshops.

Cross the river at Puenta de San Telmo and walk northwest through its narrow streets before crossing back via Puenta de Triana.

kayaker on river and riverbank with brightly coloured houses

Your three days in Seville finish with a visit to one of its top cultural attractions: Museo de Bellas Artes.

Housed in a beautiful former convent, its collection of Spanish art and sculpture ranks second only to the Prado in Madrid. Once inside, signs lead you on a chronological tour from the Middle Ages through to the 20th century.

As you might expect, works are mainly by Spanish artists, including Murillo, El Greco, Pedro Millán, Velázquez and Francisco Zurbarán. But there are also works from foreign artists such as Jan Brueghel l’Ancien, Pieter Aertsen and Pierto Torregiano.


Address: Pl del Museo

Opening hours: Check the official website here.

Ticket price: Entrance fee applies. Free admission for residents of the European Union.

If You Only Have 2 Days in Seville

What are the best things to see if you have two days in Seville? Or perhaps you are looking for a more relaxed Seville itinerary?

In my opinion, the best things to do in Seville are included in days one and two of this itinerary.

If you’re pushed for time, Torre del Oro and Triana are not essential. Unless you are an art lover you could – dare I say it? – skip the Museo de Bellas Artes.

On day two, you could omit the flea market (this only operates on Thursdays) and the Hospital de los Venerables on day 3 (although this would be a shame).

Whichever way you tweak your itinerary, don’t skip Seville Cathedral or the Royal Alcázar.

The Best Time to Visit Seville

The high season in Seville is between February and June when temperatures are balmy and the days are long.

I last visited Seville in February. Although it was chilly in the mornings, the thermometer hit the low 20s in the afternoon and the skies were clear and blue.

The city’s orange trees are also groaning with fruit in February, with March being the best time of year for orange blossom.

In the shoulder season (October – January), prices are lower and visitors are fewer. Although temperatures are mild, it can rain.

Avoid visiting Seville between July and September. I was there in August / September and it was brutally hot with temperatures hitting the high 30s. Learn from my mistake.

Getting There

Seville is well served by train bus and air routes.

Thanks to Spain’s AVE high-speed trains, arriving in Seville by rail is a breeze.

Frequent trains run to Seville from Málaga (2 hours), Madrid (2.5 hours) and less frequently from Barcelona (5.5 hours) and Valencia (3.5 hours). Book in advance for the best fares. 

The cheapest way of booking train tickets in Spain is through Renfe, the national rail operator. However, the Renfe website doesn’t always play nice (on more than one occasion it refused to recognise major destinations for me).

If this happens, book via Omio. There’s a small booking fee attached but it’s a clear booking engine and hassle-free.

Seville’s main Santa Justa station, located northeast of the city centre, serves most of the main routes. There is also a second station –  San Bernardo – located southeast of the city centre.

looking down on to platforms in huge railway station
Seville Santa Justa Station

When travelling in Spain, using a bus is sometimes quicker than taking a train, and it can pay to examine your options.

Buses leave Seville’s Plaza de Armas Bus Station bound for Huelva and Costa de la Luz in Andalucia, and to other destinations in Spain, including Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Alicante, Mérida, Asturias and Galicia. There are also services to Portugal and France

Prado de San Sebastian Bus Station serves long-distance routes to Barcelona, Murcia and Cartagena, as well as other destinations in Andalusia. 

Find more information about bus services to Seville here.

Seville Airport is located six miles east of the city centre airport and is served by a handful of airlines, including British Airways, EasyJet and Ryanair from the UK.

A local bus connects Seville Airport with the city’s bus station centre. Purchase the €4 ticket on the bus.

In 2024, a taxi from the airport to Seville’s city centre will set you back between €20 and €31 (flat rates)

Getting Around

If you stick with this Seville itinerary, you shouldn’t need to use public transport. The city’s main attractions are scattered across a very walkable area.

But if you do need to give your overworked feet a rest, there is no shortage of taxis or you can rent a bike through SEVici, the city’s bike-hire scheme. There is a reported 120 km of cycle lanes in Seville.

There is also the inevitable hop-on-hop-off (HOHO) bus service.


Where to Stay

If it’s your first time in Seville, base yourself in the Old Town area around the Cathedral and El Arenal district. This lively area is close to the city’s main attractions, has plenty of accommodation to suit all budgets and there are lots of restaurants and bars from which to choose.

Here are my recommendations:

Apartment – Céntriko Apartments, Quintero 40

I stayed in this fabulous and affordable rooftop apartment tucked in a quiet side street a stone’s throw from the cathedral. It was great value for what it offered which included a private terrace with Giralda views and laundry facilities.

Address: 40 C/ Álvarez Quintero

studio apartment with bed table and chairs and kitchenette
two sun loungers on a terrace


Mid-range hotel – Hotel Simon

This was where I rested my head on my first visit to Seville.

This modest hotel is in an 18th-Century mansion, a 3-minute walk from the cathedral and features a beautiful central courtyard. Some of the rooms are decorated with ornate azelujos.

Address: C/ García de Vinuesa


Luxury hotel – Radisson Collection Hotel, Magdalena Plaza

This new 5-star hotel is a 10-minute walk north of Seville Cathedral and features a rooftop swimming pool.

Address: Plaza de la Magdalena


>>> None of these places take your fancy? Find other great accommodation choices in Seville here.

Places to Eat

I’m almost reluctant to recommend places to eat in Seville as I am sure I missed many great restaurants. One thing that this city is not short of is places to fill your face.

That said, here are a few places that I tried and liked.

Bodega Diaz Salazar

This traditional bodega opposite Hotel Simon serves an extensive range of wines and sherries, and possibly the largest potato tortilla in the world.

Address: C/ García de Vinuesa 20

barrels of sherry and wine bottles
Bodega Diaz Salazar, Seville

El Pinton

Grab a seat on the outside terrace of this friendly restaurant near the cathedral and Alcázar and tuck into plates of fried fish accompanied by roasted vegetables with goat’s cheese.

Address: C/ Francos, 42

Bar El Baratillo

I’d go back here solely for the sublime langoustines wrapped in bacon.

Address: C/ Adriano, 20

Bar Agustin & Company

Another friendly Seville dining option, located close to Iglesia del Salvador. Try the hake and prawn fritters.

Address: C/ Alvarez Quintero 3 Salvador Square

My Favourite Day Trips from Seville

Seville is also a great base for day trips to other towns and cities. These range from other historic cities to quintessential Andalusian pueblos blancos (white towns).

To reach some of these destinations, particularly the pueblos blancos, a car or organised tour is your best bet. Although these are served by bus, the journey time is too long or the service too infrequent to make them feasible independent day trips from Seville.

But there are other fabulous destinations that you can easily reach from Seville by train or bus. Here are a few of my favourites.



large church bell in bell tower

As Córdoba is an easy journey from Seville, many people visit it as a day trip from Seville. I did so on my first visit.

Córdoba is an awe-inspiring city with a rich history and flower-filled patios and is home to one of the most sensational churches on the planet: The Mezquita.

If possible, stay the night in Córdoba. But if that’s not possible, you can cover the most important some of the essential sights during one day in Córdoba.



small green fountain on a cobblestone street with whitewashed low buildings in granada spain

Granada is a long day trip from Seville but if this is your one opportunity to visit this historic city, grab it with both hands.

Set against the backdrop of the snow-capped peaks of the Sierra Nevada, gorgeous Granada is set in one of the most dramatic locations in Spain and features a labyrinth of Moorish streets, a cluster of Christian monuments and a gipsy quarter. But it is best known for the Alhambra Palace that crowns the hill above the city.



With its dense concentration of Mudéjar and Renaissance churches, mansions, plazas and cobbled streets, Carmona is a charming town to visit. There are also fine Roman mosaics to see and a necropolis on the outskirts of the town. 

Why not visit both Carmon and Córdoba on an organised excursion from Seville? Click here for further information and to book.

Jerez de la Frontera


Sherry is the main reason to visit Jerez. It is the world capital of sherry production and home to some of the greatest bodegas. I did a bodega tour on my first visit to Andalusia which was terrific fun.

Arcos de la Frontera


Perched high on a cliff, Arcos de la Frontera is one of Spain’s prettiest pueblos blancos. Its maze-like Moorish quarter winds its way up to a ruined castle and it is home to the magnificent Iglesia de Santa Maria de la Asunción.

Whilst the lovely town of Ronda is too far to visit independently as a day trip from Seville, you can visit it along with a few of Andalusia’s other lovely white towns on an organised excursion. Click here for further information and to book.



domed cathedral of cadiz and other buildings along sea wall

Surrounded by the roaring Atlantic Ocean on three sides, Cádiz is one of Europe’s oldest cities. Shaped by the cultures that have occupied it over the millennia, it has an Old Town with a network of narrow alleys and small squares, and a lovely waterfront.

Is Seville Safe for Solo Travellers?

As a whole, Spain is one of the best places for solo travellers in Europe, especially if you are travelling alone for the first time. I will go as far as to say that it is one of the best global solo travel destinations. 

Spain has a rich history, a vibrant cultural scene, buzzing nightlife and a well-developed travel infrastructure. This is never so true when it comes to Seville.

Keeping safe when travelling alone is a key consideration for female solo travellers. Seville’s Old Town is relaxed and full of people of all ages, locals and visitors alike, enjoying its attractions, bars and restaurants. Even after dark on weekdays, it felt safe.

That said, like some other major cities, Seville has gained an unwelcome reputation for pickpockets, especially in popular tourist areas and transport hubs. Remain vigilant, keep your belongings close to you and use your hotel safe to store valuables. 

Ready to Spend 3 Days in Seville?

Seville is 100% worth visiting.
Its Old Town is endlessly bewitching, its UNESCO-listed buildings are a testament to its fascinating history and there are plenty of opportunities for tapas tasting and cultural activities, including Flamenco. Whilst it doesn’t have a coastline, it more than makes up for this with its charm and vibrancy.

If you would like more help with planning your stay, take a look at my tips for visiting Seville Cathedral and my guide to the Real Alcázar of Seville. I’ve also written a 1-day Seville itinerary for those tight on time.

Finally, if you are travelling to other places in Southern Spain, here are some of my other guides:

bridget coleman the flashpacker 2

About Bridget

Bridget Coleman has been a passionate traveller for more than 30 years. She has visited 70+ countries, most as a solo traveller.

Articles on this site reflect her first-hand experiences.

To get in touch, email her at hello@theflashpacker.net or follow her on social media.