Staff line up for funeral of 11th Duke of Marlborough, John Spencer-Churchill | UK | News |

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Staff line up in farewell to Duke Sunny

THE 12th Duke of Malborough led the mourners yesterday at the funeral of his father.

The hearse bearing his coffin yesterday to church from Blenheim  The hearse bearing his coffin yesterday to church from Blenheim [JASON DAWSON]

Jamie Spencer-Churchill, 58, was the picture of respectability.

But it was not always so.

As the Marquess of Blandford, he was the black sheep of one of Britain’s most celebrated dynasties – a drug addict and an ex-convict.

Yesterday he looked every inch the duke as he walked at the head of the funeral cortege at the family’s home, Blenheim Palace, arm in arm with his stepmother, his father’s fourth wife, Iranian born Lily Mahtani.

John Spencer-Churchill, the 11th Duke of Marlborough, known to friends as Sunny, died peacefully in his sleep aged 88 earlier this month.

Palace and estate workers bowed their heads as the horse-drawn carriage containing the Duke’s body wound its way through the 11,500-acre Blenheim estate.

He loved the estate and he loved this county

Sir Mark Weinberg

Then the coffin was carried by gamekeepers in plus fours into the church of St Mary Magdalene in Woodstock, Oxfordshire, for the private service as the new duke walked behind.

A flag bearing the family crest flew at half-mast over the palace, a Unesco World Heritage Site.

Hundreds of people lined the streets of Woodstock to watch the funeral cortege pass by on its way to the church, where the new Duke of Marlborough gave a reading, as did his siblings Lady Alexandra, Lord Edward, and Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill.

Financier Sir Mark Weinberg also gave a tribute, and the Rector of the Benefice of Blenheim, Rev Canon Adrian Daffern, praised the late Duke as a “man of authority, tempered by his humanity”.

He added: “He loved the estate and he loved this county.”

Jamie’s wild behaviour throughout the late 1980s and 1990s saw him all but disinherited.

He has been jailed numerous times and has more than 20 convictions for driving offences, burglary, drug offences and punching a police officer.

In 1994 his despairing father took him to court to try to ensure that he never gained control of the family seat.

Jamie kicked drugs and his father promised he would eventually gain overall charge of Blenheim and its £100million estate – with trustees supervising him.

Now the title, and the palace, are his. 

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