The superhero genre used to be tricky terrain for actors. The performances are always important, of course, regardless of genre, but then there are also the action scenes, the costumes, the makeup, the wardrobe, and the adherence to the source material, all of which get severely judged in superhero films, sometimes to a microscopic level. Additionally, the performance itself can be overshadowed by CGI or prosthetics. This all means that the actors have even less control over the entire thing than they would in other genres, and take upon themselves the risk of being hounded by an often rabid fan base.

Nonetheless, ever since superhero films truly asserted their dominance in this new century, actors have been flocking into this amazing world. As such, there have been many great performances in superhero movies that, for one reason or another, haven't been given the credit they should have, or have been downright derided in certain cases, unfairly so. These are some of our favorites.

20 Brian Cox - X2: X-Men United (2003)

X2 X-Men Stryker Brian Cox
20th Century Fox

The second film in the original X-Men trilogy was unanimously praised, and for all the right reasons. But among all of those praises, Brian Cox's terrific villain was overshadowed a bit by all the other qualities of the film. His performance was by no means negatively received; just underappreciated, especially when rankings of best comic-book villains are materialized. William Stryker is menacing, vengeful, cold, calculating, and unemphatic, and the wonderful Brian Cox plays him perfectly.

Spectacular Villainous Performance

X2: X-Men United
X2: X-Men United
Release Date
May 2, 2003
Bryan Singer

He brings a gritty, hardened, tough as nails edge to a man who has a horrifyingly committed mission to rid the world of mutants, as well as a sense of gravitas and commanding presence to every scene he's in. And he's the only non-mutant character in the entire franchise who almost brought down the titular team in a militarily strategic way and really made them scared for their existence, and that's saying a lot! He's one of the best villains in the franchise, and one of Brian Cox's best performances. It deserved more praise. Stream on Disney+.

19 Ben Affleck - Daredevil (2003)

Ben Affleck in Daredevil
20th Century Fox

Ok, so this entry will probably be controversial because of all the hate that Ben Affleck got for the role. And that hate is really confusing. He by no means did a bad job as Matt Murdock. The film has other flaws, sure, but not the performances. All the actors, from Jennifer Garner as Elektra Natchios to Colin Farrell's sardonic Bullseye, all did great. But many fans were hostile to Mr. Affleck as Daredevil and it's unclear as to why. He did great in the role, exhibiting a sense of weariness and anguish that's perfect for the character.

Affleck Deserves More Credit

He gives subtle edges of anger and vengefulness in appropriate moments, and his eyes throughout the film seem slightly dreary and haunted, giving a realistic touch to the character's existence and everything he's been through. This was due to his commitment, as he wore specific contacts throughout production that really obscured his vision, almost literally making him blind!

He may not be the best Daredevil (that title goes to Charlie Cox, without a doubt!) but he was pretty great in this solo film. And maybe fans and critics who initially derided him should watch it again and give his performance another look. Buy/Rent on Apple TV+.

18 Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans, and Michael Chiklis - Fantastic Four (2005)

Chris Evans, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis, and Ioan Gruffudd in Fantastic Four (2005)
20th Century Fox

Here, we're including the main "4" cast of 2005's Fantastic Four in one entry. The first big-screen cinematic adaptation of Marvel's first super-team received an unfair amount of criticism (there was a movie produced in the '90s that didn't get released). It has its flaws, but it also has plenty of merit. And one of the most underrated ones is the casting and collective performance of the four actors who make up the team. They all have great chemistry with each other and feel natural within their roles. You can tell they're really a family and a team.

Perfectly Cast Characters with a Weak Script

Fantastic Four (2005)-1
Fantastic Four (2005)
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Not available

Release Date
July 8, 2005
Tim Story
Main Genre

Ioan Gruffudd exudes the dorky nerd of a science professor while, at the same time, giving off a subtle sense of gravitas and leadership when he has to as the leader of the team. Michael Chiklis gives a great performance as Ben Grimm, both in his human form, and especially after he transforms, making sure to instill a sense of sadness and sympathy in his character's situation while capturing his rugged edge perfectly. Ioan Gruffudd and Michael Chiklis also work great together and give off natural buddy vibes.

A pre-Captain America Chris Evans is pitch perfect as Johnny Storm, capturing the attitude, recklessness, and bad boy immaturity wonderfully. Jessica Alba makes a delightful, if slightly monotone, Sue Storm. But put all together, they honestly make a "fantastic" team, with natural and often hilarious chemistry, realistically symbiotic personalities, and great screen presence, that, again, make a rock star "collective" performance. Say what you want about the film, but the "4" family deserves to be more fondly remembered in their first outing. Stream on Disney+.

17 Liam Neeson - Darkman (1990)

Liam Neeson stars in Darkman
Universal Pictures

Sam Raimi and Liam Neeson were able to create some serious movie magic when they teamed up for the big screen extravaganza Darkman, an underappreciated and often overlooked gem of the '90s that masterfully blends horror, humor, and action and sees Neeson trying his hand at the superhero genre. In the film, the gifted actor portrays Dr. Peyton Westlake, a renowned scientist who is brutally attacked and left for dead and sets out to get revenge on the crime boss responsible for the depraved act.

Neeson Shines Despite Heavy Prosthetics

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Release Date
August 24, 1990
Sam Raimi
Liam Neeson , Frances McDormand , Colin Friels , Larry Drake , Nelson Mashita , Jessie Lawrence Ferguson

When Westlake attempts to undergo a treatment to cure him of his gruesome injuries, something goes awry and he instead develops super-human capabilities that pushes him to the brink of insanity. He adopts the secret identity known as Darkman, leaving death and destruction in his wake. Neeson is absolutely fantastic as the unhinged superhero, superbly capturing his inner turmoil and heartache while also depicting his fierce rage and thirst for revenge.

Raimi himself had even stated that he needed a lead star who could be "a monster with the soul of a man, and I needed an actor who could do that beneath a lot of makeup"; Neeson achieved this feat in spectacular fashion. Being able to express such a wide range of emotions behind a heavy disguise and prosthetics is commendable, and Neeson further proved his talents and range as a performer in the dark and haunting flick. Rent/Buy on Prime Video.

16 Jeff Bridges - Iron Man (2008)

Jeff Bridges in Iron Man
Paramount Pictures

Ok, so we all know the first Iron Man is the Robert Downey Jr. show. He carried the weight of not only the film, but the beginning of the MCU as we know it, on his shoulders, and boy, oh boy, did he rise to the occasion and then soared even higher! All the praise towards him was well deserved, but at the same time, all of his collaborators made the movie around him work as well, from director John Favreau, to the SFX team, to the rest of the cast, etc.

Bridges Knocks It Out of the Park

iron man
Iron Man
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Release Date
April 30, 2008
Jon Favreau

And one of the biggest "non-Robert" aspects of the film that should've shared the spotlight a bit more was Jeff Bridges as Obadiah Stane. His performance was well-received, no doubt, but again, overshadowed by Robert Downey Jr.'s overnight resurrection. Bridges is absolutely stellar as the villain! Yes, the role is a bit underwritten, but it's a testament to Mr. Bridges's immense talent that he makes the limited scenes he has truly pop out!

He brings a subtle sense of menace and villainy throughout, and cranks it up all the way after he's "revealed" to be the actual villain. He clearly had fun with the role, and his screen presence is foreboding, dominating, and sometimes sinister. His villain definitely deserves to be more remembered, and Jeff Bridges should absolutely take on more villain roles. Stream on Disney+

Related: 10 Outstanding Supervillain Performances from Accomplished Actors

15 Edward Norton - The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Edward Norton as Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk
Universal Pictures

The character of Bruce Banner has become universally associated, and loved, with Mark Ruffalo nowadays, due to his progression as the character in the MCU over the last decade. But his now iconic inhabitance overshadows the underrated performance of another actor who played the role prior... Edward Norton.

Norton Paves the Way for Ruffalo

The Incredible Hulk
The Incredible Hulk
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Not available

Not available

Release Date
June 12, 2008
Louis Leterrier

In the MCU's first Hulk film, Bruce Banner was going through an origin of sorts, starting out as the character at his most raw, dealing with the inner conflict and struggles of trying to control his rage and alter ego just a little while after the "accident". And Edward Norton played that wonderfully, imbuing his performance with a constant anxiety and conflicted energy.

He added to the intensity of the whole film with his always on-the-run performance, and really made you feel the weight and gravity of his situation, his inner turmoil, and his constant battle with himself to contain the monster. In any moment of the film, you could feel his other side just teetering on the surface, with him barely able to contain it. Mark Ruffalo did a great job over his time as the character, no doubt...but there should really be more recognition, respect, and remembrance given to Mr. Norton's brief but powerful time as the character. Stream on Disney+.

14 Ben Stiller - Mystery Men (1999)

Hank Azaria, Ben Stiller, & William H. Macy in Mystery Men
Universal Pictures

Few may remember the uproarious '90s superhero comedy Mystery Men, but those who do know all-too-well that the zany farce was ahead of its time and truly deserves more love. Ben Stiller is joined by an eclectic cast including Hank Azaria, William H. Macy, and Janeane Garofalo, and the film tells the story of a group of misfit superheroes with unremarkable powers who must seize the day and save the citizens of Champion City from a criminal mastermind after its usual go-to hero is captured.

Stiller's Superhero Is a Hot-Tempered Hoot

Mystery Men
Release Date
August 6, 1999
Kinka Usher
121 Minutes

In all honesty, any one of the hilarious lead characters could be included on this list, but Stiller knocks it out of the park as the rage-fueled superhero Roy/Mr. Furious, whose hot-temper and short fuse enhances his overall agility and strength. He superbly plays off the other cast members and it seems as though they all genuinely enjoyed working on the project and embracing their wild counterparts.

Anytime audiences get to see Stiller become delightfully unhinged is truly a treat, and he is one of the many reasons the comedy is so fun to watch. Mystery Men should have been a bigger hit and Stiller's scene-stealing role definitely deserves some major props. It's no wonder the dynamic actor and filmmaker (and his co-stars) are more than game for a sequel to the superhero parody! Rent/Buy on Apple TV+.

13 Viola Davis - Suicide Squad (2016)

Viola Davis as Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad
Warner Bros. Pictures 

The sensational Viola Davis absolutely kills each and every role she tackles, and her outing as the tough-as-nails government official Amanda Waller in Suicide Squad is no exception. Waller is brought in to assemble the eponymous black ops team composed of some of DCEU's most notorious supervillains (like Deadshot, Killer Croc, and Harley Quinn), and despite their nasty temperaments and startlingly violent past offenses, she is not one to ever be intimidated.

Davis' Fearless & Forceful Portrayal

suicide squad
Suicide Squad
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Release Date
August 3, 2016
David Ayer
Will Smith , Jaime Fitzsimons , Ike Barinholtz , Margot Robbie , Christopher Dyson , Bambadjan Bamba

Davis brings a fierce and tenacious energy to the hardened character, who deals with some of the most dangerous people in the world and more than holds her own while doing so. The Academy-Award winning actress made sure Waller possessed a silent strength and relentless that intimidated those around her, and she refused to let her grandiose goals be compromised by any member of the Suicide Squad.

As Waller, Davis rarely lost her composure but her emotions did get the best of her a few time, namely when she ordered Deadshot to kill Harley Quinn and struggled to keep control of the team. She had no problem shedding a little blood for her own personal agenda, gunning down fellow government agents with no remorse or guilt. Davis described Waller as a "powerful black woman, hard, ready to pick up a gun and shoot anyone at will", and its the actress' fighting spirit and commanding presence that made her on-screen counterpart someone audiences loved to hate. Stream on Max.

12 Halle Berry - Catwoman (2004)

Halle Berry as Catwoman stalking the rooftops wearing her black suit
Warner Bros.

Yes, we know, this will probably be the most triggering entry on this list. Yes, we know, Halle Berry herself showed up to accept her Razzie and called the film "a piece of s***". But regardless of the spew that the film itself received, Halle Berry received an unfair amount of vitriol for it, considering the fact that her performance was actually very committed and quite great. As Patience Phillips, she totally nails the insecurity, innocence, and bumbling yet charming personality of her simple, lonely, everyman (well, "everywoman") character.

Berry Embraces Her Animalistic Side

Release Date
July 22, 2004

And after her transformation, BAM! She switches Catwoman on like a match, completely changing and melting into her essence with all the sass, attitude, confidence, charisma, and sexiness audiences expect. She nails the catlike movements, mannerisms, glances, and even the posture. She just oozes with "feline" musk, if you will. No, she's not Michelle Pfeiffer. No one will ever be. But for "this" Catwoman... the more spunky, edgy, and sassy Catwoman in this specific film...she killed it. And no amount of dumb Razzies or fanboy hate will change that. Stream on Prime Video

11 Ray Stevenson - Punisher: War Zone (2008)

Ray Stevenson stars in Punisher: War Zone
Lionsgate Films

In another article, we already covered Thomas Jane's underrated performance as Frank Castle, so for this one, we'll take on Ray Stevenson's also underappreciated take. This Punisher film was slightly better received than that one, but for some reason, Ray Stevenson's performance was overlooked. He was a great Frank Castle, and an arguably better Punisher! As Frank, Ray Stevenson really gives him a soul, wounded and haunted, but also caring, noble, and, dare we say, kind in some cases.

Winning Blend of Vulnerability & Strength

Punisher: War Zone
Punisher: War Zone
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Not available

Release Date
December 5, 2008
Lexi Alexander
Ray Stevenson , Dominic West , Doug Hutchison , Colin Salmon , Wayne Knight , Dash Mihok

His scenes with Julie Benz's widow and her daughter have a tenderness and sweetness to them, and it's in these scenes where Mr. Stevenson lets out Frank's family man side, showing his vulnerability with great conviction. But in his scenes as the Punisher, he dives fully into his hardened, combative persona, exhibiting a natural tough guy screen presence and hardcore physicality that really elevates the grit and violence of the film. And he deftly handles the balance between the two. Stream on Hoopla.

10 Tom Hardy - The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Bane (Tom Hardy) in The Dark Knight Rises
Warner Bros. Pictures

After Heath Ledger's legendary performance as the Joker, the next villain in the series was pretty much a sure bet to be a step-down in the minds of many. Now when that bridge came, Tom Hardy didn't get bad reviews for his performance as Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, but rather mixed, as many people and critics praised it, but many fans gave it a lot of criticism, particularly his muffled voice...and almost everyone universally agreed he was a step-down from Heath Ledger's Joker.

But looking back, audiences and critics really didn't recognize and/or appreciate just how brilliant of a performance he gave as the main villain in the trilogy's closing chapter. First off, the voice - audio mixing notwithstanding - was an astonishing part of the character, at least performance-wise.

Hardy Truly Made Bane His Own

The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
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Release Date
July 16, 2012

Tom Hardy created such a unique thing about Bane with the voice he created for him, which hasn't historically been a cared-for aspect of the character. He imbued the voice with a "soulful" quality, if you will, one of intelligent gravitas, ancient wisdom, and a sense of poetic, Shakespearean essence. He was charming at times, speaking like a high-class gentleman, and became terrifying at times in the blink of an eye. But he always kept his voice and his articulation calm, intelligent, and confident.

This became a vital and memorable part of the character, aside from his body language, since he had a mask covering most of his face. Second - it's honestly pointless and pretty unfair, actually, to compare his performance to Heath Ledger. They're very different performances, and very different villains. He's FAR more physically imposing than the Joker was, which also takes a lot of commitment from an actor.

He has a more foreboding, threatening presence, and dominant aura. And unlike Heath Ledger, who was able to use his entire face and body to perform, Tom Hardy only had his body, eyes, and voice, which was a different challenge and one he pulled off immensely in interesting, unexpected, and epic ways. All in all, Tom Hardy's Bane is also legendary, like the Joker, but just for different reasons...and his performance was captivating, grand, and unforgettable. Hopefully, it'll be reevaluated more as time goes on, and truly commended for how incredible it was. Stream on Max

Related: 16 Actors That Have Played Both Superheroes and Supervillains

9 Dane Dehaan - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Dane DeHaan as Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Sony Pictures Releasing

The second film in The Amazing Spider-Man duology received plenty of criticism and controversy upon its release, that many aspects of the film were overlooked because of it. The performances were generally all praised, but one of the greatest things about the film, one of its shining beacons of brilliance, is the underrated Dane Dehaan as Harry Osbourne.

His performance was surprisingly met with mixed reviews. But he lifts the entire film up on an entirely new level. From his very first scene with his dying father, he digs hard into Harry's conflicted, slightly traumatized nature, exhibiting dormant pain, grief, anger, and torment all at once. And from that point on, he doesn't let up.

A Commanding & Relentless Performance

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 poster
The Amazing Spider-Man 2
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Release Date
April 16, 2014
Marc Webb

Every scene Dehaan's in, he owns. He anchors his Harry with a lot of heavy, angry weight that drags with him constantly, and sculpts it so much into his face and body language, that you literally always feel it emitting from his being and every scene he's in actually feels heavier with his presence, if you really analyze it well. And he dials up the different levels within that weight in different moments, sometimes letting out more anger, sometimes more grief, sometimes more pain, but always makes his wounded heart and torment visible to the audience throughout the entire trajectory of his arc.

And after he transforms into the ghastly Goblin, he cranks up the performance past the meter, letting out all the vengeance, anguish, and rage in full force. It's an outstanding performance, and really deserves much more appreciation and reevaluation. Stream on Disney+.

8 Chris Cooper - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

Chris Cooper as Norman Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Sony Pictures Releasing 

Speaking of which, another underrated performance from the film is Chris Cooper as Norman Osbourne. Yes, his time is brief, not much more than a cameo. But it's a testament to Chris Cooper's underrated talent that he gives his all to the time he has and makes the entire scene really stand out. He's ill and slightly sympathetic but also cold and sinister in a subtle way, and becomes more monstrous as the scene builds up.

Cooper Delivers in His Limited Role

He's genuinely chilling, giving shades of utter creepiness to his Norman and plays off Dane Dehaan quite well and with good chemistry. It would've been great, and intriguing, to see where this setup would go. But alas, it became a wasted opportunity for his character after this powerful introduction, and it's confusing as to why Sony decided to give him such little time in the film. Still, when an actor is able to make an impression with just one scene, it's pretty commendable. Stream on Disney+

7 Sophie Turner - Dark Phoenix (2019)

Sophie Turner in Dark Phoenix
20th Century Fox

Oftentimes, when a film receives such backlash and negative reception as this one did, it usually overshadows the positive aspects, like the performances. In this case, it was poor Sophie Turner that really deserved much more mercy and appreciation for her lead performance. She fully commits to the emotional struggle of her Jean Grey and carries the film with a confident and powerful grace.

Sophie Turner Fully Commits to Jean Grey

X-Men Dark Phoenix Poster
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
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