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Queen Mary's School

By love serve one another


About Us

Ms. Helen Jerwood, a woman of strength laid the foundation of Queen Mary’s School and many other extended institutions.

It is very difficult to sum up the history and achievements of an institution like Queen Mary

School in a few words ; even it’s founder Principal Ms . Helen Jerwood could not have envisaged how big it would grow in a century after its inception. Ms Helen Jerwood, who was a Cambridge graduate, came to India as a self –supporting missionary. She wanted women in India to be educated .With this specific purpose in mind , in 1912 she opened an English medium ‘ Purdah ‘ school in a small house in Juma Masjid area with 8 students

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Miss Ritu P. Solomon

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Education to a woman means providing education to an entire family whereas educating a boy means educating only an individual that is why women’s education is more important. Education is a way to truth and freedom and freeing a woman is freeing half of the race as they represent half of the population.

I indeed feel honored for being associated with Queen Mary’s for such a long period - as a student, then as a teacher and now heading the institution as the principal is quite a humble experience.

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