God Calling: Devotionals for Restoring Faith and Serenity by A.J. Russell | Goodreads
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God Calling: Devotionals for Restoring Faith and Serenity

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God Calling presents the wisdom of Christianity in a daily devotional full of the time-tested words of counsel, comfort, encouragement, and wisdom that have inspired countless believers throughout the years.

“What man calls conversion is often only the discovery of the Great Friend. What man calls religion is the knowledge of the Great Friend. What man calls holiness is the imitation of the Great Friend.”

The words of that Great Friend are given daily presence in God Calling —made easily available for all, to ease and simplify the chaos and pain of our tension-filled world.

Includes devotional pages—with space to record your own messages of faith.

304 pages, Paperback

First published December 30, 1899

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A.J. Russell

28 books10 followers

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Profile Image for booklady.
2,452 reviews64 followers
Shelved as 'abandoned'
May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018: Although I received much consolation from my sojourns with this book, apparently there is more to it than meets the eye. The Two Listeners may not have received their messages as innocently as they should have or thought they did, I know not which, nor do I desire to. If you, like me and some others I know, have drawn closer to God as a result of this book, well and good, but if you have not, then best to let it alone. But either way it is for discernment. (sigh) There are plenty of wonderful books which help us draw close to God.

First read this in the 1980s and it transformed my concept of God. I began to see Him as doing all that I thought I was supposed to do, only a million times better. What do I mean? I mean He was—is—the Source of the Love I thought I was supposed to give Him.

Somehow I had this idea that God was Someone to pacify, to keep happy, so that one’s life could also be reasonably happy. As a cradle Catholic, my reading of Scripture had been very shallow up til then (that soon began to change) and the only other spiritual book I had read seriously, The Imitation of Christ, is mostly ascetic, with only one section where Christ speaks in consoling words of love to the Soul. So the whole idea that God loved me unconditionally just had not occurred to me.

In this, God Calling, I heard God speaking in the most loving of voices, assuring me of His constant, unconditional, total, forever LOVE. It was what I needed most, when I most needed it. A wonderful daily meditation. Rereading...
8 reviews
March 29, 2009
This book has rocked my world and saved my life over and over again.

It was created long ago in England by two women who were living as roommates and struggling enormously with life so they decided to start having scripture study/prayer sessions. Some time after, the Savior appeared to them and began giving them messages for each day to help them with their lives. The women refused to make themselves known, and instead, asked A. J. Russell to edit their passages and get the messages Christ gave them published.

God speaks to me through this book. Whenever I need some extra help/inspiration, I ask Him to guide me to the passage He wants me to read. Often I am in tears when I see how perfectly the message applied to my problem, and almost always I am inspired with hope and faith and love.

To me, it is a testament to the fact that God loves all His children, and that He blesses the faithful in extraordinary ways.
Profile Image for Marcus.
3 reviews
April 14, 2013
I've stopped reading this book, because I do not accept its premise. There is just something about this that strikes me as wrong.
Profile Image for Andrea.
14 reviews2 followers
November 4, 2014
I read from this book each day. Somehow, the entry for that day seems so particular for me. It's so strange.

For instance, the day that I was in labor and was told I needed a C-section, I read this:

  The difficult way is nearly over, but you have learnt in it lessons you could learn in no other way.... such wonderful things are coming to you, Joy, Peace, Assurance, Security, Health, Happiness, Laughter. 

Claim big, really big, things now. Remember, nothing is too big. Satisfy the longing of My Heart to give. Blessings, abundant blessing, on you both now and always. Peace.

And then this was the next reading:

  I am here. Fear not. Can yu really trust Me? .... Just trust. I cannot, and I will not, fail you. All is well. Courage. Many are praying for you both.

That was so powerful and it felt like it was written just for me. This happens so often with the readings.

The book has some old English grammar and language. And if you can get past some of the heavy religious context in which some of the pages are written, you may find this to be a very powerful daily reader as well.

6 reviews16 followers
September 27, 2013
I could not get past the idea that this is supposed to be the words directly from a higher power--a bit presumptuous in my opinion.
Profile Image for Ron.
Author 1 book149 followers
March 29, 2018
To be honest, I distrust people who put words in God's mouth. By that I mean the form of writing which purports to be the words of God; making the text a second-person monologue. If I'm looking for the "word of the Lord" I know where to find it. If I'm looking elsewhere for it, I need to examine my motives.

God Calling adds the oddity that it was written anonymously in the nineteenth century, making the syntax and grammar occasionally awkward to modern readers.

That aside, devotionals are a good way to propel our thinking away from the world and back toward heaven and therefore serve a useful purpose in many lives. Others are better served by daily reading of the Bible.

Only a few of the 366 reading struck me as out of step with the Bible. Others might have found more . . . or fewer.

A good read.
Profile Image for Julia Serafina.
5 reviews10 followers
September 2, 2011
I was given a 1953 edition of this book, authored by Arthur James, by a missionary travelling through Australia, when I was in my early 20's. I didn't read it straight away, until a few years later, when I unexpectedly came accross it...And do you know, I have read one passage every day since then. And, each year as I re-read over each daily devotional, I find a deeper meaning in the words. A must have book for anyone seeking to understand more about themselves, life and a higher power.
71 reviews3 followers
April 27, 2012
A.J. Russell Said,"I do not belive in the verbal inspirations of this or any book."

This means, "The Two Listeners," took personal artistic liberties through out the pages.

This places a huge slant or spin on how a reader can interpret the first person voice through out the writing.

Was it God, was it Jesus or was was one of the listeners taking turns asserting an authority message?

Personaly, I think the, "Listeners" just read the Bible, placed their own concepts in a book to help other feel good in a world insecurity and uncertainty.

I do not accept the "Listeners," lessons or interpretations of how my life is all planned out. Or their use of the word rapture through out the text. These were clear moments of how the, "Listeners," took liberties to call something "God's," words when it was the, "Listeners," imposing their voice.

Please, give God credit for what is His. Admit what ideas came from man or man's way of thinking.
761 reviews
May 28, 2022
Wow. What an odd little, wonderful devotional! Though written long ago and language more elevated than most devotionals written today, this was a beautiful and obviously God-inspired volume. I found many of the entries timely and deeply meaningful and applicable to my life.
13 reviews
April 8, 2008
I love this book! The text of the book was actually recorded by 2 women who call themselves "The 2 listeners" and wished to remain anonymous. They had the dude, A.J. Russell help them publish the book and put his name on it. These women were supposedly visited by God each day for one year. They wrote down everything he wants to tell our current generation. I read it as a daily morning prayer-type-thing and am often in awe at how each line speaks directly to me and my human experience. I guarantee it will also speak to you and bring you peace in this sometimes sucky world.
Profile Image for Carrie Barton.
71 reviews
February 28, 2009
My reading of this book is an ongoing (almost daily) devotional. I truly believe that the words in this book are from God himself as recorded by the two listeners. If you are a believer, I think that you will find that God speaks to you through this wonderful book. I don't think I'll ever stop reading it, and I believe that God will speak to me through it for a very long time.
Profile Image for Amy Litzelman.
Author 7 books20 followers
March 26, 2011
I am now on my fifth or sixth year of reading this book as a daily, morning devotion. I am amazed over and again how it always speaks to me, although my circumstances change and my spiritual growth continues. But isn't that the way with truth, with God's word? Always appropriate. Always encouraging. Always truth.
1 review1 follower
November 29, 2011
My mother gave me this book before she died, & Ive had it n my bathroom for years. It has saved me so many times, when Ive bn down & depressed, this book somehow knew wut I was goin threw, on that day & time. I love it, people ask me sll the time can they borrow it & I have to tell them no. I think Ill give it as a xmas present this year
184 reviews
November 8, 2013
I found this book on my birthday. I had never heard of it, but I have been reading it daily since then, and rank it with C.S. Lewis and Oswald Chambers for insight into applying the scriptures to daily life.

This is a daily devotion book. I will be reading it for many years, so marking it as read is just a convention for the website.
Profile Image for Jeri.
1 review1 follower
March 26, 2012
this time i get it....God is calling you and He is calling me! a great addition to my daily devotion and prayer times. my son gave me this book for Christmas because he is using it and felt i would benefit from it also, he is correct. I look forward to reading this and listening to God's word! a must have for anyone desiring to know what God wants for all of us!
Profile Image for ~cowgirl J.~.
2 reviews
April 11, 2008
I'v learned things that I thought I always knew but always rejected them.
Now thanks to this book, I know what the definiton of the word
'Happiness' is and Im greatful I no longer define this word like the rest of the world does.
Profile Image for Lauren.
3 reviews7 followers
November 12, 2008
This book was really great for me for a certain time in my life. I remember what it did for me very fondly, even if now I have moved away from some of the ideas there to new awarenesses. A great companion for that part of my journey. Daily reflection book.
34 reviews
August 21, 2008
an AMAZING devotional. A roommate gave it to me a few years ago and I never tire of it! I think I have gone through it a couple of times... at least! I highly recommend this devotional to anyone!!!
37 reviews
March 24, 2008
This isone of my favorite little books. It helped me to
"hear" the Lord's voice.
Profile Image for Adela.
4 reviews
October 31, 2008
LOVE This book. I keep it by my bed and read it every night.
40 reviews2 followers
December 2, 2008
I read this about 30 years ago...It spoke to me then. I can't get rid of it and my copy is ancient.
19 reviews1 follower
February 9, 2009
This is a great daily devotional, from two women who gathered and called themselves "The Listeners," and AJ Russell has simply shared the truth God bestowed upon them during their quiet times.

4 reviews
March 13, 2009
have read this almost daily for years. Great stuff; never gets old.
Profile Image for Heather.
1 review2 followers
March 17, 2009
Beautiful, inspirational and spiritual awakening!
3 reviews1 follower
July 6, 2009
helps keep me in-touch with God on a real level on a day to day basis.
Profile Image for Mary May.
Author 1 book2 followers
Currently reading
August 24, 2009
This book gives the reader a look into the mind of God.
3 reviews
November 2, 2009
Is such a blessing to have the Lord with you, guiding you!
Profile Image for Kathleen.
11 reviews
February 22, 2010
My Mother gave me this book when my Dad passed away. It gave them great comfort and peace when my father was sick. I still read it.
Profile Image for Alexis.
233 reviews4 followers
January 3, 2016
This is a great daily meditation book - I highly recommend it and I plan to start it again - I think it will offer much more based on my own growth and changes in life
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