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ScottH Games played

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April 2024 including Gathering of Friends

Scott Henshaw
United States
East Bridgewater
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Microbadge: Bonaparte at Marengo fanMicrobadge: The Guns of Gettysburg fanMicrobadge: Greyhound loverMicrobadge: Napoleon's Triumph fanMicrobadge: Southern New England Wargamers
Board Game: Ark Nova
Board Game: Tipperary
Board Game: 1846: The Race for the Midwest
Board Game: Square on Sale
Board Game: SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD
Board Game: Ziegen Kriegen
Board Game: Unpublished Prototype
Board Game: Surfosaurus MAX
Board Game: Robot Quest Arena
Board Game: Firefly: The Game
Board Game: MLEM: Space Agency
Board Game: Concordia Venus
Board Game: Sea Salt & Paper
Board Game: Full Metal Planète
Board Game: Ethnos
Board Game: Star Wars: Outer Rim

Ark Nova x7
Tipperary x3 NEW!
1846: The Race for the Midwest
Square on Sale NEW!
SpaceCorp: 2025-2300AD
Ziegen Kriegen NEW!
Unpublished Prototype
Surfosaurus MAX NEW!
Robot Quest Arena x2 NEW!
Firefly: The Game
MLEM: Space Agency NEW!
Concordia Venus
Sea Salt & Paper
Full Metal Planète NEW!
Star Wars: Outer Rim NEW!

16 different games played 25 times.
9 new to me games, including one from 1988!
Because I had multiple plays of Ark Nova & Tipperary, all the box covers pictured were played by me in my short time at The Gathering of Friends, except for Star Wars: Outer Rim (which I bought there!)
I could call my play of Concordia Venus a first play as it was the first time I played it as a team. That was a highlight experience.
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Wed May 1, 2024 11:57 pm
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