A Huey P. Newton Story - People - Bobby Hutton | PBS
Roger on the murder of Little Bobby Hutton
Poster of Bobby Hutton after he was murdered
Little Bobby Hutton was the first to join the newly formed Black Panther Party for Self Defense. He was only 16 years old when he joined but already believed in the ideals that Seale and Newton had outlined in the Ten-Point Program; he was dedicated to serving his community.

On April 6, 1968, Oakland police ambushed a carload of BPP members on a side street. An hour and a half shootout ensued, resulting in the death of BPP member Bobby Hutton and the arrest of all others present on the scene. Bobby Hutton was shot more than twelve times after he had already surrendered and stripped down to his underwear to prove he was not armed. The murder of Bobby Hutton was a major event in the party's history: it incensed them and inevitably made them stronger.
December 1966
Bobby Hutton is the first recruit to join the Black Panther Party; he is 16 years old.

May 2, 1967
Hutton leads 26 Black Panthers in a march on the State Capitol in Sacramento to protest the new gun bill and all are arrested.

April 6, 1968
Bobby Hutton is killed during a shootout with police in Oakland.

April 12, 1968
Bobby Hutton's funeral is held at the Ephesians Church of God in Berkeley, California; over 2,000 people attend.
Frontline: interview with Eldridge Cleaver on murder of Bobby Hutton

New York Review of Books:
Violence in Oakland - the murder
of Bobby Hutton
Bobby Hutton, Treasurer of the BPP
The Meaning of Bobby Hutton

Bobby Hutton

April 6, 1968, Oakland, California

Treasurer, Black Panther Party
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