Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston has revealed why he has chosen to return to Doctor Who now after spending over fifteen years estranged from the hit sci-fi series. The actor played the Ninth incarnation of The Doctor in the first season of Doctor Who after it was revived by Russell T. Davies in 2005. Nine and his companion Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) re-introduced the Whoniverse to the small screen, modernizing the classic science-fiction drama and sparking the imagination of a whole new generation of fans.

Despite the success of the Doctor Who revival, Eccleston infamously left the show after just one series due to frustration and disagreements behind-the-scenes with producers about how the show was run. Eccleston has spoken out many times about his strained relationship with the series and its production staff after his exit. After he declined to appear in Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary special, it seemed clearer than ever that the actor would never return to the series again – until Big Finish announced that Eccleston would star in a new series of audio dramas titled Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures.

Related: Eccleston’s Doctor Who Return: Why Big Finish Is Better Than Live-Action

The series will be split into four volumes each containing three brand new audio adventures for Nine, with the first volume, Ravagers, releasing next month. Eccleston’s surprise return to Doctor Who after such a long absence has obviously excited many fans, while also prompting questions about what inspired him to play the Ninth Doctor again. Now, in a fan Q&A with Big Finish, Eccleston has explained what drew him to the role, praising the quality of the audio drama’s writers. Read the full quote below:

“Well, I mean, I’m an actor and I act to support myself for my children, Albert and Esme, so the deciding factor – it might not be fashionable to say it – is that it’s paid work, particularly in a pandemic. After that, it was the quality of the writing, and it’s always scripts and writers that attract me to projects. The quality of Big Finish’s writers is so high, and it’s been a joyous experience.”

The Ninth Doctor with his arms crossed in front of the Tardis in Doctor Who

Eccleston’s transparency about what drew him to the role is conventional for the actor. He is known for speaking his mind, most recently making it very clear that he won’t be participating in an on-screen return to Doctor Who any time soon. However, his emphasis on the quality of the writing and his “joyous experience” suggests that Eccleston’s fifteen-year estrangement from the series has finally come to an end in the best way for fans of the Ninth Doctor, hinting there may be many more audio adventures to come.

The Ninth Doctor Adventures are sure to expand on Nine’s character in new and exciting ways, capitalizing on the limitless possibilities of the Whoniverse. Though fans may not ever see the Ninth Doctor on screen again, Eccleston’s return to Doctor Who through Big Finish is a huge event, giving the actor another chance to embody the iconic sci-fi role.

More: Doctor Who: Christopher Eccleston's Return Sets Up A New Five Doctors

Source: Big Finish