The Common Ground | Dansa Metropolitana 2024
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The Common Ground

Poliana Lima

70 minutes


The relationship between what is the same for everyone and what differentiates us from each other is the theme of a fictional choreography created by fantastic elements. Six performers, four of whom are migrants, will explore the concept of otherness embodied in the idea of the "monster", applied to everything that exceeds limits and breaks the norm. They will ask themselves, through the language of dance, whether it is possible to create a community around diversity.
The Common Ground is the latest production of Poliana Lima's company, and this show is the second instalment of a triptych that began with Oro Negro [Black gold] (2022) and will end with Carnaval. Lima is a choreographer, dancer and teacher born in Brazil and living in Madrid. Last year she presented Las cosas se mueven pero no dicen nada [Things move but say nothing] at Dansa Metropolitana.

Free admission, booking required.

The company offers an after-show discussion.

Related activity

Data sheet

Director and choreographer: Poliana Lima - Written by: Javier Cuevas - Assistant choreographer: Lucas Condró - Performers: Almudena Pérez, Dario Barreto, Dario Sigco, Malvin Montero, Natalia Fernandes, Poliana Lima - Music composed by: Pablo Sánchez - Lighting and space design: Photography: Álvaro Gómez Pidal- Audiovisual effects: Álvaro Gómez Pidal - Press: Cultproyect- Graphic design: Cintia Ramírez - Production: Isabella Lima - Distribution: Coro Bonsón - A co-production of Dansa Metropolitana and the Auditorio de Tenerife. Sankofa

Planned functions


Teatre Principal
17 March at 18:00 h