The Meaning Behind The Song: History Repeating by Propellerheads (featuring Shirley Bassey) - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: History Repeating by Propellerheads (featuring Shirley Bassey)

The Meaning Behind The Song: History Repeating by Propellerheads (featuring Shirley Bassey)

History Repeating is a song by British electronic duo Propellerheads, featuring vocals from multi-award-winning singer Shirley Bassey. The song was released in 1998 as a single from the duo’s album Decksandrumsandrockandroll and became an immediate hit, reaching number one on the US Dance charts.

The song has a strong jazz influence, with Bassey’s powerful voice adding a touch of nostalgia to the lyrics. At its core, History Repeating is a song about learning from past mistakes and understanding that history has a tendency to repeat itself.

Lyrics Analysis

The lyrics of History Repeating are relatively simple but convey a strong message of caution and awareness. They emphasize that the actions of the past tend to repeat themselves, and we must learn from them to avoid making the same mistakes again.

The first line of the song sets the tone, with Bassey singing, “This is my lesson, lesson learned,” indicating that she has learned from her experiences. This lesson can be applied to anyone’s life, referring to the cycle of events that occur around them.

Other lines like “Don’t you know history repeats itself?” and “The things that happened in the past are happening again” drive home the point that we are not immune to the mistakes of our predecessors and that we must take action to ensure that history doesn’t repeat itself.

Historical Significance

The song’s lyrics are particularly relevant in today’s world, where social, political, and environmental issues can often be traced back to past events. For instance, social unrest in various countries is often linked to past oppression, and the dangers of climate change are a result of neglect and exploitation of the earth over time.

History Repeating warns its listeners of the dangers of overlooking the past, stating, “If you think that you’re immune to the stuff, well, I’ve got news for you.”

The song’s message applies to personal and societal issues and encourages people to take control of their future by being mindful of their past. It’s significant that the tune was released in 1998, a time when the world was on the brink of a new millennium and people were eager for positive change and progress.

The Impact of Shirley Bassey’s Vocals

Although the song’s message is vital, it’s Shirley Bassey’s vocals that play a significant role, adding a sense of power and grandeur to the already catchy tune. Bassey’s voice is soulful and commanding, which makes it easy for listeners to take note of the song’s message.

The tune’s throwback style is perfect for Bassey, who is known for her powerful voice and impressive stage presence. Her voice adds a touch of nostalgia to the tune while also making it timeless, thanks to her outstanding contribution and influence on the track.


What inspired the duo to create the song?

According to interviews with the duo, the inspiration behind the song was the lack of originality in contemporary music. They suggested that many contemporary artists seem to be recycling tunes from previous generations without adding anything new. History Repeating was their response to the need for more originality and innovation in music.

What was the reception like upon release?

The tune received critical acclaim when it was first released. It was a hit in the UK, reaching number two in the UK Singles Chart, and went on to be a top 10 single in several other countries. The music video, which featured Bassey singing in a swing jazz club, was also highly praised for its simplicity and style.

What impact has History Repeating had on the music industry?

History Repeating helped popularize swing jazz and big-band-style music and subsequently led to a revival of the genre in popular culture. The tune generated considerable interest, and many contemporary artists incorporated the tune’s style into various musical genres, including pop and electronic music. It also enabled a new generation to appreciate the music of Shirley Bassey, who was a megastar in the 1960s.

What other genres have been impacted by the tune?

History Repeating played a significant role in the popularization of the electronic swing genre, a style of music that incorporates elements of swing and jazz into electronic dance music. Many electronic swing artists pursue this fusion style, and it’s become an established genre since the tune’s release.

Has the tune been covered by other artists?

Yes, the song has been covered by several artists, including Kylie Minogue and the group Pop Will Eat Itself. It has also been used in various films and television series, such as Strictly Come Dancing and Swing Kids.

What other contributions have the Propellerheads made to the music industry?

The Propellerheads are a highly respected musical duo with a reputation for innovative and exciting compositions. They have produced various successful singles and albums, including Decksandrumsandrockandroll, which was one of the most critically acclaimed albums of the late 1990s.

What is Shirley Bassey best known for?

Shirley Bassey is a Welsh singer best known for her association with the James Bond films, having sung theme songs for three Bond movies, including Goldfinger. She has sold over 135 million records worldwide and has been awarded various awards, including a BAFTA for her contribution to music and an OBE for her service to the performing arts.

What influence has Shirley Bassey had on music?

Bassey has had a significant impact on the music industry, particularly her glamorous and theatrical stage presence. She is known worldwide for her powerful and soulful voice, which has inspired artists across various genres and helped influence the development of soul and pop music.

What is the meaning behind the Music Video?

The music video for History Repeating features Bassey singing in a swing jazz club, with the duo playing instruments behind her. The video’s swing jazz theme complements the song’s style and beautifully captures the tune’s throwback and nostalgic vibe.

Is History Repeating a political song?

The tune references political and social issues, but it’s not a political song in the traditional sense. The song is more about understanding the cyclical nature of history and using that knowledge to enact positive change in our personal lives and society.

What message does the History Repeating convey to its listeners?

The tune’s message is about being mindful of our past and learning from history to avoid making the same mistakes again. It warns us not to become complacent and to recognize that the events of the past have a tendency to repeat themselves. It encourages listeners to take control of their future by applying the lessons of the past to make a positive impact in the world.

What makes History Repeating stand out?

The tune’s combination of genres and styles, along with Bassey’s commanding vocals, makes it stand out. It’s a lighthearted tune with a serious message that remains relevant today, 20 years after its initial release. Its catchy melody and timeless lyrics have ensured that it remains a favorite among fans of various music genres to this day.

Why is History Repeating relevant today?

The song’s message remains relevant today because, as much as our world may have evolved, the events of the past still influence our present and our future. In many ways, our current issues have historical roots, and understanding those issues can provide insight into how we can make positive changes and avoid repeating mistakes. History Repeating is a cautionary tale that reminds us that our actions have consequences and encourages us to pursue a better future.

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