My Year Long Adventure into 'Dangerous Space' | BoardGameGeek

My Year Long Adventure into 'Dangerous Space'

A Blog that documents my journey though the Dangerous Space: Year Long Adventure PNP roll and write game. Each session is a stand alone play and I'll repeat games until victory is achieved. The plan is to play more frequently to catch up and then play sheets as they are released (perhaps with some extra core set or mix/match plays here and there).

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Week 9, Introducing Dee Volkova aka CHOPPER

Josh McConnell
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/29/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

This ship is very tight and the enemies are pretty nasty too. The Port Wing seems like the most logical and easiest entry point as the other two force you to take on the center room with only one or two upgrades, and this center room is brutal so you want to be prepared. In hindsight I focused too much on getting that next upgrade then clearing the threats fast enough.

I miss Oliver, who could avoid all this painful reaction damage.

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Thu May 23, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 8 - I need more pouches! Get me Rob Liefeld.

Josh McConnell
United States
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/26/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

I used all Melee last time, this time I went with all gun and I opted for the [+1] I have been neglecting. It worked well, though I only got it in time to use on one enemy since I nuked the two in the Mess Hall with grenades. I cleared that room in one fast turn by rushing in from both the upper corridors, seems weird being in two places kind of at once but that’s how movement is in this game.

I also used plenty of boosters, all of them on movement as my high rolls were quickly filling all of the empty grid spaces.

Anyhow it feels good to have successfully won a game from every entry point on this ship and trying out all of Oliver’s gear and most of his skills (didn’t see much demand for “sleuth”). I’m going to try doing this with future characters as well.

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Tue May 21, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 7 - Taking my time slow and steady; tell the Strategic Bot I’ll be ready

Josh McConnell
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/25/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

A slow and steady approach from engineering starboard allowed me to properly upgrade my gear and health before taking on the Strategic Bot. It also allowed me to approach it much more quickly and with two grenades the fight didn’t last long, just two turns were spent attacking with a movement turns before and between to get in range. I could have tangled with the snake on the way out but I really didn’t see the need.

I upgraded my gun but never used it, it was all melee this time.

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Thu May 16, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 7 – Charge in and… fail (sigh)

Josh McConnell
United States
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/25, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

With the success in the previous two games and loving the lack of reaction checks, I figured I could pull off a quick victory over the boss. I was wrong…

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Tue May 14, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 6 - Did you hear something?

Josh McConnell
United States
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/24/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

With my success in the previous Commandeer mission, I went ahead and tried a more direct approach entering through the Cargo Bay. I used the same build and had a ton of overlapping routes. And since I didn’t breach through the Engineering Starboard, I was able to avoid that room entirely. I also left the snake alone, I haven’t decided if it’s sentient or not and why kill their pet if I can avoid it. Either way, I rolled well and was able to “snake” around the snake without taking much damage all.

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Thu May 9, 2024 6:00 am
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Week 5, Introducing Oliver Tensin aka SNOOP

Josh McConnell
United States
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/23/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

My first outing with SNOOP and I have to say I’m a fan. His elite grave boots avoid all enemy reactions! His gear is fantastic, so there is really no need to invest in skills that the Ambushing Constrictor is going to negate anyway.

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Tue May 7, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 4 - It can't be that hard

Josh McConnell
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/22/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

I wanted to try something different with this play, so I entered via the Decomp Chamber, and took on the Psychic from the Armoury once his scouts were dispatched. I thought the Crew Quarters entry was tight, but this first room was a nightmare. Also, this route had me doubling back on my route multiple times in order to stay sequential and avoid the Scouts ability. This doubling back seems fine per the rulebook example (Diagram 15).

The other difference to my previous plays was taking the orthogonal movement ability instead of the diagonal one. This really allowed me to race around towards the end but in the beginning when this map is so tight it wasted some of my dice and available spots to dump bad rolls. I see the Pros/Cons with the options, but in my opinion the diagonal movement is stronger on this ship.

Beyond being very cramped, I was lucky to not die in the first room, second room, and final room with the Psychic. I went into that last fight with only 3HP, but charged ahead with my full kit of defensive gear and abilities and eked out a victory with 1HP remaining. I really should have died with my foolish plan, but I rolled fantastically in that final encounter.

Also, upon reflection I think the move I highlighted in purple in the lower right was illegal. I was desperate and interpreted the dangerous spaces as all connected by the enemy, but I’m thinking that’s probably not the case and each direction is it’s own individual connected group that needs to be entered to lose hindering.
From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Thu May 2, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 3 - A Calm, Cool Venture to Extract Revenge

Josh McConnell
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/19/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

I tried the boss scenario again, this time taking a more balanced approach. As with all of these plays progressing through the first two rooms without alerting more enemies is a struggle and I barely managed to do it. Then I barely survived the third room, but with two health boosters nearby I recovered OK. After Clearing the Decomp Chamber, I again used my strategy of rushing the Psychic from the back of the room with grenades. I got pretty lucky in the two turns it took to off the Psychic, I really could have taken 5-6 more damage than I did which would have ended my game at that time.

With the Psycic gone the danger of the Sharp Titan was lowered significantly with only 5+ Evil Die rolls activating damage and the ability to reroll one die. Stealthy also helped me move in for the kill.

I never marked my sixth upgrade as all the enemies were already gone when I unlocked it.

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Tue Apr 30, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 3 - A Short Violent End

Josh McConnell
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/18/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

I went in to cause some damage…and just ended up taking it. My cover was blown and then I raced to end the alerted parties but it was just too much...

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:00 pm
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Week 2 - I guess the Psychic is also telepathic?

Josh McConnell
United States
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Microbadge: Copper ReviewerMicrobadge: I completed the 2022 challenge to play 52 games in 52 weeksMicrobadge: Miniature PainterMicrobadge: Foamcore box insert crafterMicrobadge: X-Men fan
Played on 4/17/2024, Dangerous Space: Year-Long Adventure Set

This time around I snuck in from the back after breaching the final room to close the distance on the Psychic quickly without the need to maintain a sequential route to the next checkpoint. I used grenades again as they have proven very effective. It looks like I did make one illegal move crossing diagonally over a dangerous space at the end, I’ll avoid doing so in the future. The defensive upgrades ended up working really well, FYI.

I missed two upgrades, but the last one was only obtained after the enemies where handled so really just shorted myself one.

From gallery of Rugged Josh
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Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:04 pm
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